Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:18 am
I love the stage when toddlers begin to speak in complete sentences, when words link up to create more than just caveman babble. My toddler, Buba, recently has hit such a stage and the things that come out of his mouth now, leave us roaring with laughter. I can’t wait till eventually Missy Moo joins in conversation with him. I am curious to see what the two of them will talk about together. Little people conversations are very entertaining. Until then, I will share our { Phrase Day Friday } from Buba and his friends.
This week’s phrase came, I assume from nursery, as neither my husband, P, nor myself have ever said it to him. I was holding Missy Moo in the kitchen, cooking, when P came home from work. We were chatting about his busy day and out of nowhere, Buba walked in from the living room and announced his arrival with a squealing, “Daddy!” His usual hello to P and then…
What surprised us the most was the attitude and body language he displayed while saying it. He had his hands on his hips, head cocked sideways, and the sarcasm in his voice, were all in perfect context and timing. It was the first time he had said something out of his norm and out of the blue. We laughed till our guts started to clench. Missy Moo was amused by our outburst and Buba was highly proud of the attention he just drew in from the entire family. Needless to say, he now says it all the time and we are expected to continue to be a good audience by roaring with laughter.
Are your tots babbling something hilarious? Any funny, one liners? Please share!
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