Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 01:02 pm
I haven’t been one to ever set challenging new year’s resolutions. Mostly because I don’t like to fail. I am also good at knowing my limits and the reality that if I set too high of expectations, I am only adding unnecessary pressures on myself. Each year, I have a little “beginning of the year” to do list. It’s pretty much the same every year to help prepare for another busy year ahead.
On this to do list are things like clear out wardrobes, organizing cabinets and storage, chase all out standing invoices etc. I may add a few things for that year like getting back to a good workout routine last year after having a baby. But this year, I am adding a little to do for my personal wellbeing. I want to spend more time on the things I love…
Whether this is reading, music, coffee with a friend, or learning something new. My list of things I want to do for myself has been put on the back burner for so long I almost forget what I love doing in my spare time. I am not complaining I love our busy lives with my three beautiful children. I love having a baby in the house again. But I miss me! It’s ok, to admit. I don’t mind saying it out loud.
Probably the latter of this “me list” is most important to me. I love learning new things. I love working on my Spanish. I love watching youtube tutorials to teach me about photoshop, photography, makeup, fashion, interiors. You name it. My brain craves new information.
So this year, I have finished the house clear out, the cabinet and storage organizing, and I am ready to set time aside each week for me to learn. Whether it’s just to learn for personal reasons or for work. I have my student head on and my wifi headphones ready!

I am still working through “How to Hygge”. I love having a book I can jump in and out of when I am super busy but that calms me. This is that book! Don’t get me wrong I love a good page turner where I read for hours not wanting to put the book down when I have the time too. Instead of rushing through books like I did last year to read a book a week, this year, I am stopping and enjoying every page I read. What are you reading at the moment?

Well, this section isn’t usually a big one for me. I am never good at knowing what the hit song is or any good political news. I hide in my bubble with the same old playlists when I have the chance to listen to music or the same country station from back home on my internet radio. I am hoping with my “me list” above I will get to listen to some new music that will catch my attention. I hope I will heard more things to learn this year from photography, photo editing to listening to my Spanish cds more. This year it’s all about listening!!! What are you listening to at the moment?

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I have long loved stripes and cozy snoods but I have really got into my ripped jeans and knitted sweaters this winter. I think I may have even bought five new chunky sweaters all of a different “grey” color which made me laugh but I love grey. Paired with my favorite stripes and cozy snoods, I think make the perfect winter outfit. What do you think? Are you fan of ripped jeans or not at all?

I have slacked in the kitchen so much lately. Mostly because I haven’t been home long enough to cook, bake or create anything beautiful to share with you. The other reason is I spend half my time making baby boy’s food. Weaning is a time consuming stage for sure. But with Valentine’s Day coming up and Mother’s Day too, I am hoping to get back and have some delicious recipes for you to drool over soon. Watch this space!

Last week, we were took an unexpected flight to west coast America to attend my Grandma’s funeral. Baby boy and I were on six planes in four days while the older two stayed home with Daddy for school. We had only just got on UK time zone from Mexico before we left so we are playing catch up on what country and time zone we are in this week. Baby boy really found it hard from Mexico so instead of putting him on USA time for only four days in time to return I just woke up and we had midnight parties every night. It made it harder on me but so much easier on him returning. I got to have some fab and random nights of play one on one with my littlest.
If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter or perhaps haven’t had the chance to subscribe to me on YouTube, I would love your support. I would love you to pop over to one and engage with us. We love getting to know more people around the world online. We also love supporting those who support us. Give us a shout and we will be sure to shout back! I hope moving forward you will continue to read LTM and enjoy us sharing our lives and passions with you.
That view from the plane window! Baby Boy is the image of B, he’s such a little cutie. I’m reading Tell Me a Secret by Jane Fallon at the moment, such a page turner. That hygge book looks and sounds lovely. I do love a book I can pick up for a little calm every now and again. I totally get the missing you thing. I still feel like that some days and my youngest is 7! It’s good to get back to doing things you enjoy. Have a great week x
Oh yes good to have a good view. I will have to check these books out need a good page turner. So true but easy to get caught up in things too and forget about ourselves for awhile.
I think that’s a great idea Jenny-more of the things you love! I love to keep learning but I must admit have been slacking quite badly there. Sounds like you have lots up your sleeve. I’m the same with music and quite frequently realise I haven’t listened to anything other than the radio in the car for ages. Sorry to hear about your Grandma and although a sad time I hope it was nice to see loved ones even if only for a short while. Xx
I am sorry sorry to hear about you Grandma Jenny. How on earth is your little boy 8 months old?!?! That has gone super quick!! He is so adorable. He looks so much like your eldest. Love your outfit on what you wore section, hat jumper looks super cosy. Thank you so much for linking up Jenny, really pleased your sticking with it. Have a wonderful February xx
Ah I am so sorry about your Grandma, it must have been a tough trip. I know what you mean about not finding time for you, I am so lucky to get to do loads but feel really unchallenged lately which is really niggling at me. I too need to get back on track with recipes I have so many ideas so just need to do it x
I always find that when life gets tough, I really have to make the effort to do things I love as it really helps me. So sorry about your Grandma, it must have been a tough trip back home for you. Hugs xx
I’m sorry to hear about your Grandma, that can’t of been an easy trip for you. I’m loving the rip jeans and jumpers too, I can’t stop buying them or wearing them!
Oh sweetie you really have had a rough start to the year. And so brave travelling so far with your little man. He looked so handsome in his little suit. I love your photos and flatlays in this post sweetie. And I agree, more of what you love x