Sanitising the world naturally with Vital Baby

Last updated on November 16th, 2023 at 05:42 pm

When it comes to sanitising, there are so many products on the market to choose from which can make it a tough decision. So you compare prices, handy bottles, and if it’s user friendly or not. But when it comes to sanitising items for your baby the first thing you will look for as a parent, is if it’s all natural. What’s in it? Could it be harmful to your baby? More than the germs or dirt you are trying to sanitise it from! vital baby aquaint challengenew

I was ever so excited to join a team of bloggers to take the Vital Baby Aquaint Challenge to test out their 100% NATURAL cleansing water for my two little ones. Knowing it kills 99.9% of bacteria in seconds, that I don’t have to wipe it off before contact, and that its’ safe to swallow, reassures me as their mother that it’s the best option when it comes to cleaning anything for my kids. The mini travel size is very handy, too, while out and about. 

My mind was instantly flooded with places where I could use this all natural sanitising water and the things I could use it on. From feeding equipment & toys at home, to days out, to general hygiene and future travels, you really can sanitise anything and everything to protect your children from those easily spreading germs that are always flying around. 

At Home: Feeding

FeedingVitalBaby Most people think about sanitising more in public than at home but the amount of times a spoon gets thrown on the floor, the floor I haven’t had a chance to clean for a few days, we are mothers here, it happens. These are the perfect times to use your sanitising water. I think I have sprayed everything possible in our home, by now. I sprayed  the kids’ highchairs as we all know how nasty they can get, no matter how hard we try to clean them. Having two kids similar in age and sharing everything, I was finding that they were constantly sharing colds and most recently chicken pox. Its hard to keep up with who’s cup is whose and who just had that spoon on the floor. Now, it doesn’t matter I have this all natural sanitising spray to give it a little spritz and give it back to which ever child is claiming it at the time. It’s less likely to spread so many germs this way, especially when they are both sick and I am having to give them calpol. I can spray in between giving it to my son and giving it to my daughter to help eliminate more germ spreading. It’s also great for pacifiers, bottles, formula holders, and snack pots too. We have all done it, the pacifier falls on the ground, we roll it in our own mouths first and give it back to our baby. 

At Home: Play

playAlong side feeding at home, it’s great for play time too. We are constantly having play dates with friends and their kids. So there is a continuous stream of children running through our house and playing with all the toys. We all know how it works at nursery, germs spread like wild fire on toys. Its great to spray all the toys down once before we have a visitor and then once after they leave that way I am helping to not spread my kids’ germs and their kids’ germs don’t linger either. Toys are the first thing that kids run to and without thinking put in their mouth, especially my two kids. I spray all our soothers, teething rings, or hard plastic toys that Missy Moo puts in her mouth on a daily basis. Her bouncer gets a lot of use from friends with smaller babies as well as from her, so I have been using my Aquaint sanitising water on it. The train above is the focal point to every kid that comes through our door. Babies and toddlers alike. The babies all chew on the handles while they sit on it and drool, and the toddlers all sneeze, spit excitedly while they ride it, either way its germ central. It was one of the first toys I started using my Aquaint sanitising water on. 

Days Out

OutforthedayWe are a lively family and always on the go. In garden centres, cafes, grocery stores, and soft play area. When I first took this challenge on I thought in terms of travel or home but slowly it got me thinking about all the public, everyday places we go for days out! The trolleys are a major one for me. Buba always has to grab them tightly the whole time he rides in them, while Missy Moo generally has her mouth around it, gnawing away. To think about how many other kids are just like my kids doing the same thing, that’s a lot of germs harbouring on that bar. So a quick spray down with my Aquaint sanitising water gives me a peace of mind that it’s not as gross and a little more clean. Since my two are still quite young, when we go to cafes to lunch together, we always need two highchairs. I have to say public highchairs always seem to be disgusting. Either they never get cleaned or they get used so often there isn’t time in between so I am always quick to give them a scrub down, because I can’t be sure what the child before Buba ate and his allergies. I love that I have this mini spray to whip out and give it a final sanitising before I put my two kids in them. Same goes for soft play areas, with hundreds of kids going in and out of their bouncers there is never anytime to properly clean them down, I can now spritz them down and hope that the germs stay at bay! 

General Hygiene

handsYes, you can get a bit obsessed with sanitising, but it makes sense to protect our loved ones from unnecessary germ spreading. I have never really thought about it until I saw my daughter crawling down the hall, picking up Daddy’s dirty shoe with her little hands, and then seconds later sucking her thumb. This is one of my favourite things about this product. You can spray it directly on their hands to sanitise knowing there are no chemicals sinking into her skin. It’s safe, it’s all natural, and it only takes a second. I was so surprised watching them this past two weeks and how much their cute, adorable four hands touch dirty, nasty, germ filled things. It’s really made me more aware of their hand hygiene. 


travellingWith a mini size sanitiser, you can take it with you anywhere. We travel A LOT in this family being of international origin so this is perfect for us to bring along on all our future plane rides. My son, Buba has extreme allergies so I am constantly having to wipe down and sanitise the aeroplane armrest, trays, window sills when we get aboard. This will be great to give me that extra added sanitising step. I can spray it and let it do it’s magic. Everyone knows you come in contact with so many colds and flus when travelling by aeroplane, buses, and trains. We are always getting off the plane to find one of us has caught something. It’s nice to now have this mini sprayer to quickly disinfect things that my kids are going to be touching or even possibly putting in their mouths. Missy Moo, my 10 month old is constantly chewing on anything she can. So I will be able to easily spray things right before she sticks it in her mouth knowing it’s safe and she won’t be consuming any chemicals. Of course, when you travel there are always going to be restaurant visits too. I will now be travelling with my mini spray to spray down those public highchairs, and restaurant tables where my kids’ food will be placed, if you want to be extra cautious why not spray down those utensils too? 

overallTake a minute and look around your home, you will find many things that come into contact with your kids that you can sanitise. This is only a small portion of what I found.  What would you use it on? 

Available to purchase at Boots, Mothercare, John Lewis, Ocado, and Amazon.

Come see what the rest of the team of bloggers used their Aquaint Sanitising Water on….

I am sending you to the lovely Kate from Family Fever.  

* I was sent this product for the purpose of this review but the photos and opinions are my own. 

 We're going on an adventure

17 thoughts on “Sanitising the world naturally with Vital Baby”

  1. what a great round up and that trolley has defiantly so many germs on them i will do that from now on every time too! great review! x

  2. Great review, it is surprising when you sit down to think about it just how many things with germs we come into contact with!! #triedtested

    • I know I never thought about it until I was asked to do this review. It’s crazy. I may have become a little obsessed now with it. hahaha

  3. I love the fact that you can use this on anything including hands!!!

    Great review lovely!



  4. I tried Aquaint products last year. I think it was the same thing or something very similar. I found it cleaned everything well and without all the harmful chemicals.
    #tried and tested

    • That’s great, glad you had a chance to try it too. I has made me really think about what my kids put in their mouth and where their hands have been. lol

    • Thank you I was really impressed with it too. Now I have it I think more in terms of what my kids are touching which I should have a long time ago.

  5. I am considering using this when i am travelling however am unsure how i would do this for bottles and dummies. Can you tell me how you did it as most alternative products suggest using a container.



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