How To Prepare Your Kids For Moving Home

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 01:44 pm


Moving home can bring new and exciting opportunities. Perhaps you’re moving because of a new job or a better school. Maybe your family has outgrown your current house and your new one offers more space. 

However, moving home with children can have its challenges. Even if you’re ready to move on, your children may take more time to come around to the idea. So, how can you prepare your kids for a home move? Take a look at these tips.

Talk About It

In the lead up to moving day, it’s important to talk about what’s happening. Even young children will be able to comprehend moving to a different home but the more details you can give, the better. This is especially true if the move will entail moving to a new school too.

For young children, it can seem like their whole world is changing and it may be worrying for them. Getting them used to the idea can take time so be sure to use all the time you have to explain the changes.

Take Them To See Their New Home

Taking your kids to see their new home can help to put their mind at rest. Talk about how you will use the spaces. Get your kids excited about decorating their bedrooms and which area they might use to play.

This is a great way to help your kids start visualizing the property positively. Once they can see themselves living there, the rest should fall into place easily.

Get Them Involved 

It can help to get your kids involved in the moving process. Make sure you have plenty of moving boxes from phs Teacrate and you can ask your kids to start packing things from their bedrooms in the lead up to moving day. 

Be sure to clearly mark the boxes so they’re easy to unpack when you arrive at your new home. You can also ask their opinion on new furniture, colour options, and more. The more involved they feel, the easier the whole process will be on them.

Visit The Area

If you’re moving to a new area, your kids may want to know what they can do for fun. Are there any parks near your home? Perhaps there’s a local farm. 

Research local attractions and let your kids know where they can spend their time. Once you know what’s in the area, take a visit so you can all experience what your new life has to offer. The more visits you make in the lead up to your move, the more likely it is that your kids will make friends with local kids before they start school.

Ask Them What They’re Thinking

You’ll never be able to guess what your child is thinking. More often than not, parents worry that children have anxiety about starting a new school when it’s often something easily fixable. If you can see that your children are anxious about the move, talk about what they’re feeling. 

Spend some quality time with your children doing something they love and then sit and talk. It may take a while but you should learn more about what’s on their minds. You can then reassure them if you’re able to. 

Choose Your Moving Day

You’ll want to choose your moving day with your children in mind. Although you want them to be part of the process, young children can make moving more difficult. Some parents choose to move during school time so they have the majority of the day to prepare the new home.

However, other parents find it easier to move during the summer holidays when children aren’t in school. Think about what will suit you best and remember to arrange childcare if you need it. 

Have Fun With It

Moving day can be stressful but it’s important to remember that moving day is the first experience your child will have with your new property. This is an opportunity to make good memories with your family. You can have some fun in your new property by all sleeping downstairs together on the first night.

If your children are older, you could play a game of hide and seek while you’re unpacking. How about pizzas on top of cardboard boxes for dinner? It may make the process longer but your kids will look back on it fondly.

Keep Essentials Aside

When you’re moving with children, you may need to put your hands on things quickly. Don’t pack everything in boxes just to find you need to take it all out again. Keep a few boxes aside for moving day boxes.

Pack everything you’ll need for your kids in these boxes and take them in the car with you instead of loading them on a moving van. Your kids may want things like toys, devices, extra clothing, snacks, and blankets. If you can put your hands on what you need when you need it, the day will go a lot smoother.

Settle In

It can take some time to truly feel at home in a new property. You can help your kids settle in by unpacking some of their things first. The more familiar things they have around them, the more it will start to feel like home. 

Take your time exploring the house and getting used to the new environment. You don’t have to do everything in one day. Set the tone with your kids by remaining calm and relaxed as you make this new house your home.

Moving home is never easy but the more prepared you are, the easier it will be to find solutions to problems. Remember to be patient with each other and know that everything will fall into place with time.

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