7 Ways To Selling Your Home Quickly

Last updated on October 1st, 2023 at 04:17 pm

What’s more stressful than buying a new home—selling one. Let’s face it, navigating through all the paperwork, a fluctuating housing market and managing the uncertainty of your deal falling through at the last minute, makes selling your home quickly, frustrating and at times, painful.

When it comes to selling your home, there are lots of variables to deal with—the buyers, the agent, the buyers’ buyers, your sellers just to name a few. Even more so, if you’re in a rush to sell you’ve got even more pressure to deal with than someone who is willing to wait for the perfect buyer.

But, if you want to limit the anxiety, prepare beforehand and take time look after yourself too. By keeping a clear head throughout the process you’ll be far better equipped to cope when things don’t go according to plan.

7 Ways to Sell a House Quickly

Here are seven ways to help you better manage the stress of selling your home quickly.


Getting your home sale-ready is vital, especially if you don’t want it to languish on market for ages.

If you have the time and budget to redecorate—great.

But, if you don’t, a total declutter is the next best thing. Aim to remove at least 70% of your stuff from wardrobes, cupboards and rooms—this includes bulky furniture, personal items, memorabilia and family photos. Also, make sure you de-personalise your home as this will help buyers imagine themselves living in it.

Sure, it might feel like a headache to do it, but it will make your home feel bigger, brighter and more attractive.

And, as an extra plus point, a minimal space has more flow and is therefore far more pleasant to spend time in than being surrounded by clutter.

Prepare paperwork

Maybe you’ve already found your next dream home, but the sellers are inpatient. So, you need a quick sale to avoid losing out. If this it the case, make sure you have your house selling documents, certificates, banking details all prepared and ready to go.

Plan ahead

Even if it looks like a sure-fire deal, till the keys are in your hand (or in your buyers), things can go wrong till very last minute. We know people can change their minds. So, try to take the uncertainty in your stride. Rather than worrying throughout the entire process about the deal collapsing, instead take time to plan beforehand how you’ll deal with potential issues. Stay flexible but realistic and have a clear pre-agreed plan what you deem as acceptable or what not. So, when faced with decisions, you can make informed choices.

Take a break

You don’t need to be around the whole-time sneaking peeks at prospective buyers or calling your estate agent after every viewing to get feedback. Take a break. Evenings and weekends are traditionally busy times for prospective buyers to view homes. Got out, meet-up with friends or enjoy family dinners in your favourite restaurant. Better still, book a weekend away somewhere nice and forget about the sale for a few days. When you come back, you’ll feel refreshed and calm and far better prepared to deal with any hiccups.

Move out

Avoid the viewings circus entirely by moving out and renting whilst you try to sell your home. In doing so you can remove the stress of timescales, the constant pressure of keeping the place spotless and buyer friendly. It will also give some distance, which will help you make far clearer decisions about next steps.


Don’t forget about ‘me’ time. Looking after yourself and your well-being is even more important during times of stress. So, go to that yoga class or go running—whatever way you like to unwind. And, remember to eat well, have early nights and to take a moment to just breathe and be. And, if there’s an unexpected spanner in the works, step back from the situation for a moment before you react—this will help you get a clearer perspective so you avoid any rash choices you might regret later.

Cash buyer

Finally, remove all stress and sell to house buyers such as House Buy Fast. They will take care of the entire process on your behalf, leaving you free to put your feet up and relax.

Have you had a trouble selling your home quickly? Have you tried something not on our list here? Do comment below and let us know what worked for you! We love helping those looking to move onto that next chapter in their life.




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