Last updated on July 28th, 2020 at 10:54 am
Each year we descend on my parents’ house in the west coast woodlands of America. We bond with family, catch up with friends, and make summer memories to remember. Each week while we are there we make sure to take a trip to the City Beach. I have so many memories here as a child myself, I really want my kids to share that same childhood summer memories. There is no better feeling than the sun on your back and your toes in the sand. I am so relieved my kids love the water as much as I do. Mr P is learning to love it too.
We have had friends and family days at the beach over the summer playing with extended cousins, learning how to paddle board or catching up with friends that live far away that came to visit. It’s the perfect catch up and meeting place. There is so much for the kids to do on the beach, playground and let’s not forget an ice cream cone or two. This year was so much better than last year as the kids were more confident in the water and older so I felt more confident about having two at the beach with me.
You can tell at the beginning of our trips we are all pasty white which really makes me laugh and over the course of our two month family vacation, we have all turned golden brown, blonder hair, and more mature, well the kids not so much me. lol Daddy came to the beach with us, childhood best friends spend the summer on the beach with us, aunts, uncles and cousins came to play in the sand and even a close friend drove 14 hours to spend the weekend at the beach with us too. I am forever grateful for how much effort everyone makes to come make memories with us each year. I owe them all so much in return. The kids always feel so loved and at home here in America. Here are our few our favorite beach day memories in America.
(photo packed below)We are childhood best friends, our fathers are best friends, and now our daughters (born on the same day) are best friends. It’s so hard to spend the summers with these two and then have to wait another year before we see them again. I wish it always could be all of us together. We don’t have much time left here and we are making the most of it by seeing each other as much as possible. I will miss them so much when I return to the UK. I already can’t wait to be back next summer to be with them again. They do so much for us and we don’t go a day or two without being together in the summer. We have so many life long memories together that will never be forgotten. I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend by myself going through life together, even if it’s an ocean away. I can see us both old and grey and still laughing about silly things we used to get up to.
The more we went to the beach the more confident the kids got in their swimming and venturing out. Our City Beach is awesome because it is shallow and very gradually gets deeper and deeper which makes great water play for toddlers without going over the heads. I could really see how much it helped the kids get to know waves and when a boat went by they learned quickly it will knock them over. We spend so much time outdoors in the fresh air this summer, I feel our batteries are all recharged for the long winter ahead. May it be enough to last until we see the sun again.
The kids loved playing with all their cousins as much as their friends. I hope each year we will continue to come here and spend quality time with family. Their cousins are all starting to get to that age they want to babysit and help out with the kids which is amazing too. I love watching them all bond and grow together each summer.
My close friend came over from Seattle to stay with us and we hit the beach for a weekend of fun in the sun. At 30 weeks pregnant I can’t believe she made the 14 hour + drive with her toddler in tow, to see us and it meant the world we got more time with them both this summer. The boys really hit it off and were splashing, swimming and playing with their cars none stop. It was sad to say goodbye to them when they had to go home. I had a blast catching up with one of my closest friends from Seattle where I went to university. It’s great when you get to mixed your hometown life with your university life as mine our states apart. She makes that long journey each year to see me and I fly over to see her, each year and she is such a great friend and one I will always be here for.
These two make my heart melt and their bond and love has grown so much over this summer. They have had to rely solely on each other a lot more here with no swimming, music, and nursery classes to socialize at. Lately, they are completely inseparable more than ever. I caught them walking around the water edge holding hands and talking about sandcastles. It was the cutest moment ever and I wish I could have caught their facial expressions here but I didn’t want them to see me. You can see in their shadow they are holding hands and the corner of their mouths smirking. Whatever it was, it was fun together.
Our very last visit and photo on the City Beach this year. We say goodbye to the beach along with family and friends this next week then we will be back in the UK. I hope to bottle up all the sunshine and hot weather and bring it back with us. I can’t forget all these amazing memories we have made this summer. It’s truly been the best summer ever. I hope the kids can remember pieces of it too.
Until next year…
Oh what beautiful photos of such a happy summer. I’m sure they will remember bits of it darling, even if it’s not the complete details, it will be the feeling of happiness and love that they remember! Glad you have all had such a lovely time. I think when you’re an expat living from home doing something like this each year is so important xx
I really hope you are right Kiran and if not they can read all about it here I guess and see our instagram feed to recall details. lol I have been flowing it all summer hope no one minds. haha We have had the best summer ever. I can’t complain and the weather never has been this good the entire time I am blessed for sure. I really want the kids to know both sides of the family and both cultures.
Beautiful pictures! I can completely relate to bringing your kids to the place where you grew up and where you have so many childhood memories—we also just got back from a vacation to the West Coast, and it was so special to me to have my son experience the beach and relive some of my childhood memories there. It must be so hard for you to have to wait a whole year until the next time, but that just makes it even more special. Enjoy the rest of your time here!
You are so right Sharisse, it really does make you appreciate it more and it that much more special for sure. Glad you had such a great time west side too. It’s a beautiful part of the world and so lovely you get to travel with your son. What a great experience. We can’t wait until next year.
Aww what a lovely set of memories you make each Summer, going home and spending time with friends and family. It must be so hard to leave! And how cute is it that all those friendships have stuck in the family; father, daughter and now daughter’s daughters! A lovely post and such beautiful pictures. (P.S. How many bikinis do you own?!) xx #ShareWithMe
Beautiful photos, as always. I love spending days on the beach. I’m intending to do it a lot more now the baby is getting bigger. Is it hard to keep your little blondies from burning? This summer in Spain I burnt wearing factor 50, even reapplying every few hours.
What a wonderful opportunity and so great to see your friends but so hard to leave them at the end. Love your photos as always. Kirsten
You are all definitely having a fantastic time and every time I click on a new post Bubba looks like he’s shot up even more, what are you feeding him? 🙂 They look like they’re having the time of their lives and the photos are so lovely!!
Amazing photos! What a wonderful experience for them. I am sure they will remember these amazing times when they grow up xx
The beach looks gorgeous – the water is amazing! SO many memories this summer; looks like a fab summer. Time for the next adventure now ….
It looks and sounds like you have had such an amazing summer in America. I love how your children are getting to enjoy and make memories in places you did as a child xx
Err you look so amazing! I wish I looked like you do in a bikini! These are gorgeous photos, what a lovely experience for the little ones x
Oh thank you Sian that’s so nice of you. It’s been a long hard 30 day diet and workout to get me there lets just hope I can keep it like this now. Maintenance is the hard part! We have had an amazing summer no doubt and so grateful to my family and friends around us.
Lovely pictures – look like fantastic days on the beach & with old friends! #sharewithme
What awesome photos and such a lovely place to spend the summer! You must miss it so much when you get back here. I think it’s brilliant that you keep in touch and make the effort to see old friends I wish it was something I did more!
Oh yes I am huge on staying close to my childhood friends, my university friends and my extended family back home. It’s so important to share love and support to all those that have touched your life. I think it’s good for the kids to see too and understand friendship can be just as important and supportive as family can be sometimes. I am very blessed with lots of loved ones around us each summer.
Beautiful pictures! I’m glad you managed to have such a wonderful time, and I’m sure the kids will remember bits of this experience, and you have these wonderful images to show to them and jog their memory when they’re older.
Lovely to see all your sunny photos on Facebook, and to read all about your summer adventures here. How lovely that you can give your children a sample of what your childhood was like, it’s so hard with family so far away my OH’s family are all in NZ and when you have kids it is a heartache for them to be away from grandparents so i can relate!
what beautiful pictures ! That first one made me stop for a moment before
continuing because it took me right back to my own childhood and loving just standing for ages loving the feeling of the wet sand under my feet and between my toes 🙂
I know you are creating beautiful memories for your children that will last a lifetime.
They will also be getting the most wonderful examples of family and friendships and the lengths people will go to for each other.
So wonderful for families to get together like this and the love between you all just shines in all your faces.
Thanks for sharing this with us,
Oh thank you for your beautiful comment Sarah that is so sweet of you to say. Thanks for stopping by. I love that first one too. It really pulls you in for your own memories of summer doesn’t it? Thank you.
I’ll be seeing some of my childhood friends that I rarely get to see anymore over the next few weeks. Its weird that not matter how old we get, it always seems like no time has passed since we last saw each other
Gorgeous photos Jenny, just beautiful. You really are building a wonderful memory bank for your children. We haven’t spent much time at the beach this year, we’ve gone to the pool more, but seeing these photos makes me want to head there now!
How wonderful and some gorgeous family shots – looks fantastic #sharewithme
Oh wow it looks like you’ve had the most incredible time! I’m so jealous of all that lovely sun. How amazing that you can spend so much time at home with your friends every year – it must be heart-wrenching to say goodbye, but at least you have the same brilliant time to look forward to next year. Becky x #sharewithme
What amazing photos! So great to have that friendship/bond with them all. It looks like you have such a wonderful time together. I can imagine how you must feel when it’s time to come home. You will always have those precious memories though and the next time to look forward to. Thanks for sharing and hosting #Sharewithme
Sounds like a lovely summer! Love the photos as well! What perfect summer memories you’re creating for your kids. And I can’t believe your best friend had a baby the same day as you! How cool is that! #sharewithme
I love the photos of the little girls playing together — how wonderful that they are the second generation of besties! You all look so relaxed and happy — what a wonderful way to spend the summer! ~Jennifer via #sharewithme
Beautiful memories of the summer. I love how strong your bond is with everyone in the States! I know it’s tough to live across the pond and still pick up where you left off with your family and friends, but you are doing a great job of it! Your kids are lucky to get the best of both worlds! Thank you for sharing this Jenny, and for hosting us with #sharewithme. Have a great rest of the week 🙂
Wow, what gorgeous shots. It really looks like you are making some wonderful memories..ones that your little ones will look back on fondly! 🙂 xx
This looks lovely. What a lovely place that you get to play and visit, often. Love cousin time! #sharewithme
Such gorgeous photos! It looks like you have such a lovely summer, it must be so tough being away from your family and friends. You also look amazing in a bikini, I’m very jealous!!
Thank you for hosting #sharewithme
Becky xx
Such beautiful memories to last you through the winter until you can all be together again and enjoying more sunny summer fun xx
I really think that’s just it will definitely get me to Christmas and who doesn’t love Christmas??? hahaha
Oh hon sounds like you had the most amazing summer, and the photos are just gorgeous. It must be so bittersweet, and hard to say goodbye! Love the bikini shots, you are one hot mama 🙂
I’ve loved seeing the photographs from your travels. It looks like you have had an amazing time. I remember from when I lived abroad as a child, these holidays home are precious.
It’s also great when you have friends that you get on with as a couple & family. Chris and I are really lucky on this front too. Friends are brilliant, aren’t they!? Enjoy the rest of your time away and have a safe journey back xxx
So many beautiful pics as usual Jenny. So many happy memories for your Summer again!
Thank you Carol we had such a great summer and so grateful we can do this each year. I hope the kids have fond memories of our beach days as I do of my own childhood.
What a wonderful way to spend your summer! The beach is gorgeous & everyone looks os happy. That’s amazing that your best friends daughter & your daughter were born on the same day! I can imagine how much you miss everyone, I feel the same way after coming back from 3 weeks in the US with family. It’s lovely to get tan & be with family & friends. So hard to get back into the home routine. #sharewithme x
I know we still can’t get over it that their birthdays are the same day, we have generations of best friends in our families so it was fate. lol Oh yes the sun soaked into your skin feels so good. The first week is always the hardest for me back in the UK.
Looks like it was a wonderful summer, and great catch ups with friends and family. Must be so hard having to wait another year but some great memories to remember and look back on.
Always great memories made but so hard to say goodbye. I know I should be grateful for seeing theme every year but it’s a long year when you just want to be around family all the time. lol Makes it more special and you to appreciate them more though I guess.
I’d love to go to America, and this post made me want to even more! Lovely set of family photos to look back on too 🙂 Thanks for hosting #sharewithme
Oh the beaches, lakes, and rivers here are amazing. The west coast is so beautiful you have so many great cities but woodland all right together so best of both worlds. Thanks Debbie.
What an incredible summer. You’re children are so lucky to be able to create such wonderful memories.
I feel just as lucky as they do to grow up here and make memories each summer with my kids here. Lovely part of the world.
such gorgeous family photos, sun, sea and family, perfect and you are one hot mama!! #sharewithme
Thanks Chantelle you are so sweet. We have had a blast at the beach each week this summer. I hope they have long memories of it when they are older.
Such a lovely memory to have. I have been to America twice but only new York city. I might have to add the beaches to it. Be lovely when the kids are older. #sharewithme
Oh you need to add the best part of America, the west coast for sure. It’s got cities and woodlands and beaches galore and far better than any east coast city I promise I have been to them all. New York is nice but once you have done it it’s done. lol
That beach sounds perfect, particularly for little ones, and it looks like everyone is having a fantastic time. It’s raining right here in England at the moment, so I’m pretty jealous at the moment. 🙂 It’s also lovely to see the photograph of your two holding hands and hearing about how their relationship is developing. So sweet. #sharewithme
There is so much to do for families there and it really is geared up for the little ones too for sure. I will virtually send you some sunny hot weather and hoping to bring some back with me next week when I come back. They truly are inseparable these days I love it. Will be sad that B will be in school and not with her everyday.
I must say I am so jealous of your summer – it looks like you have had an amazing time. Gorgeous photos and wonderful memories I’m sure. xx
We really have and I love sharing it with everyone and the kids have changed so much and really enjoyed all the outdoor fun we have been living it up. We are back home next week though back to routines and normality. Thanks for not holiday hating us. lol
That is amazing they were born the same day!!! Gorgeous happy photos hun, definitely memories of a lifetime xx
I know it’s awesome we couldn’t believe it and even two years later can’t believe it. So great. I agree best summers ever here. Thank you.
Stunning. And you make everything Mr look flawless X