Siblings {January}

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:25 am

siblings January Siblings {January} 

Another year is behind us and it’s time to start it all over again, this amazing journey of being siblings continues. I am so lucky that my two have each other and have a special bond that only those with siblings understand. It reminds me of the special relationship I have with my own siblings when I watch my two together. 

Missy Moo is getting bigger and bigger and the age gap as I have said before is closing between them. They get mistaken as twins when we are out and about, people just assume my son is taller than my daughter and not the 20 something months between them. They want and need most of all the same things and love the same toys which can make it really easy and really hard at times.  I have just found in this new dynamic of a duo, I buy two of everything. I hand out two of everything, I cook two of everything so that it’s always a fair playing field.

siblings January

January has brought out the silliness in these two cheeky chaps. They are enjoying life at home for one more year (actually nine months) together before Buba is shipped off to school. So I let them do adventurous fun things that I probably shouldn’t, like jumping on the bed. What child doesn’t like jumping on the bed? And while it took me about ten minutes to convince them that it’s ok to do so understand my supervision I may have actually had to prove it by jumping on the bed myself. (it’s still as fun as an adult). I love being a kid with my kids and playing around like I am one and not thirty one but when it all boils down to it, it’s about them. They have so much fun…chasing each other, giggling together, dancing together, chatting together, and getting creative together.  Mommy is just an added extra in their world of play.

I don’t mind being the odd one out, I want them to grow up close together, having that extra person to understand them when no one else outside the home does. That added security that there is another person to love them just as much as Mommy and Daddy do.

My toddlers are still normal siblings, they still fight over toys or snatch things from each other and retaliate to get it back. I don’t often intervene it’s a part of their relationship they need to duke it out. My parents left us siblings to it and it was always better to not look like my mom was taking sides or being unfair. But most of the time, they cuddle and kiss each other instead and encourage each other to play what ever game is on the agenda for the day. Fighting is still showing they care about each other otherwise there would be nothing to fight over, they would merely just not care.

It’s a new era for soft play for my two, now, too. Buba now takes his sister’s hands and runs off to the slide or the ball pit leaving Mommy to her hot coffee. I was getting to the point I didn’t remember what hot coffee was like but its’ back and oh, does it taste good. We are at a time where they play the entire morning at the soft play area only coming for a drink or a nibble from the table. They could careless about the adults sat there watching them while they are on their grand adventures and more about who can go down the slide faster. The competing has started already! 

siblings January As a kid , jumping on the bed is always hard work so a sibling cuddle is the best way to end it. Even if Missy Moo still won’t let go of Mommy’s fairy lights that were at the head of the bed that she so cheekily stole the moment she got on the bed. I love that they show their love to each other. I love that they hug and kiss and cuddle each other. I come from a very affectionate family whereas Mr P doesn’t and while that probably might be down to cultural differences I am glad my two show the world just how much they love each other, everyday. 

33 thoughts on “Siblings {January}”

  1. Gosh reading your post has made me feel so emotional and utterly excited to be pregnant with baby #2. Your two seem to have such a wonderful bond and I cannot wait for Ethan to have this with his brother or sister. I adore the pictures of them, they’re gorgeous. x

    • Thank you so much Alex. It will you wait. That’s why I am so very excited for you. It all changes I never thought I would get so emotional watching my two love each other. Them bonding is priceless and having siblings is a major amazing gift in life. I have plenty of siblings myself and I love the dynamic siblings bring to a family. You will love it especially as they will be close in age like my two! Its’ even better. i can’t wait for you and the amazing journey you are about to be on! 🙂

  2. This is a gorgeous post Jenny. They play so well together. My little one has started fighting her big brother back. Although there’s only 16 months difference between them, she is so tiny that it looks hilarious when she tackles him to the ground over a toy. I so enjoy seeing your pictures.

  3. Aww they are so lovely together – and it must be amazing to just sit and watch them at soft play, it’s a little taste of the way things will be in a few years time when playing with Mummy becomes far less interesting and like you I think I’ll miss it even though I’m glad my eldest two are such good friends!

  4. They sound a lot like Dylan and Archie, they are getting closer and closer as they grow up! We also jump on the bed and sing and dance jumping around too – you have to be silly sometimes! My two are thick as thieves at soft play, I love that I can just relax now

    • It’s great to be silly and have fun with the kids. Life is too short to be so serious right? I bet Dylan and Archie being two boys will be thick as thieves. I never thought my two being a boy and a girl would bond so tightly but I guess my brother and I are close too so it’s possible. Wait till you add a three boy toddler int here. You crazy girl I am so excited for you.

    • I think so definitely. I sometimes still see them as a baby and toddler and I forget they are so close in age they are just two toddlers. Like having twins with one just a little more helpful and independent. it’s great now. I love this age and stage together.

    • Thank you ever so much Katie, that is the sweetest thing to say. They really do look SOOO much alike. If you look at Buba at her age you can’t tell them apart unless you look at what clothes they are wearing. Too funny. They are looking really old at the moment makes me sad.

  5. That top photo is stunning – and they do look so alike. Beautiful. Really interesting about just letting them sort out their own fights too; my little one is a bit too small for that at the moment, but it’s a good tip for when she’s more able to defend herself.

    • Thank you so much. Yes they really do look so much alike. It’s crazy looking back at photos of when Buba was her age. They are identical. It worked for us as kids so I tend to do the same within reason. 🙂

  6. Oh Jenny, they are looking more and more alike…..and also more like you. What beautiful babies you have there sweetie. I’m all for being ‘down’ with the kids too, best to make the most of every funny and silly moment with them while we can because before we know it they’ll be grown up and too cool to jump on the bed and hang out with us mamas! xxx #siblings

  7. Oh Jenny, I remember when I took my two to soft play for the first time several months ago and not be disturbed whilst I drank tea and read was a BIG MOMENT! Like you, I feel it’s really starting to get easier now, although I know there will be different challenges. x PS You are a GOOD Mum to let them jump on the bed- I must relax about this more!

  8. That first picture especially is brill! It sounds as though they’re enjoying a wonderful relationship at the moment – how lovely for all of you! Thank you for sharing these pics with us.

    • Thanks Katie. I do feel very blessed. I know you know the same feeling when you see your two love each other so much it really melts your heart doesn’t it?

  9. Nothing beats watching that sibling bond, does it. It’s so wonderful that they have each other. I’m glad to have finally got my act together to join in with this project so that I make sure to capture moments like this 🙂 #siblings

  10. Oh I love this post so much Jenny. Love the snaps of the cheeky little cuties, and I love your words too. They sound so much like my two that it’s untrue, what a shame we don’t live close enough for really regular play dates, I think they’d be proper besties if we did. Thanks so much for linking up with Siblings. x

    • Thanks Lucy so sweet of you. I know I keep saying that too. Every time I read a post of yours I think wow they are just like my two. I know we don’t live close but a few times a year we really should get them together. They had so much fun last time as did the hubsters and us too! 🙂

  11. I love this Jenny take me back to when my two were smaller. My two are 8 and 10 now and are also 20 months apart. They are also mistaken as twins and I juse love the bond they share, they are getting closer and closer now they that bit older. It’s such a lovely thing for a mum to see x


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