Me & Mine {April}

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 09:00 am

April, my dear April, how good and bad you were to us. This month has been one emotional roller coaster for me. The beginning of the month I said goodbye to my mother visiting us. I am awful at goodbyes and it’s hard for me to have her be so far away from us. While we made the most of her being here it’s never easy to keep explaining to the kids where Grandma’s has gone and why she can’t come back over to play. 

This month we also headed to France to visit our friends that live there. We usually go every year to see them and their two beautiful daughters are the same ages are ours so it’s always a great trip. While we still had an amazing time, B got sick and ended up in the doctors again not at severe as our last France visit but nevertheless it didn’t make this one any easier. With a severe throat infection he didn’t eat or hardly drink for days. The skinny kid that he already is I was so worried about him. Added on top of Mr P’s coughing from the last six weeks or so and MM’s chest infection prior to France we haven’t been the healthiest family lately. 

So the end of April, we said goodbye to you and look forward to May throwing us back in the ring, healthy, happy and full of more adventures to come. My brother is visiting next week for the first time ever and we are off to Spain to visit some more friends. Let’s just hope there are no more illnesses to plague us all for awhile. 

Me & Mine April a monthly family portrait project

Mommy is loving…

Getting back into buying real books and sitting down to read more.

All the traveling we are doing at the moment as a family.

Kettlebell workouts on youtube.

Daddy is loving…

Being on the golf club team again.

The sun that has been visiting us more lately.

His manly new firepit in the back yard.

B is loving…

Kids magazines (a recent discovery).

Learning Spanish with his nursery friends.

Trains and cars galore.

MM is loving…

Traveling with us and being on family adventures.

Her new pigtails.

Her very first bike (that she has mastered and yet B still can’t ride). 

Me & Mine April a monthly family portrait project

Together we are loving…

The quality time together abroad.

Our upcoming two months in America.

Family visiting us more than ever this year. (Grandma & Uncle R).

Moving the kids into big kid rooms.

Playing outside in the sunshine more.

Me & Mine April a monthly family portrait project

Oh my two children really do look the part this month of pure misery. I swear they do smile all the time but lately, if I bring the camera out the smiles fade quickly. This month’s captures show just how NOT impressed everyone is to be taking our family captures. But to me they are still memories together, they are still captures that tell me a story about their little personalities at the time the photo was taken. It’s a glimpse into our normal everyday life of two toddlers and the things they don’t like or do like. 

Each month, I say I don’t know how we got to the end of the month already but this month I do know, our social calendars, on top of work calendars, and doctors appointments this month have been out of this world. And it’s nowhere I am exhausted and feeling like I blinked and it was all over with. I don’t mind if the months feel fast as long as we are making the most of it and keeping busy on our family adventures together. 

I absolutely love this project and capturing my family. I love that it motivates me to capture us each month and I also know that I will cherish all these family portraits forever. I am excited to be sending you over to the gorgeous creator and host of Me & Mine, Lucy at Dear Beautiful. Please stop by and see her very first Me & Mine of five!!! Bump watch included!!!! 

Don’t forget Me & Mine has amazing perks for linking up. Each month one lucky family will WIN a photo prize from PhotoBox. I wish you all good luck and thanks for joining us in celebrating family portraits everywhere! I look forward to reading them all over the next few weeks. 

We have been shortlisted for the #Bibs2015 Video Category, would love your VOTE here please!

41 thoughts on “Me & Mine {April}”

  1. Oh bless them they don’t look very impressed do they – I’m so glad it’s not just mine!! Your months make me feel tired just to hear about them so I can only imagine how tired you actually feel! Hopefully with the weather getting to be so lovely all of our calendars can calm down and the sunshine can chase all those horrid germs away!!

    • I really hope you are right Carie. No they were not impressed one bit but that’s life and we had to captures us each month in our true form. They were definitely not on form in France. But we made the most of it anyways. lol Thanks hun.

  2. It is so hard when little ones are ill and especially when away from home. The months just keep flying by but looking forward to hearing all about your US trip this summer. Hoping to head to States in July but only for a couple weeks. Have fun with your brother. Big Hug!

    • Thanks Christina. I hope the weather is nice for his visit here. Oh where are you off to in the states? Sounds like a lovely two weeks vacay!!! Thank you.

  3. They are still beautiful photos, even if the little ones are looking less than impressed! This has been quite a month for you and I hope that May is better, I don’t know how you do it so far away from your Mum and I can imagine it would be difficult to say your goodbyes. Sounds like you have some fun adventures planned though and maybe those smiles will be back for your photos. Depending on what day I catch Lucas I can get a full blown cheeky smile or a complete meltdown, haha! #meandmine

    • Oh the joys and lives of blogger children. Bless them when they are older I often wonder if they will love us or hate us for our blogs and photos and cameras in their face. hahaha only joking they get some much freebies it’s like marketing bribery to children. hahaha Yes mine this month definitely less than impressed as they both were not well on the beach day we wanted.

  4. Beautiful photos even if your little ones are a little less happy in them this month – it does sound like it has been a bit of a rollercoaster of a month for you – hope May will be a better one.

    • Oh thank you. Even though my kids look absolutely miserable in all of them. haahhaa That’s life. Took the photo anyways! hahaha Have a great weekend hun.

  5. WOW sounds like you have had a very hetic month with illnesses and visits, I hope May isn’t full of illnesses for you all and you can get some bigger smiles. Like you said it is all memories and document your month

  6. Gorgeous photos of you and your family Jenny. Yay for travelling lots as a family, but boo to being unwell – hope everyone is feeling much better now! xx

  7. Such lovely photos – glad you could smile through the germs. I read your post about travelling with children as well today – I miss drinking and sleeping on planes too!

  8. I’ve never been much of a traveller, but remember a trip to Paris with a friend very fondly. I’d love to take my husband and kids one day. Not brave enough to get the girls on a plane yet though. Apart from our honeymoon – in Devon – my husband and I have never been on a proper holiday together, without children. The one and only one we planned got cancelled by snow! I hold onto the hope that at some point in our future we’ll have a grown up holiday! Your children will have such fab memories. Great photos.

    • Oh yes it’s definitely been an up and down month for us. Hoping May goes more smoothly as we have a lot on still. I think with a lot of traveling you are always going to get the germs on the plane. Thanks.

    • Oh thanks Katy. They were troopers for sure. Very busy lately and it’s only going to get busier this month and next. When school starts in September.

  9. Awww. Jenny, lovely photos despite the disgruntled faces, and let’s be honest, that’s the reality of life with toddlers, right?! Sometimes they perform, sometimes they don’t… Sorry to hear illness put a bit of a downer on your French trip. Here’s hoping your trip to the USA is healthy and happy!

    • Thank you Claire. Yes sad faces all around. Hoping May’s photos make up for it. lol No illnesses for awhile here hopefully too. Yes USA here we come.

  10. Such gorgeous photos. Sorry to hear you have all been poorly, fingers crossed that May is much better for you 🙂
    Becky xx

    • Thanks Sonia. I love my hair up and curled so much easier to do it that way then any other. I love a good top knot but dont’ think they look good on me. lol Yes no more illnesses hopefully for a while.


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