Love the little things #11

Last updated on November 16th, 2023 at 05:16 pm

Life is too short not to love the little things! So here we are week 11 of 2014 to cherish another week full of great little things.


I finally finished I love Hollywood, the second book in Lindsey Kelk’s book series and started I love Paris. It took me longer than it normally does to finish one book this time around. I am finding less time to read, and more things on my to do list. My goal of reading a book a week is slowing slipping away already and it’s only March! Eeek.


Revolution has started again, from a long break for Christmas. Mr P and I are really getting into this second season USA tv drama. Of course, I am still faithful to Grey’s Anatomy, Revenge, Scandal, Nashville too. 🙂


This week I did a post about country songs that are about ‘our babies growing up’. They are great to use for background music for kids videos. This is one of my favorites below and I have used it for a few videos already.

Let Them Be Little – Lonestar


This week I made some delicious Devilled Eggs and tested out a few colors on some of them to see how they would turn out, in time for Easter next month. One very important note, if you are trying to make the filling pink or blue you will get orange and green because of it’s yellow yolks. Only way to learn is by trying.
ColoredDevilled Egg


I am loving this Tommy Hilfiger Red Sweater on Buba. I bought it in the sale last year at Cheshire Oaks for only £12 knowing someday he would grow into it. That someday is here. It’s just thick enough to keep him warm on a breeze spring day. I have washed it a million times and it still looks brand new. I am very impressed with it.


And lastly..

Drum roll…. Buba is finally in a big boy bed! It’s been a week almost and he hasn’t once tried to get out. I was prepared for his running around his room, trying to play with his toys. I even had a gate put on his door, but have yet to even use it. His naptimes and bedtimes are still as normal. I am so proud of my little boy, he is growing up way too fast. We only had one mishap where he rolled off the bed. Funny thing was, he didn’t even wake up as I lifted him back in. His bed is so low to the ground I didn’t think he needed a side rail, maybe just a big throw cushion for future rolls! lol Proud Mommy moment!


12 thoughts on “Love the little things #11”

  1. Well done Buba! It’s so good that he’s adapted to it so quickly.
    I watched most of the first season of Revolution but just couldn’t get into it. Think I’ll stick to Nashville and Greys! 😉
    Have a great weekend! xxx

    • Ya, I only got into it the second season but Greys, Nashville and Scandal will always out beat it. lol Scandal is written by the same writers as Greys. It’s great. Should be on again soon too.

    • I know, I almost cried. It’s going too fast. He has been amazing with it too. Don’t even need the gate on his door. Stay tune, the recipe will be featured on The Mini Mes and Me for Easter week! They are amazing.

  2. Yay, go Buba! 🙂 What a little star! I think we are kindred tv spirits Jenny – we stream Nashville, Grey’s and Scandal and watch all three in one sitting on a Friday night. Bliss! Have the loveliest weekend chicky xxx

    • Tv spirits I love it! What a good idea to watch them all together on a friday. Thanks I was soo very proud of him I almost cried. lol Have a fantastic weekend too. I am off to a wedding in an hour. lol

    • It really is and no one loves a bargain better than me. Thrifty momma. lol I do like some of the stuff for girls for Missy MOo but mostly for boys.

    • I know, Mr P and I kept thinking is this the finale and we dind’t realize it. So good! I can’t believe she got shot. Do you think this will be the last season, now that everyone knows she isn’t really Emily? I hope not! (I love a good bargain! )

  3. I love the sweater! It’s so cute.
    Yay to the boy boy bed too. I didn’t bother with side rails for my two. I think they defeat the whole point of taking the sides off the cot. Mine had cushions on the floor just in case x


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