Our first day back in the UK

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 08:44 am

Our first day back in the UK was an ordinary one. The sky was dry so we did, what we would do, on any other normal Saturday morning and took a walk to a few of our local parks for a little parking hopping. 

It was great being back home and having all of us together again doing what we love most, spending time together. We are lucky to be surround by more than a handful of parks within walking distance so we like to park hop. It’s our thing! 

Saying goodbye is never easy to family and friends back home. I always find that I am a little down and maybe, just possibly snappy too the first week I return. Its hard not to want it all just around the corner. I would love to have my mom at arms length for both the kids sake and mine or to have many of my best friends whom have the same age kids as me down the road for playdates and celebrations. Being an expat is hard but after kids I have found it increasingly moreso and mostly for them and not me missing out. ordinary momentsWhat has helped the most is just getting back to our normal routines doing the great things we always do together however big or small. We enjoyed our first day back with a morning at the parks, a long walk, naptime, then headed to dinner just the four of us at Lucianos. It was a blessing not to have to cook the first night and just listening to Buba tell Daddy of all our Seattle adventures and watching Daddy get used to his new toddler daughter, no longer a baby as when we left the UK! 

The kids have really changed since we left in June; both taller, wiser, older looking. Missy Moo can now talk and walk and best of all she is finally getting hair. So sick of being asked if she is a boy or being told you have two adorable boys!

As they ran around the park, enjoying their old territory I watched and reflected on all that has happened in the last two months, feeling sad that its over but ever, ever so grateful that it all happened. We made so many great new memories with my friends and family, ones I will never forget!

I couldn’t have asked for a better day, full of our ordinary moments together as a family. Being away from my own family I know how important it is to cherish every moment even if it’s not a huge milestone of life because life is really too short. 

ordinary moments blog hop

18 thoughts on “Our first day back in the UK”

  1. Aw Jenny I feel sad for you having to leave your family and friends behind – it must be a bit weird for Mr P as well to have you feel so conflicted but that’s the ex-pat life as you say. You just have to throw yourself into it (as you always do!) and it’s great that you have made really close friends in the UK too. If your kids are anything like my nieces they will adapt to the situation and probably feel less weird about it than you do because they will never know anything different. Glad your first day back was a lovely one with the four of you reunited and enjoying the late summer sunshine (it looks like there was some?!) Sam Xx #theordinarymoments
    I recently posted http://andthenthefunbegan.wordpress.com/2014/08/31/the-empty-days/ for The Oridinary Moments

    • Thanks Sam for your lovely message. So true. Yes I was glad to get a nice day although cooler than I have been used to for sure. lol Good to be together as a united family for sure. Nothing better than that!

  2. So wonderful that the weather allowed you to jump right into your normal routine! I can definitely relate to the attitude changes after visiting home, and for us it’s a family affair lol! Its so funny that you mention that people were asking if Missy Moo was a boy/telling you what cute boys you had, because I was so going to ask if you ever had that problem! Rynne had very little hair and I constantly dealt with that despite the fact she was dressed in pink, flowers, dresses, etc. Then when she finally had hair, she got ahold of the scissors and cut it so bad I had to shave it off!!! Hide all scissors lmao!

    • Thanks for the advice. Scissor hid! I even put headbands with flowers on her and it still doesn’t stop them from asking. lol Good to be home but sad to be away from family. Can’t wait until next summer again.

  3. Happy to hear that you’re getting back to normal. I guess that keeping busy is a great distraction for all that you’ve left behind.
    Welcome home hun x

    • Thanks Izzie. So true. If I didn’t keep going and stay busy I would be too sad. Expat life isn’t always easy but has a few perks. Looking at the glass half full instead of half empty.

  4. I am glad you are home safe and sound Jenny and starting to get back to normal, it must be a bit of a shock to the system to be home and I hope you are not feeling too sad to be back in the UK. We have all missed you here! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks- I really can’t wait! x

    • Thanks Katie so sweet of you. It was alright the first day just getting into the swing of things but am a bit sad today. Missing my family and friends. Especially with mr p leaving for ten days it will be lonely but I am used to it. That’s why I have my blog to keep me busy. Hahaha I know I can’t wait until the MADS. So excited for us all to hang out.

  5. Ahhh welcome back lovely!!! Feels like you were gone forever.

    Totally get it must be a bit odd coming home and so hard saying goodbye. Even though you can’t see your family as often though you are so lucky to be able to have long summers away xxx

    • Thanks hunny. Yes you are so right I am very very GRATEFUL for my summers home. I cant wait until next year already. It is always hard to say goodbye. It’s weird to feel at home in both places. I only wish I could mix the two. lol

  6. Big hugs to you whilst you go through the post holiday come down. It’s always pants when you’ve come back and I guess even more so when you’ve just seen all your family. Missy Moo sounds like she’s going to enter a really really fun stage now, that of never ever sitting down 🙂

    • Yes so true on the never sitting down at the moment. Two tots is busy busy! lol I do always struggle for a week or two but then pick myself up knowing I get to go again next year. Can’t wait already.

    • Thank you so much Jess. Yes I can’t wait to meet you so soon. So excited for it. It’s always hard to settle back in and sad but I get there in the end. Only to be back in the usa again next summer. I am very grateful.

    • hahaha you make me laugh. I am glad you have enjoyed my instagram. It was a great way to share our daily adventures since I was only blogging a little here and there while on vacation. I am missing it so much already. I hate saying goodbye to my family and country. But look forward to next summer already.


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