Theme Parks, Life friends, and a red dress

Last updated on October 1st, 2023 at 04:16 pm

It’s FRIYAY!!! Yup, I used that cliche, catch phrase, but I couldn’t help it. I am loving the weekend upon us for so many reasons. We have friends up from Seattle to visit us. The County Fair is on! We are going to the beach Saturday which is one of our favorite spots and now only an hour closer to us! HOORAY! Then Sunday is a big trip to the Theme Park with all their cousins and all our friends all together. We can’t wait for the weekend to be here. The weather is amazing too but I know those in the UK don’t want to hear this. Sorry!

What have we been up to so far this week? It’s been an eventful one. On top of our lazy mornings, swimming, jumping, garden disco daily occurrences, we have a lot more to celebrate!


read reading

I am going back and forth between sticking with books or going for a Kindle. Anyone gone to a kindle and regretted it or missed the feel of a book in your hand? My worries are that all the phone time, and computer screen time I have for work is that I will be adding yet another electronic to my life and my poor eyes. Would love to know what my readers think? No pun intended!

Whilst you ponder that for me, I have been reading Stephen Fry, Mythos and got the second book too because we all know I love a good book series. Looking for some chic lit, light reading, why not pick up a copy of my book, “When Love & Culture Collide” or UK version here.   Kindle version coming soon!

heard listening to

I am hearing so many changes going on in the online world that I fear blogging is changing forever. I fear that it’s becoming a community of extreme competition instead of supporting each other in the same field as it once was.

When I started blogging six years ago I would get hundreds of bloggers stopping by, commenting and engaging with my posts. Now we have such a face pace, cut throat online world that other bloggers don’t even have time to read other bloggers. We are drowning in the forever changing algorithms and just trying to survive and keep our businesses going so we can continue to stay home with our children and do what we love.

I hear more changes are coming? I am not doing this to be famous as some are. I am only trying to make a living and be with my family as much as possible and do something I love at the same time. That’s writing.

So I hope you will continue to read my blog and support me. I hope you will stick with us as we try to evolve and change with the world. Even if we are slower to keep the pace. I thank you for those that still stop by and read.

 watched watch

Have you watched my latest vlog? It’s always hard getting videos uploaded while we are traveling. But we have so many stock piled to catch up on when we return in September. I finally will have my new office to film more often for you too.


wore wear fashion

I went red! It’s not a color I normally wear nor do I own much except maybe sandals or earrings. But yesterday on a shopping spree with my friend, I was drawn to it. Ok, it’s more burnt red/orange color but I love it. I strutted this maxi dress (bought at bargain price at Forever21) to dinner to celebrate. I also grabbed this romper. another thing I am currently obsessed with also from Forever21 at bargain price in the sale too. It’s also got the red, orange tones.

I found myself thinking I need to add more colors to my wardrobe. I am always in pink, white, grey or black. I looked over my wardrobe I have no red tops, no orange tops, no purple tops and no blue tops (unless it’s dark navy). What colors do you need more of in your wardrobe?

made making

I have been working on some fab Halloween recipes for you. It’s not long till the spooky holiday. I always love when September hits and I can dream up fun things for the kids for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas time! What’s your favorite holiday treat?

In the meantime have you tried my Balsamic Watermelon Salad, or a tasty summer drink with my Gin Lemonade & Basil cocktail. We still have a few more weeks to enjoy a BBQ or two!

Gin Lemonade & Basil A Summer Cocktail recipe

and lastly to share

School is just around the corner and summer will be over. We are so sad. This year went far too fast for us to even be at the end of it already.

I would love if you could comment below and tell me what you love about Let’s Talk Mommy? What you want to see more of? Perhaps there is a topic I don’t cover often enough or in detail that you want to know more about? This space is as much for me as it is for you so come on readers, tell me! What do you search for in a blog? I want you to benefit from my site and come back wanting more but I can’t do that without your opinions, feedback and knowing what it is you came here for????? Open up, only takes a second to comment or pop over on social media and tell me. I love a good online chat!

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4 thoughts on “Theme Parks, Life friends, and a red dress”

  1. Hi, I read your and many blogs for inspiration, fashion, fitness, family ideas etc.. Many years ago I found you through #littleloves and it’s that kind of round up I like. I appreciate that some amazing bloggers earn a living from their blogs (and have my full respect and admiration) and I know that there will be sponsored posts but recently in some other blogs it’s just collaborative post after another which is becoming frustrating to read. I want to know the person behind the blog and their ideas, likes, family life etc. just not ads. I really respect those bloggers who work with brands which reflect their lifestyle and ethos. For someone who enjoys reading blogs I feel that unless bloggers make their blogs more authentic then the medium will be some less effective. I do think yours is an exception, great original content, appropriate sponsored posts and regularly updated. Thank you.

  2. Your blog is lovely as it is, you don’t need to change anything. I love the mixture of fashion, recipes and parenting.
    I love paper books but kindles are so handy, easy to take when on holiday and they don’t take too much space.
    How cute do your boys look with their matching swimming costumes!!

  3. I totally agree about the support gong out of blogging and some people doing it for fame but I suppose that is to be expected, the changes have not all been the the best have they? I have loved following your trip with your family, you summers always look so much fun Jenny, I love that dress on you it looks gorgeous, Ido love bright pretty colours. And I am a kindle reader, and have been for about 10 years I love how portable they are and when you travel a lot that’s so important x


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