{Funny Phrase Day Friday} #28

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 12:49 pm



Let me start off by saying, my Mommy has been naughty! Not only has she left me and my baby sister for two whole days, longer than I have ever known her to be away but she has neglected her blog just the same. If I would have known she was going to be so irresponsible I would have taken over last Friday’s funny to tell you a few of my new favorite sayings, but as such she didn’t tell me, you were all left without. (don’t worry I put her in time out).

I wasn’t sure what was so important to leave us for two days, but when I woke up the next morning, she was bouncing around about something called BritMums Live and all the amazing people she met, I had to join in her excitement just for an excuse to jump up and down on the couch. She didn’t even notice I was being naughty either she was so excited to tell Daddy and us all about it. 

I secretly thought it was funny that my baby sister wouldn’t give her the time of day. She wasn’t pleased that Mommy left her for so long. I saw the evil eyes she gave her over breakfast, and when Mommy went over to shower her with kisses she point blank turned her head and pushed Mommy away. I told her, “don’t be silly, Missy Moo”. 

So I forgave Mommy because I was too excited to tell her what I have been doing all weekend with Granny & Daddy. Here is what I told her:

“I ran down the street away from Granny and was naughty.”

“I didn’t eat my dinner, because I was naughty.”

“I pushed Missy Moo, and was naughty.”

“I bit my sister, Granny shouted, that was naughty huh?”

“I threw my toys, and sat on the naughty step.”

“I was a naughty boy Mommy, did Daddy tell you?”

Mommy’s excitement faded as I told her all about my weekend news and told me she wouldn’t leave again if I was so naughty while she was away.  I guess my sister had it right to make Mommy feel guilty about leaving. So I told Mommy:

“You have big toes.”

“You need to brush your hair.”

“I don’t like your smell.”

“I do it, I a big boy, I don’t need you.”

“You took my car when you left, that’s my car.”

“I like this but only a little bit.” 

I did feel bad but sometimes I have to express myself the only way I know how. But when she told me she had bought us presents. I try to hide my ecstasy and just half ignored her with, “that’s good.”  I really wanted to run over hug her tightly, say thank you and rip my present open but I had already switches tactics once and I thought she might think I had gone crazy while she was away and not give me my present if I did it again. 

I was glad Mommy was home, I had missed helping her pick out her outfit for the day and mine, while Missy Moo napped, drawing on our arms with imaginary pens, playing roll the baby/roll the toddler on the living room floor, and I know she missed all these things too as she told me so. But I did warn her next time she leaves me she is not to take my car! “That is my car, not hers, not Missy Moo’s, and not Daddy’s.” Doesn’t she know? Well, she does now!

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Wot So Funee?

12 thoughts on “{Funny Phrase Day Friday} #28”

    • Hahaha I am usually good for Daddy but Daddy gave me sugar, or at least thats what I told mommy why I was naughty. She never feeds me sugar. lol

  1. Oh dear I had to have a wry smile, although it is distressing when they do that. Mine are old enough to LOVE it when I go away – all that yellow food Daddy lets them eat – but I remember when they used to punish me like this. That’s you told then!


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