Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 08:47 am
The chances are high that the last time you decorated your bathroom you made a whole range of mistakes. Many of which you are probably already suffering the consequences of. The good news is that you can find out about the most common bathroom decorating mistakes below, and what to do instead the next time!

Don’t carpet the floors
No matter what any of the home interior magazines tell you, carpet in any bathroom is never OK. In a bathroom featuring a toilet or shower carpet is a downright travesty and unhygienic to boot. Instead, a waterproof and easily washable floor is crucial and that often means tiles are best.
Indeed, a tiled bathroom floor can work very well because not only is it robust, water resistant and easy to clean, but it can be used to create some wonderful aesthetics as well. Choose from plain white tiles to make a small bathroom look larger, or checked, patterned, or colourful tiles to add texture and interest.
However, a word to the wise concerning tiled bathroom flooring is that it’s always better to have a professional install it rather than go the DIY route. This is because installing tiles, especially on a horizontal surface can be tricky as there are a range of tasks that must be completed right such as getting them to sit flat.
Don’t paint the walls
If you are painting the walls in your bathroom, STOP! Yes, it can seem quicker, and easier than tiling them, but tiles are used on bathroom walls as well as floors for a reason, and it is that they repel all the water that is splashed about in the room.
Unfortunately, tiles can also be expensive, and complicated to put up correctly without costly professional help. The good news is that there are alternatives like wall panels to consider. Waterproof, easy to install, as well as durable, such panels provide an attractive alternative to both tiling and painted walls in your bathroom.
Don’t choose a shower screen
Have you ever scrubbed a shower screen covered in watermarks? If so then you’ll know keeping it clear, sparkling, and free of mould is an almost impossible task! That is why you should always think twice about installing a shower screen, and instead consider a shower curtain.
One of the best things about a shower curtain is that it can be unclipped and taken down regularly and washed in a standard washing machine. Thereby keeping it clean and mould-free. Another great thing about a shower curtain is that they tend to be relatively inexpensive and so can be replaced when you fancy a new look, design or pattern.
Don’t leave clutter on the surfaces
Whether it’s objet d’art or shampoo bottles, clutter on bathroom surfaces is a big no-no. Clutter is not only bad in terms of decor, but it also makes keeping your bathroom space clean and tidy a nightmare as well. After all, the bathroom is where you wash and scrub and that means lots of dampness and dust in the atmosphere to stick to anything that is lying about.
To that end, it’s always a good idea to install plenty of storage in your bathroom. Then you can keep bottles of shampoo, shower gel and conditioner away. It also makes sense to have specific receptacles in which to keep your toothbrush and soap, as this will ensure they stay tidy and clean.
Don’t forget to add a mirror
If you don’t have a mirror in your bathroom, you have got things wrong. After all, it’s a space in which many people get ready, wash, shave, and apply their makeup so they must have a mirror to guide them in these processes. A bathroom mirror can also serve other functions as well including reflecting light and making your bathroom space feel larger. Finally, a good mirror will also finish off the space perfectly and help bring the other elements of decor together.
With that in mind, it’s important that you carefully think about the type of mirror that you will put up in the bathroom area. First of all, that means considering the size of the mirror, as larger ones can offer more functionality as well as make your bathroom seem as large as possible.
You’ll also need to consider the aesthetics of the mirror, and in particular, it can be a great way to introduce a specific style note such as a wooden, or metallic frame. Last of all, do consider whether you will add additional lighting around your bathroom mirror as this can help you get a much clearer idea of your reflection when getting ready in the morning.
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