Learning to be helpful

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 08:55 am

toddlers helping out

It’s always bittersweet when you see your children helping out. It’s that proud moment  when you know all that you have been trying to teach them has sunk in and is happening right before your very eyes. 

Buba has always been an amazing helper. He helps Mommy, clean, do laundry and organize the house. He loves to help put the groceries away in all the right places when the Tesco delivery arrives. Buba’s helpfulness took awhile to teach but has come on vastly.

Since we have been in the states he has really stepped it up as big brother too, helping out his sister in anyway he can. He helped me distract her on the plane when she was really upset, and he helped me feed her on the run when we were about to miss our connecting flight too. He helps wash her hair in the bath, pick out her clothes in the morning, feed her a cup of milk before bedtime. It didn’t stop there, he has continued on helping his baby sister with all the various things she is usually shouting for me to do while I am in the middle of something else. 

It’s an ordinary moment to find Buba helping put Missy Moo’s shoe back on, like above. Or finding her Darcy Duck that she is so obsessed with and running it to her when she is crying to make her smile.  

I get overwhelmed with emotion when I know the things we are trying to teach them, start showing. I think it’s so important to teach our kids to help others. I am so grateful that Buba’s love for helping others has become an everyday ordinary moment too.  He has the biggest heart and I am so proud of him! 

ordinary moments blog hop

6 thoughts on “Learning to be helpful”

    • I am sure it will. He will be such a great help too grabbing diapers for you etc. It’s bittersweet to see them
      Bonding and love each other so much.

  1. Aw bless him, what a good boy Bubba is. There is nothing that fills me with more pride than when Mads is helpful or polite, or does things without asking. I feel like my hard work is paying off! 🙂 Lovely moment and photo to have captured too Jenny. x

    • Thanks hunny for the lovely comment and hosting. Yes I ran for the camera as he is always helping out but I never capture it in time. It is lovely when we can see all our hard work in play isn’t it.


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