Last updated on April 22nd, 2024 at 01:43 pm
My momma has officially flown back home and I am so bad at saying goodbye. It’s always the case, I know I will see her again soon but it never makes me feeling any better. This time around it was harder watching my kids cry for her too and her over my kids. I think living far away was easier before I had kids and now it seems to hurt more and be harder at times as I feel their emotions as much as my own. But I am so grateful for our time together and we really did make the most of the last two weeks together.
Now, we have so much on our social calendars the next few months, it will be no time before we are back in the states together again. I have been slacking a little on the blog and on my social media while she was here. It was a good break and it’s time to get back into it and share all our fun times. I am late with my #littleloves this week, ooops, Mr P and I decided to watch tv and eat ice cream last night and it was good to be lazy just the two of us together.
In an attempt to get more crafty with the kids and with myself I subscribed to Mollie Makes. For months now, I have been pouring over it’s pages in awe, loving all the lovely projects within it. I have yet to make anything from it but I really need to change all that. As the kids get older they love crafting but I am not very crafty so I have let that slide by us. I also don’t like messy play so that has a lot to do with not getting the playdoh out or the glue and scissors but I don’t want to hinder my children either nor their creative side as they may well be a lot more creative than I am! So my mission the next few weeks and this summer with crafty grandma is to get a few projects lined up, take some Mollie Makes tips, and get my kids crafting and creating. Wish me luck!
I heard there is awards going on right now called the #Bibs2015 and yes, I have no shame in asking. My momma always said don’t ask, don’t get. While I know it’s so very hard to choose a blogger for each category, it was hard for me to pick as I have so many favorites. I would love to be considered. There isn’t much time left to vote so get your entries in soon. Good luck to all you amazing bloggers out there too!
I have been watching endless kettlebell workouts on youtube these past two weeks. They have really made a difference already to my flabby mommy tummy. I am slightly in love with kettlebells at the moment. Here is just one of my 20 minute workouts that I like to do in the morning to get the day going.
I have finally worn a colored lipstick out of the house! I know, where have I been?? I struggle with severe dry lips so I normally can’t even wear lipgloss or chapstick which really upsets me but we went out for a special dinner the other night. I have tried many colors on in my house but never liked them or was never brave enough to keep it on for a night out. I bought this one from M&S called Coral Matte and I thought it was enough red to call red but not your bright “red, red” which doesn’t suit me at all. Mr P caught me getting ready with it and said how much he loved it so I braved public with it and was really pleased with the feedback I got. I did feel self conscious with it on all night. Was it on my teeth? Was it half worn off from eating and drinking? Was it smeared across my face? See this is why I can’t wear lipstick it brings on the worries of all these little things. lol But none of the above happened and Mr P even said at the end of the night I should wear it out more often. We will see in the future but either way it was lovely to be able to wear it for a special occasion even if it dried my lips out even more for a few days. The pain was worth it! If only there was a cure!
I have been baking up a storm with my momma here. She is the ultimate chef and I have so much to learn from her. If you saw my Instagram you would have seen these Easter Snickerdoodle Cookies along with some amazing Easter bunny cookies we made with the kids too. I only wish I had taken a photo of the amazing Easter bunny cake she made before we sent it to my mother in laws!
And lastly…
Last night, we went to the Easter Beauty & the Beast Pantomime in Liverpool. It was my first panto as well as the kids so it was definitely a different experience. I didn’t really know what to expect. I will say more all about it later but it was nice to do something with the four of us as a family. As you can see, Buba was happy as can be having his picture with the cast afterwards.
Linking up to Butwhymummywhy for #littleloves
Oh that must be hard to say goodbye but lovely to know that the summer will be here soon! Good luck with the messy play – I’ve always found the trick is to work out what least riles you, I find glitter on the carpet I can live with, kids eating playdoh I hate!! We don’t do much playdoh!
Yeah I think playdoh is my nemesis but glitter I could deal with its sparkly and pretty. Hahaha yes always hard to say goodbye but I am grateful for our time together.
That lipstick colour looks absolutely gorgeous on you Jenny! And I am so glad you are enjoying kettle bells and I inspired you to do so! Never feel bad about having a night off the computer, we have been doing that a lot more recently and it’s ace. In fact I am just about to go and switch off myself- Mr E is making fajitas and we are off to snuggle and chill out. x
I love your fajita tradition so amazing. Yes I really can’t thank you enough for inspiring me to do them. My stomach will thank you. Lol Thanks I am still in and out about the lipstick but I liked it that night. Something different.
That pantomime looked fantastic! Love your lipstick but know what you mean about it getting on your teeth or on your face – I have never worn one out of the house and completely get where you’re coming from. Have a wonderful Easter lovely x
Thanks Darling. Happy Easter to you too!
Saying goodbye sucks 🙁 I only lived abroad for a few months at a time and the goodbye bit was always the hardest part. That book looks like fun, and your cookies look amazing! Hope you’re having a lovely Easter xx
Thanks Alice, Happy Easter to you too! We are having a lazy family weekend at home but those are always the nicest.
That lipstick looks great on you Jenny, and I’m glad you all had such a lovely time at the pantomime xx
Thanks Jo, I am not sure how brave I will be when it’s not just me and Mr P out. lol But here is to hoping! lol
I feel your pain with the dry lips, I have been suffering for the past week and now have a coldsore 🙁 But that lipstick looks amazing on you!
The baked goods look delicious, can imagine what the bunny cake looks like!
Thanks hun. Oh yes I suffer from extreme dry lips for years so bad I usually can’t wear lipstick, gloss or even Chapstick or it causes cold sores for me too. I hate it. Got lucky and wore this one with no problems.
So happy that you had such a lovely time with your mom, I bet the kids loved having her over too.
Jenny, I love love love that lipstick! It really does suit you and I’m so pleased you found the confidence to wear it.
I’m really missing hanging out with you and cannot wait to have a catch up when I’m back xxx
Oh me too! I had you almost every other weekend and then none. I miss you so very much. Thanks hunny not sure I would be confident to wear it out with others but just Mr P and I was a good test. A TB dinner not sure. Hahahah I am a wuss.
That lipstick is lovely! I splurged (treated myself!) on my first MAC lipstick, bright red. people may think it doesn’t suit me but who cares! I love the colours, very intense but hey, got to try it out for yourself hey? good on you girl! beautiful…
Glad you had lovely time with your Momma, she seems so much fun! all that baking, wow! I know what you mean with the crafting, I try my best but a lot of unfinished projects here, tough work moving house trying to find it all but soon my name will be Miss DIYCRAFT 😉 (given time of course lol) xxx
Hahaha me too. Thanks hunny. Yup got to grow a pair and do it for myself and not what others think. Lol Happy moving and crafting.