Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 08:52 am
Parenting is an amazing journey that is filled with priceless moments. When parents go out to shop for their babies, even the smallest things that they purchase for their little one have tons of emotions attached to them. However, purchasing baby gear can often be more challenging than it may seem. From clothes and diapers to strollers and cribs, there are hundreds of things that you will have to buy for your little one.

When Should I Start Shopping For My New Baby?
As with most things when it comes to being a parent, there is no right answer. Many people prefer to wait until the first trimester is over and they have had their first scan (around 12-13 weeks), however there is nothing wrong with buying things before that if you want to. Getting everything that you need can be expensive, so it is a good idea to start budgeting right from the beginning. You can spread the costs by buying throughout your pregnancy, or save until towards the end and buy everything all at once.
When you are buying big items, like furniture, there can sometimes be long delivery times. Be aware of this when you are shopping so you don’t get caught by surprise.
Can You Buy Baby Things Second Hand?
Yes! A lot of people are not sure if you can buy a pram second hand, or a crib or toys, but you totally can. it is a really cost effective way to prepare for a baby and can dramatically reduce your costs. Second hand baby items are perfectly safe to use in many circumstances. Make sure you give them a wipe and clean before hand and you’ll have grabbed yourself a bargain.
That said, it is still recommended that you purchase a new mattress for each baby and that you don’t use a second hand car seat. This is because you can’t be sure it hasn’t been in an accident or that it has been stored correctly, which could affect it’s integrity in a crash.
Shopping for a baby can be a mine field and it is often hard to know where to start. So, here we are with some of the biggest challenges of buying new baby gear and the ways to tackle these issues.
Things To Consider When Buying Items For Your Baby
1. Getting The Right Fit for Clothes
Babies can grow very quickly, which means that the cute, funny clothes that you purchased for your baby in heaps may not fit them a couple of months later.
What you can do to counter this is to purchase clothes that are slightly bigger than your baby’s actual size. This is because your little one will gain 1 pound and lengthen by 1 inch every month, on average.

Moreover, you can also earn through your baby’s clothes – clothes for babies can also be reused. You can auction these clothes by listing them on different marketplaces. However, run a thorough comparison between different platforms like Crosslist vs MyDesignShop, Vendoo vs List Perfectly, Serpstat vs Hello Bar, DiscountMugs vs TinyIMG, etc. to know which of these would be the best suited for re-selling.
2. Purchasing the Right Toys
Children often tend to get a little rough with their toys. This may lead to broken toys. The problem is that anything that your baby can hold will surely end up in their mouth, including their toys.
Check out these 10 must-have baby items for the first year for ideas on what to buy
So, think about the material that the toys are made of. Take into account whether or not they have been manufactured according to any set standards. Also, it would be better to purchase toys that can withstand a bit of bashing. For children less than a year old stuffed toys are ideal, as it is quite unlikely for children to get hurt using them. Also, they can endure the rough treatment that they may get at your child’s hand.
3. Buying Skin-Friendly Skin Care Products
Getting the right skincare products for your baby can be a nightmare for you as a parent. Your baby’s skin is developing during the first few months. Their skin is more sensitive and fragile. Also, it is less resistant to allergens, irritants, and bacteria that may cause irritation by penetrating your baby’s skin.
Therefore, avoid products that contain dyes and chemicals that may trigger allergic reactions. Try sticking to products that are as close to natural as possible.
I can help you learn how to use reusable baby wipes to keep all harsh chemicals away from your baby’s skin
4. Diapers
Newborns soil their diapers about eight to twelve times a day. So, you must find diapers that can keep your baby dry and comfortable for a long period.
However, just like skincare products, wrong diapers can lead to allergic reactions and rashes; make sure to get a diaper that is soft and made of skin-friendly materials. Go for lightweight diapers that are absorbent and hypoallergenic. Also, nowadays diapers come with a wetness indicator that can help you figure out whether or not your child actually needs changing. This way, you won’t have to change it unless it’s really necessary.
5. Getting the Perfect Stroller
While babies love to go on pleasant stroller rides, strollers can burn a hole in your pocket if you don’t get them right.
Avoid purchasing plastic strollers if the roads in your neighborhood are rough, as they won’t be able to survive for long. Also, if your baby is still an infant, you might have to get a car seat or an optional bassinet attached to make the stroller infant-friendly – not all strollers are suited for infants.
Moreover, look for strollers that can be folded and unfolded with ease as there might be times when you will have to handle them while holding your baby or some other stuff. So, it’s better to check before you purchase.
Just like clothes, strollers can be reused. You can even choose to make some money out of it by listing it on online marketplaces. All you need to do is follow some tried and tested reselling tips like clearly mentioning how long you have used the stroller and describing its functionalities in detail.
Bottom Line
These were the 5 biggest challenges that almost all parents face when buying things for their babies. However, you can easily scale these challenges with a bit of planning. Remember that your child is your pride and joy, and requires all of your attention – especially during the first few months! Strive to buy and do whatever is the best for them. This means it would be worthwhile to carry out a little due diligence before you purchase anything for your baby.
Gilles Couvreur is the founder of Crosslist, a productivity tool that allows sellers to list quickly on the world’s largest online marketplaces. In his free time, he loves to share simple tips that help resellers reach more customers.
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