Me & Mine {November}

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:25 am

How can it be November 30th already? Where has this year gone? My children are growing up way too fast and the years are starting to fly by faster and faster each year. This scares me all too much. I want to enjoy them longer while they are little if that’s even possible. I want to soak up their laughter longer. Take in their smiles longer. Inhale their baby smells that much longer but life doesn’t allow this. It forever moves on and refuses to give me the extra time I so desperately want with my two little ones. They are fast approaching school days and I have been told it only goes faster after that which petrifies me. We only get so little time with them at home before they are off on their own individual adventures. 

So here we are another month has passed and the year is coming to an end. To celebrate we took the kids to Center Parcs for a much needed family vacation, a first for us.  You can see part one here, and we finally had the opportunity to attempt a few family captures instead of our usual last minute scrambles. 

Me & Mine November a monthly family portrait project

Daddy is loving…

– The great outdoors and fresh air

– The winding down to Christmas from work

– Golfing

– The weather not being too bad for his golf

– The Black Tie Golf Ball we attended

(see a pattern here…golf)


Mommy is loving…

– Thanksgiving with my beautiful family

– Our first trip to Center Parcs

– Organizing everything for an very festive Christmas

– Fruit Tea

– Our carriage ride and the beautiful ponies


Buba is loving…

– Little Kickers soccer days

– Preschool

– His new Thanksgiving books

– Helping Mommy make cupcakes

– Singing all day


Missy Moo is loving…

– Thanksgiving dinner

– Her new big girl chair at the table

– Swimming lessons and swimming at Center Parcs

– All the twinkling lights going up for Christmas

– Dancing to her own tune 

Me & Mine November a monthly family portrait project

This month has been a very busy month for us. 

We really made the most of our first trip to Center Parcs. We ignored the rain and gloom that stayed with us the entire weekend and explored as much as possible together as a family. 

Thanksgiving went down with a massive feast of turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, gravy, dinner rolls, veg and more. Pumpkin pies were not missed either. The kids were in awe of such a feast on the dining room table for just the four of us. Whilst each year I get sad not to have my parents and siblings around the table with us, we always make sure to FaceTime them and share our special day, virtually.

I have been extremely busy organizing Christmas to make it a very festive one this year. It will be the first year my two are old enough to get excited about Santa. To know how to open presents and Buba is estatic already. Last year we went away to Lanzarote for Christmas so I didn’t decorate. This year I will be doing the opposite and each room will be decorated to make up for it. I can’t wait! 

November has exhausted us all, not only have we been super busy but we all four have been suffering horrible illnesses. Ear infections, chest infections, head colds, and flus have plagued us this month. Hoping December is a healthier and more relaxing month for us all.

Me & Mine November a monthly family portrait projectI have really enjoyed joining in with the Me & Mine project, to capture a photo once a month of the four of us this year. Mr P isn’t a fan of getting his photo taken so it’s always a struggle to beg and bribe him and the children to cooperate but this month was a little easier than the last few so many we have progress. Or my family just realizes I will put up the blooper photos if they don’t work with me. Either way it was nice to not have to beg, bribe, and stomp my feet. Yes, I do, do that. Why don’t men like their photo taken? I would love to know.

So we say goodbye to a fast November and hope December let’s us enjoy her a little longer and little more. 

91 thoughts on “Me & Mine {November}”

  1. YES! Rich is the same, and during our disastrous session yesterday (last minute as usual) he actually walked off saying, you can forget me doing this in December!!! But then when you look at the photos you think how lovely. I asked my mother in law if she had any photos form a family holiday they went on when Rich was little and she said oh I’m not sure I took any. Can you imagine that now?! Not having those memories captured in a photo?! Hoping she finds just one, she’s currently digging through ice cream tubs, I need it for a post!!! He he. Lush photos of the four you xxx

  2. We’ve had an exhausting November too — I felt really ill in our Me and Mine pic this month! Nevertheless, we’ll all look back on these photographs, in time to come, and be really grateful we took them. My boy has resigned himself to the fact that each month I’ll be demanding a pic of us and the twins together — he’s stopped complaining now and just gets on with it!! Poor man… although he knew what he was letting himself in for when he married me!! 😉 Caro X

  3. Oh it looks like you had an amazing time; and what gorgeous spots for Me and Mine photos – and you found some sunshine!! We’re doing battle with the bugs around here too, it seems to be a November theme, hopefully we’re all getting them out of the way so we can really enjoy December!

    • Ahh thanks hunny. Yes we got lucky having it as a back drop other it was still hard bribing hubby and then mother in law to take the photo. Two photo hating family members isn’t easy! lol

  4. Beautiful photos Jenny – looks like you had a wonderful time and I especially like the last photo. I know just what you mean about the time going too fast and wanting to hold on to those little moments now. Sorry to hear you have all been unwell and hope December will be a healthier month for you all x

  5. How lovely to all get away for a holiday Jenny. I love that you have done this project and got your husband in the photos – mine also hates getting in the shot! A great way to record a great year 🙂 xx

  6. That is such a nice post, Jenny. It is full of love! Sounds like you all had a great time in Centre Parks (me, jealous? never!). Oh my goodness, you guys have an umbrella with your surname on it!

  7. This is a lovely way to round up the month, and preserve your memories too. Looks like you had a wonderful month with your family, despite the little illnesses. Hope you are all better now x

    • Oh yes you have to find something they want more than anything and use it against them and bribery!! None of them want to do it but they all secretly love the photos at the end of it. Lol

    • Thanks Ali. Yes the rapids were great too Its a fab place to go for holiday for families of all shapes sizes and ages. Brilliant. Wish we found it sooner.

  8. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds so lovely Jenny. If you want a few extra guests next year…. 😉 Very excited to see your Christmas decorations – I have no doubt that they will be as stunning as everything else you do sweetpea xxx

  9. Gorgeous pictures as ever Jennie. You’re all so beautifully photogenic! Sorry to hear about all the illnesses in the home. It seems that once one hits they just roll into each other 🙁 Hoping December is a better month for you all. x x

  10. Such lovely photos of your gorgeous family. I’m with your husband and am really reluctant to have my photo taken but have been making more of an effort to take them and not to delete every picture I take! x

    • I used to take all the photos of everyone and never be in any and when i started my blog i wanted my children to see i waa involved and there with them. So i started doing more and so glad I did.

  11. Firstly lovely lady can I apologise for my ill thought out comment from a few weeks back. I was rushing and didn’t give it the thought your post deserved so I’m really sorry for that. A lesson learned this end! Secondly, a lovely post, I don’t know how you fit it all in, bt in the next breath it’s inspiring to see you juggling so much and still enjoying your lovely family. With a son who is going to be 17 on Sunday I know exactly what you mean about it all rushing by, it goes way too fast Zx

    • Oh wow hunny 17 thats amazing. You dont look old enough to have a 17 year old. Hahaha it really does go quick. Dont worry about it. At least you stopped and commented. Many dont. I appreciate all of it. Life gets busy and us bloggers understand the little or big comments mean the same as its hard juggling it all. I had almost 80 blogs to comment on i always try to a big effort but as i have said i have been sick so its hard. I am guilty of it myself. Always glad you link up. Thanks for the support.

  12. So funny, my post is about Centre Parcs this week! Isn’t it fab?!
    Looks like you all had a great time and I love your family photos, such a beautiful family – I’m always impressed when people get family photos with everyone looking in the same direction!
    Glad you all enjoyed Thanksgiving, I’ve always thought that is a holiday I could really get into!

    • Oh i look forward to reading all about it. I am about to do my part two of it tomorrow. I made granny make funny loud noises so they look towards her. Now getting them to all look and smile still hasnt happened.

  13. I’ve never joined in myself, but I think the Me & Mine project is great. It’s so rare to get a family pic. I have lots of Andrew & Gwenn; some of me & Gwenn; me and Andrew together; but as a family? Probably about 5 in 19 months. That makes me sad. Maybe in the New Year I should make an effort to join in? x

  14. You all take a fantastic photo. Glad you enjoyed Centre Parcs Ive been a few times and always enjoy it. That’s for hosting #sharewithme

  15. You are so right that the school years creep up on you – and exactly right to make the most of those school term time holiday opportunities. We had a couple of lovely holidays to Cornwall and Norfolk before JJ started school and I’m so glad we did! Love the picture of you all in the carriage! Xxx #sharewithme

  16. Sounds like a great time! November has been crazy around here, too. It went by in a flash! It’s amazing how much time seems to be speeding up since we had The Princess. I hope you have a healthy and happy Christmas season!

  17. Beautiful photos Jenny, and I’m so glad that you managed to get a break together. We loved Center Parcs when we were in the UK and Whinfell was the one that we went to, several times 🙂 I can’t quite believe it’s December either…

    • Thanks hunny yes we did. Too much food but I love that. Center Parcs was great too. I will be sharing my part 2 tomorrow if you fancy a peak. I was surprised how much fun my two had at their age. I really thought it would be for just older kids. Won’t be our last visit.

  18. How lovely is Center Parcs hun? One of my favourite things about it is the fact that you can’t really get reception and you just have to chill out and relax. It’s kinda enforced. Glad you had a lovely lovely time x

    • Tell him there is a massive sports center that has a sports bar with pool tables ping pong and huge big screen with all the major games and sports live. That got mr p there abd the driving range golf. Hahaha

  19. Such gorgeous family photos. I am knackered just reading what you’ve been up to. Honestly, I don’t know how you manage to look so great and fresh all the time! 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful time in Center Parcs. Rain doesn’t stop any fun does it?

  20. Lovely family pictures – and what a busy November you had! And, no rest now for December. So lovely that you all celebrated Thanksgiving- wish we did it here in the Uk really…. Love the way you have done this post x

  21. Finally have a minute to do some commenting… I know what you mean when you say it’s been a busy month!
    Look forward to some quality family time over Christmas, not sure what we’ll do yet, but I hope we’ll have at least half as much fun as your family had judging by the pictures.

    • Ahh thank you so much. Yes if we all get rid of these illneses and colds we will have a very cheery festive holiday indeed. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  22. Beautiful photos honey! I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas together after such a blah November. I also just can’t believe we’re into the last month of the year already too – it’s terrifying! I really hope we all manage to slow down a little and just enjoy each other over the holidays too xxx

  23. I love the “…is loving” portion of this. It is a great way to remember the things that made you happy year after year. It is way to easy to forget the highlights of the year and only remember what went wrong. Great post!

    • Thank you Shae. That’s so sweet of you. Oh yes we are all about loving the little moments as much as the big ones here. That’s why I started my blog. lol 🙂


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