Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:21 am
This past weekend was the MAD Blog Awards, awards celebrating Mum & Dad bloggers from around the UK! I was so grateful and honored to make it to the finals for Best Baby Blog and Best New Blog. Up against so many of my friends and other amazing bloggers. It was my first time going so I was so excited and very nervous too.
I was so grateful that my good friend Morgana from Butwhymummywhy travelled with me on the train as she was up for Schooldays. We were both so excited with our Starbucks in hand we made our way to London Euston together.
We checked into our beautiful hotel the Royal Garden Hotel in the executive suite with our friend Katie from MummyDaddyandMe. The window views were amazing and we each took our time gazing out onto the street below. The room was perfect for the three of us to get ready in and share! *even at 2:30 eating pizza in bed! #greatmemories
To celebrate Morgana’s 30th we shared some scrumptious bubbly and cupcakes in our hotel room before getting ready! It was a double celebrating kind of day and the perfect occasion to catch up with the ladies.
I was a little nervous not to be sat with people I knew but at the end of the day it’s the only way to get to know other bloggers and I love that. So as I glanced at the seating chart, I was excited to see I was sat with Charly from PodCast and Danni from It Started with a Squish two lovely bloggers I knew and a few others that I was grateful to get to know. I wouldn’t be alone after all!
The food was outstanding especially a shout out to these beautifully delicious little ones! Sally really did a great job! It was a great meal and an evening to remember.
Katie and I revamping our makeup after dinner! Always a great time for a selfie! So proud of you girl for your win in our category for Best Baby Blog. You are an amazing writer, mother, and friend!
Morgana and I celebrating our friends’ wins and our new found #teamlosers together. Of course we were sad we didn’t win but so happy for those that did and so grateful to even have made it to the finals. Morgana really has supported me so much over the last year of blogging and I can not thank her enough for all of it and most importantly for her friendship over the years. She is an amazing lady!
I met Fritha at BritMums Live this year but I didn’t get a proper chance to get to know her and hang out until the MADs. She is as lovely as she is on her blog and her social media. I am so proud of her for her award! It was very deserved.
I was so proud of Lucy from Capture by Lucy for her award as well. She is such a good friend and so supportive it was lovely to catch up with her. I am only sad that I didn’t get to snap a quick photo with her. wink wink I know you have one Lucy!
I can’t not mention hanging out with Suzanne from 3 Children & It, Jess from Along came Cherry, Bex from Mummy Adventure and many, many more…you know who you are and that I love you!
I got to catch up with so many friends and meet new ones too. I wish I could mention you all here. For those that I didn’t get to say hello to I apologize and I do hope to catch up with you at the next event.
The evening didn’t disappoint with lovely chattering and there may have even been some spinning, cough I mean dancing with Katie from Hurrah for Gin. Thank you for keeping the night going lady!
The goody bag was stocked full of treats for all of us. I was very excited about the bag of chocolate and dug into it as soon as I got my pjs on. Yes, it was baking chocolate and no, I don’t care, I ate it anyways! Chocolate is chocolate. I grew up in American for goodness sakes anything is better than Hersheys! The fun didn’t stop there! The MAD blog awards may have been over the previous night but us ladies were going to make the most of it and have a nice brunch together with the lovely Katrina from Cool Bananas. Here we are one last hotel selfies before we say goodbye to the executive suite!
And who can lose two awards without some shopping therapy or at least that’s what I told my husband. lol My new fall shoes from TopShop. Love them! cough, minus the blisters it gave me.
For more gossip check out my YouTube video I did on the MADs. I also may have made a Live from the Royal Garden Hotel video inside our room before we got ready. Check out my YouTube channel and have a laugh!
Great to get some insights into the awards. Well done to you and all the other finalists. Looks like it was a great do.
(PS, Don’t know if it’s just me – my laptop’s mad blog font really skinny for some reason – but I find it really hard to read the yellow/gold of your links since your theme change).
Oh no! I will have to sort that out. Thanks for telling me.
No worries.
Oh that looks like it was a lot of fun – and so lovely to see so many fabulous blogs up for awards (and winning them too)! I’m also wildly impressed by the swan – what was it made of?
A lovely post, I saw you across the room a few times but never had a chance to really catch up. Looks like you loved your stay too with a great group of roomies!
Love the video lovely! Glad you had such a brilliant time – you looked stunning too. It was a great event 🙂 xx
It was lovely to meet you!! Loving the loafers too, a worthy #teamloser present 😉 although you are all winners in my book! x
Thanks babes sorry your tag got cut off on instagram I readded it. Feel awful! It was amazing to meet you and glad we got a chance to chat too! So hard at these events to say hi to everyone and spend time getting to know them. You looked amazing too! #teamlosers really had more fun! lol
Sounds like another amazing event full of fabulous bloggers! The MADs just seem so well organised and tons of fun. I’ll have to check out your YouTube channel later 🙂
Yes please do and let me know what you think. I am SOOO new at vlogging its’ only my second week so bare with me! Have a laugh too if you want. It’s a bit rough so far but I am loving doing them!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time and you were a finalist! That’s a massive achievement in and of itself! Well done!
Thank you Claire. Yes I was very honored especially since after this year I can’t go for those two awards again as I won’t be new or have any babies. So very honored! Great experience too!
Ah what a fab night! Hopefully you’ll be back again next year too! x x x
Fingers crossed that would be amazing. I am grateful to make it to the finals but I somehow feel that was a fluke not sure as there are so many amazing blogs and I can’t get those two categories ever again and don’t fit really into any others! So I definitely made the most of it!
Oh Jenny you look lovely and it looks like such an amazing time. I wish I had gone now.
I can find 101 reasons to shop so love the fact you went shopping and the new shoes are lovely 🙂
Thanks hunny, I am the same. I can always find a reason to shop. Pity party is the best. I shop the most and don’t get to go to London often so why not right? lol We had a great night wish you would have come too!
What an amazing night, full of fun, friends and good food! It looks like you all had such a great time. It was really exciting living it all by proxy through people’s Twitter feeds! x
Thanks Mel. I bet. I was trying to read people’s tweets while there not easy. lol I wish I had had more time with each person and took more photos. I never like to leave anyone out!
What a great post Jenny – really captures the spirit of the whole 24 hours – fab! Love all your pictures, I really didn’t get enough 🙁 And uber jealous of your view – ours was of the air con unit lol! x
Oh no! That’s not funny but I did just chortle when I read the air con unit! EEEK You should have come room crashed with us! lol Plenty of room! It was great and I wish I had more time with each person. And more photos!
It looks like a fantastic evening and a big well done on getting to the finals. I’ve only been once and it was so nerve wracking but really enjoyable too. Love your vlog!
Sounds like a wonderful time was had by everyone. And congratulations on getting to the final.
Looks like a brilliant evening, Jenny! I loved your dress by the way- hot mama! x
It looks like a fantastic night. All of the finalists deserved an award! x
Your pictures are gorgeous Jenny! You seem to have had a really great night! And I’m totally sure that there is great success to come for you in the future xxx
Sounds like the perfect evening with lots of fabulous blogging lovelies.
Huge congratulations on making the finals of the MADs in 2 categories – this is a fantastic achievement!
This sound fun! What a neat experience to meet so many bloggers and have a get away!
Thank you. It was a great experience. I love meeting other bloggers you learn so much and nice to have friends that understand blogging too. My family and other friends are still confused.
Lovely post- so lovely to read about the evening and see lots of familiar names. I wish I could have been there would of been lovely to meet/speak to you all – and congratulations on nomination. First of many I am sure… and to the winners well done! Love your sparkly dress by the way! xx
Thank you so much lovely for your sweet comment. It was great and I am grateful just to be a finalist. Not sure I will ever get there again so I made the most of it!
Lovely recap. Was great to see you again, if only for 5 minutes! You looked lovely x
I know sorry I didn’t get a chance to get to hang out with you more. You looked amazing. Glad you could come!
Yay! What a fab post Jenny. I really had such a wonderful time with you and Katie. xx
Thanks hunny me too! I want to do it all over again! Or we make a big blogging social party where we all can get together and just have a great night out together. lol
You look amazing!! The photos are gorgeous, so glad you had a fab time, I’d love to get to go to the MAD awards one day! 🙂
Fingers cross for next year for sure. It was a great experience and honored to just make the finals and meet so many fabulous bloggers.
Looks like you had an amazing night! Congratulations on being nominated. You looked beautiful in that amazing frock. The food looked wonderful too! I enjoyed following the fun vicariously on Twitter 🙂 xx
Ahhh thanks lovely.
Looks like a wonderful night lovely!! You looked absolutely gorgeous in your dress!! An amazing achievement to be in the finals for two categories you should be so so proud of yourself and your wonderful blog!!
Thank you ever so much so sweet of you to sayl Yes I am so very grateful I couldn’t believe it. I just hope one day I can say winner on the end of it. lol But it’s been a fantastic year and I am so happy that friends won that were so well deserved.
So sad you didn’t win! There’s always next year though!!! You are an excellent blogger with an excellent blog! Congrats to your friends that did win in their categories
Thanks Artiesa so sweet of you. Maybe if I am so lucky to reach the finals again that would be amazing. So proud of the winners they are all well deserved.
Lost two awards or in the last five for two awards? Bloody well done for that. Was nice to meet you on Friday, even if you did introduce yourself as “that loud American lady”! I like loud Americans. 🙂 what a MAD evening it was.
Not sure what you mean but yes lost two awards but grateful to be a finalist in two categories. It was a pleasure meeting you hun. Yes I am the loud American not many of us in the blogging world here so thought it would sparkle recognition. lol Great evening indeed!
I’m so glad we got to chat this time round, you are the loveliest! My little sister just started uni in Manchester so maybe me you and Morgana can meet up when I go visit one time! x
Yes, yes I would absolutely love that. Anything for an excuse to meet up in Manchester and have a ladies lucheon or afternoon tea or something! Morgana and I live right next to each other so really easy for us to come meet up! I am too. I said that you are just the loveliest person ever and so glad I got to get to know you more at the MADs.
Haha totally didn’t realise they were baking chocolate, I’ve been scoffing them too! X
Hahaha that’s fantastic glad I am not the only one. I are half the bag on the night. Katie taps my shoulder jenny you know that’s not for eating it’s for baking. Hahahah chocolate is chocolate right?! Lol thanks for stopping by and commenting Hun. So great to meet and hang out with you and Fritha.
Sounds like you had a brilliant time – well done for doing so well! #sharewithme
Thanks Kate. so sweet of you. I was overcome with glee to make it to the finals in two categories. Been so grateful and met some amazing people.
Ah Jenny!! I think you’re THE most photogenic person i have EVER seen on youtube!! It was great to see you for brunch & i can’t wait to catch up again- it always goes far too quickly!! 🙂 xx
I know I was just saying that. I always want more time with everyone. I want to host a huge blogger ball one day where we all just eat drink and socialise. I learn far more from other bloggers than I do anywhere else.
You guys had such a great time and I love your dress! I am desperate for a chance to come to a blogger’s event up in Birmingham or Manchester instead of London to give me the excuse to ditch the kids and stay away overnight! London is sadly too close to home for me to justify it. Can’t believe the next Tots Blogcamp has completely passed me by! I must say you are very watchable on video – your voice is lovely and you just flow! 🙂 X
Thanks Sam. I was so nervous to start my vlogs. But I am loving it. Just hope I am interesting enough and that people don’t think I am boring and silly. We had a great time There is two events in Manchester BlogMOSI and one in Birmingham. Didn’t hear about the bootcamp I will have to check it out. Thanks.
It looks like you had such a great night. I loved seeing the pics and tweets coming through on Friday night, very funny! xxx
I hope not too bad of ones. Hahah I was trying to keep up with it myself. It was a whirlwind for sure. So great to meet and hang out with so many other bloggers. I love these types of events.
Looks like you all had a fabulous time. You look amazing! Absolutely cannot wait until I can go to events like this and meet everyone x
Thank you so much lovely. Its great to get to know other bloggers and so grateful to make it to the finals too. Hope I get there again someday! 🙂
That must have been so much fun! Even if you didn’t win, you got to meet so many blogger friends, that’s just awesome 🙂
Thank you and I couldn’t agree more. I was just saying these type of things are so amazing to get to know other bloggers. I am so grateful for sure.
I’m so glad you had such a fun evening/weekend Jenny. It looks like an amazing party, and you are not a loser. Finalist in two categories, that’s very much a winner in my book lovely lady x
Oh yes I am so grateful for making the finals. It was a sort of inside joke with a few of us non winners. Although we kept saying #teamloser had more fun celebrating. lol
It looks like you had such an amazing time! x
Thanks hunny it was a great experience. I was so honored to make it to the finals and watch all the well deserved winners win too! I love meeting other bloggers and getting to know their blogs more.
Looks like you had a fan time. I love catching up on all the gossip. Hopefully I will get to go one day
Yes definitely. Not sure if I will ever get there again but I was so grateful and honored. It really was a great experience. I think it’s always just amazing to meet other inspirational bloggers and listen to how they started and where they have gone with it. Amazing. So many fascinating people in one room!
Amazing photos.
you look beautiful
It’s so lovely to see everyone having such a great time at the MAD awards… just wish I had been there to shake some moves and neck some cocktails. Oh well, maybe one day, many moons away! 🙂 You all look so lovely, too. Jenny loving the sequin dress and the new shoes. They are right up my street!
Congratulations on your nomination! One day I hope I’ll be lucky enough to go to the MADs. Lovely to read so many familiar names were there with you and a massive congratulations to all the winners.
Jenny you looked stunning in your sparkly dress! And how lucky that you got to go with your good friend, making it an extra special night!
Glad you had a great time x
Thank you, it was a great experience!
Oh I had such a lovely time with you!!! I have no wifi at the house can’t even send emails!! Driven back to Weston to use the wifi at the old house for a monster work session but i will get that photo to you!! xxxxx
Oh no worries hunny I completely understand it’s so hard not to have wifi isn’t it? Bless ya. Yes I had a fantastic time with you beautiful as always.
Jenny what a lovely post. You are just such a genuine, sweet person inside and out and I am so lucky to be able to call you a proper real life friend. You totally deserved to be a finalist and heres to you being in it next year- your blog is fantastic and you are fantastic. I loved spending time with you and Morgana. Here’s to booking in that spa day! xx
Ahhh bless Kaite your message almost just made me cry. Love you too girl. Yes Lucy and I were just saying maybe January / February we all need to price it up and look at dates we are all free. Etc so we can have something to look forward to after Christmas!!!! You are too sweet to me hunny. All the same to you too. Cheers to real life friends through blogging!!!
Looks like you had such a fab time! Your pictures are great – you all look beautiful 🙂 Thanks for sharing. LOVE the Topshop shoes!! xx #sharewithme
Thanks darling. We did have a great time. Best experience too. Amazing to meet so many awesome bloggers.
Hello there, you look lovely and I am so glad you had a fabulous time! #sharewithme
Thank you Lystra! So sweet of you to say and thanks for stopping by and commenting. It was such a great experience. I love meeting other bloggers.
Looks and sounds like it was a great night, congratulations on making the finals 🙂
Thank you Michaela so sweet of you. Yes it was a great experience and lovely to meet so many amazing and inspiring ladies.