Letters to him & her ~ #28

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:28 pm

letters to my children and weekly capture living arrows


B, my little teenager in the making. Your summer couldn’t be more fun this year with all the adventures we are having in the states with family and friends. There isn’t a day we aren’t traveling off somewhere to see more people that are so special to us and do more amazing things. Where Grandma and Papa live there is so much to do outdoors right at our very finger tips. You love the hiking, exploring the woods, waterfalls as much as you love the beaches, lakes, and rivers. You are bonding so lovely with both your older cousins and younger cousins it’s lovely to watch. Grandma and Papa love having you and your sister here so long with them to bond and make memories with. They spoil you both rotten. While I am grateful to be here each summer, it’s hard to see how much more we can do outside and how much more family is around for you to learn from and be around then back in the UK. Coming towards the end of our trip I always get a little emotional having to say goodbye. You said something this morning that made me get all choked up and showed me how wise and older you really are this year. “Mommy, I love it here, but I also like my England too”. You are absolutely right you can love both of your homes, and so can I. I do love them both for lots of various reasons and we are blessed to have two places in the world to call home, some don’t even have one. You taught me a very valuable lesson to be not sad but appreciate the time here and the time we have in the UK because we are always together on either side. Thank you son. 

letters to my children and weekly capture living arrows


MM, my little rocket flame. I call you this because you don’t do anything half way, or slowly. You see something and you are curious and fearless and go for it. You tried jumping off rocks into a waterfall even though to most kids it looks dangerous. You throw yourself off tall things all the time like you are superman. I hope this doesn’t mean you want to go skydiving all the time when you are older. You have a free, wandering spirit inside of you bursting to get free. You run wild in the yard each day while the wind blows in your hair. You want the dresses and pretty shoes on but only to go jump in muddy puddles and sandpits. I love you are so girlie and so tomboy at the very same time. It am curious to see how much you will change this year when B starts school and you are no longer in his shadows. (not that you ever let us think that now). But there are so many things you do because he does or likes it and I wonder what you would choice when he isn’t around to influence you during the day. What will you like? What will you choose? It’s a very excited time to give you space to grow and shine. We are going to have a lot of fun together. I am looking forward to next year when you are that little bit older to really bond with your cousins and join in on the bigger days out and the adventures we can have with you and your brother as you both get older. 

Linking up to #LivingArrows & #WhatsTheStory & #BrilliantBlogPosts

18 thoughts on “Letters to him & her ~ #28”

  1. Oh it sounds like you’re all having an amazing time! And I think a lot of us love two places even if they aren’t quite so far apart – I love Devon because it’s where I grew up and Warwickshire because it’s home now and where the children were born – I could never choose between them 🙂

    • Oh no I couldn’t ever choose between the two anymore either. It’s funny as two or three years ago I would have said definitely here but my kids and friends now are in the UK too. It’s changed so much lately for me. Blogging has really helped that too. Glad you get two homes too.

    • Oh yes you are almost always guaranteed a great sunny summer here. It’s beautiful. I love the hot, hot weather. Glad you like my holiday spamming. lol 🙂 Thank you.

  2. It looks like you are having the most amazing time Jenny- what a wonderful experience for your two babies. And the perfect experience before Buba starts school in September. We would all quite like you home now here though! 😉 x

    • Oh yes I know, I do miss my own bed and the kids their own bedrooms hahaa but it’s been so amazing here. Having a hard time keeping up with work and visiting and playing too. Lol Thanks though babes. It truly has been great for B before school.

    • Thanks Emma it’s been truly a blessing to be here surrounded by so much family and friends and having the best summer ever. Hope your summer is going well too.

  3. I totally envy your summer. It looks full of fun and adventures and those babies of yours are going to be full to bursting with happy memories. Enjoy x

    • I really hope they can remember our summer here this year. It’s been truly amazing and we are having a blast. I know they are young so I hope they can recall some of it, at least B will. We are bursting with memories for sure. Still three and half weeks to go. Whoop, Whoop!

  4. I think it is wonderful that you take them ‘home’ for the summer it is important for them and you to spend quality time with your family and it looks like a wonderful place to spend the summer too.

    • Me too, I love bringing them home to my family and culture to make the same summer memories as I had as a child. Next year I am only sad it will be for a short visit as B will be in school then. It’s a beautiful place to come no matter how long or short.


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