No for the most part they both have been happy with them. A little hot and testy here and there but smiles which is good. They both were SOO sick last week now I know why! lol
I know I have never had them myself so I always envisioned really really sick children. Although they both were extremely sick last week. So now I know before the break out. Hoping it will scab over quick and be gone! Thanks for hosting.
Oh no, horrible chicken pox 🙁 The boys both had them a couple of years ago, one after the other, so a month of quarantine in our house! Eldest was far worse than his brother, he had them everywhere, mouth, eyes, ears, hair… And, I was 15w pregnant, and hadn’t had them… That was a little panic! Hope your two recover quickly, and at least it’s over and done with then!
Ahh bless him, hope he`s not suffering too bad?? Looks like a happy chappy xx
Oh dear, hope he’s not suffering too much. Good he’s got it out of the way early.
Oh bless him. I’m glad he’s not letting the dreaded pox get him down too much. Such a cute smile. x
Poor Buba, at least he’s still smiling! Hope he’s not been suffering too much and they clear up soon x
Oh the wee pet! Chicken pox are rotten 🙁 Hope you are all surviving OK – I know how rotten this is for the parents as well!!xxx
Aww no, hope he’s doing ok and they go quickly xx
Chicken Pox?
Better to get them over with when they are young x
dreaded chicken pox?? hope he feels better asap x
Thank you it’s so bad. Missy Moo has them too but not as bad. I think the younger the better.
Oh poor thing x #mysundayphoto
I know I feel completely helpless for him. Hope it scabbed over soon.
awww no, chicken Pox is horrid! my eldest suffered pretty Badly with them… Hopefully they gone very soon! #MySundayPhoto
Me too, Buba’s are way worse than Missy Moo’s. But they both seem to be pretty content. A little whiny but not too bad.
Oh bless him. He doesn’t look like he is suffering too much? x
No for the most part they both have been happy with them. A little hot and testy here and there but smiles which is good. They both were SOO sick last week now I know why! lol
Oh no, itchy spots. Hope they go away quickly.
Me too, They are absolutely everywhere on both kiddies. Pox House! For sure.
Good to see it’s not keeping him down.
Thank you for linking up
I know I have never had them myself so I always envisioned really really sick children. Although they both were extremely sick last week. So now I know before the break out. Hoping it will scab over quick and be gone! Thanks for hosting.
Oh no! Chicken pox! Hope he’s not too poorly x
Happiest child with chicken pox =P #mysundayphoto
I’m glad he’s feeling better.
Oh bless, the pox is awful. Lovely to see him looking so happy regardless!
When a child looks so happy, a parent is doing something very right
Oh no, horrible chicken pox 🙁 The boys both had them a couple of years ago, one after the other, so a month of quarantine in our house! Eldest was far worse than his brother, he had them everywhere, mouth, eyes, ears, hair… And, I was 15w pregnant, and hadn’t had them… That was a little panic! Hope your two recover quickly, and at least it’s over and done with then!
Ah bless him. What a cutie. I hope he is better soon x
Thank you Aby. I hope so too.