Last updated on February 22nd, 2024 at 11:04 am
Life is a busy race track with obstacles, milestones and fun. No matter where life takes you in the world, it’s up to you to build and maintain relationship both inside and outside the family especially after you have children. Even as an expat, far away from my own family, I am very grateful we have Mr P’s mom nearby. I think it’s important for my children to know their extended family but even greater when they can bond regularly with them too.
Granny has helped us out a lot in the last year as the kids get older and more independent. This weekend she popped over to see them before she goes back to Ireland to her family for a few weeks. The sun was shining and the kids had been inside all week battling the illnesses so she took them out back for some fresh air.
My kids absolutely love Granny and anything to help her out they will gladly get involved in. She can get them to eat their dinners when I can’t. She can get them to stop tantruming when I can’t. She can make doing household chores and gardening fun when I can’t. She just has a magical power over them and they respond to her so well. I will never jump in when she is getting them to do a chore that I really hate doing, like weeding, because somehow she makes even that fun!
Embark on a meaningful gardening journey with Granny by incorporating the unique charm of Welsummer eggs. With their beautiful speckled appearance, these distinctive eggs add nostalgia and tradition to your gardening experience. Join Granny in creating a cozy coop or designated area for Welsummer hens, fostering a connection to nature and family heritage while enjoying the fresh and flavorful eggs they provide.

I sat there in the sun taking it all in for a moment (not that I just sit there while my mother-in-law does chores for me I am not that lazy) but watching their bond and listening to their laughter was amazing and I was grateful that my children have this relationship with her. Watching them smile up at her and waiting for her approval of the weed they just pulled out. The simple things in life are always the best to witness.
Sometimes I get overjoyed that we have a good relationship as mother/daughter in laws go and want to hug her for all she does for us and the kids. They light up when she is around and she fills them with a happiness that is extra special. I would be devastated if they didn’t have that bond in their life. Another person to love them unconditionally, be there for them, and guide them along their journey of growing up.
It doesn’t have to be going out doing anything special to make great memories with Granny. My two are happy enough going out back and kicking the ball, weeding the garden, playing with rocks and finding bugs in the grass with Granny. This is usually how are weekend go when Granny is visiting and she is great at getting the kids to work as a team to get something accomplished. It may look like child labor laws broken but it is teaching them to listen, make decisions, work together, and be helpful and I love that she can teach them life’s lessons through the simplest things such as gardening.
So we enjoyed the sunshine, family time together and the weeding getting done all together. As long as we are laughing, happy and together that’s all that matters whether its Daddy with us, Granny with us or me and the kids flying solo we know how to make the most of everything and everyone!!
Granny’s are the absolute best and your mother in law definitely sounds like she has a magical touch. It’s amazing watching them bond together isn’t it? My z runs rings around my parents but, in turn, they can easily make him so stuff that I can’t!
It’s that grandparent magic isn’t it! So lovely to see and yes I love watching them all together too. I am very lucky.
Ah Granny’s are magical, hehe. Looks like lots of fun, Boo loves her grandma and they always have such fun together =)
I love a good grandparent story. They hold so much value in the kids lives. I am very grateful.
Aww this is so lovely! Gorgeous pics! Isn’t it amazing what Grannies can do, they are magical! My mum lives close by and anything she suggests that her and Lucas do he thinks is amazing – even just sorting out the clean washing 🙂 Glad to see your two are starting to feel better – hope you all have a better week this week xx
Thank you so much. Yes they are on the mend. Thankfully. Grandparents have magical powers for sure.
This is so lovely Jenny- how lovely that they share such a close bond and respond so well to her. This has made me want to get out in the garden with my little boy to show him bugs, rocks and weeds and worms in the garden! You’re so right, it’s lovely to sometimes sit back and enjoy watching them enjoy the simple things in life xx
Thanks Amelia. It really is and I think sometimes we overthink what to do with them when it can simply be right out our front door. Easy and free. They love it.
It sounds like your two have a wonderful relationship with their Granny. Gorgeous photos. Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend x
Thanks Donna it was nice to get some fresh air and just be outside all together.
This is lovely! Grannies are awesome. My two have a great relationship with my Husband’s stepmum. She’s Gran to them in our eyes and theirs. They love going to visit her at her farm and helping with the tractor. She’s really good at getting them to do stuff too. Must be a superpower mums gain when they become grans!
Most definitely. I hope to have that super power one day too. Hahaha so beautiful to watch.
Its lovely when children have such a good relationship with their grandparents and even great grandparents.. Gorgeous post Jenny and beautiful picture xx
Thank you hunny. It was a day and we enjoyed the fresh air and bonding with family as always. I love watching the kids with extended family.
It sounds like Mr P’s Mum is so good to you and helps you out lots, which I bet is most welcome when your own family are so far away. My girls love to go and help their Grandpa in his garden (my dad)- they even have their own little gardening kit there- such a simple pleasure but a lovely one, especially now Spring is nearly here. xx
Thanks hunny. Hahaha yes granny even had gardening tools for them. It was cute.
Aww they look like they’re all having a lot of fun. My little ones love helping their grandad in the garden, especially the weeding and the watering.
Thanks Charlotte. Oh yes my two are partial to the watering can for sure. I had to make sure I bought one for me and one each for them. My plants are never left thirsty anymore. hahaha
It is so lovely to watch your kids with their grandparents. We have both sets really close by and O adores them all, he is so lucky to be spoilt rotten by them. And he loves helping Grandad in the garden too xx
Oh that’s so great to have them both close. Lucky O indeed! More love all around. It’s great that kids always like to help their grandparents out even if it’s actual work. lol
That’s so nice – ours don’t get to see their’s very often as they are so far away but I had that as a child and those special moments still mean so much today #ordinarymoments
Me too, I had so much family around me all the time growing up and I really took it for granted as seeing my kids not have that same network of family I really push them to be close to the ones they do see. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have them all around us?
Aww they’re clearly having a blast, their Granny has a very magical touch! And how lovely to have her close by – all my family are a good way away and there are definitely times when I wish they were nearer for another pair of hands!
Exactly. I am very grateful for the past year that she has been close with us. It’s been so helpful and great for the kids too. It’s hard when family isn’t close by.
Aw, this was a lovely read, so very special the bond your children have with their granny. Grannies really are the most special people they are able to accomplish things us mums can’t at the best of times, like stopping a tantrum. I absolutely laughed out loud when you said: Watching them smile up at her and waiting for her approval of the weed they just pulled out.’ So extra cute and so very true.. !! Kids really do light everything up, getting excited over weeds, so sweet. xx
Lovely photos! I have a great relationship with my mother in law and I’m so lucky to have her when my mum doesn’t live that close. My mother in law can also make everything fun whereas if I was to suggest it I would get moans. Xx
I would get the moans for sure too but somehow when grandparents do it its a creative fun idea. Hahaha they must do it on purpose.