Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:24 am
The Surprising History of your Kitchen Cupboard!
Brits have a rich food heritage which, although not be particularly revered on the global stage, includes a wealth of family favorites that have stood the test of time. Open up the kitchen cupboard of the average UK family and there will brands in there that have been knocking about for over century– hopefully not literally! Some of the foods and brands that we know and love have had quite the journey, to get to our shelves all these years later.
Here are 12 facts about British food history you might not have known:
1. In the 1930s Marmite was used to treat anaemia in mill workers in Bombay
2. The oldest British food brand is Lyle’s Golden Syrup
3. Before refrigerators were common, to keep their meat fresh people stored their meat in a ‘meat safe’
4. At the start of the 20th century Polar explorers used to take Horlicks with them for energy. Mountaineer Richard Byrd even named the Horlicks Mountains after the drink!
5. A thrifty Victorian era dish was flour soup! The unappealing dish was made with Butter, flour, hot water, and salt.
6. From the mid-nineteenth century babies in the UK suffering from Colic were treated with a tonic known as ‘Gripe water’. Invented by William Woodward, an English pharmacist in 1851 the original mixture was formulated with 3.6 per cent alcohol!
7. Even though home freezers were still yet to become common, after being launched in 1955 Birds Eye Fish Fingers came to account for 10 per cent of all fish consumption within a decade.
8. At the turn of the 20th Century, breakfast was revolutionised by American John Harvey Kellogg. He accidentally left some boiled maize out and it went stale. He passed it through some rollers and baked it, creating the world’s first cornflake.
9. In 1914 Britain was the largest importer of tinned food.
10. The first ‘ready-meal’ to really take off in the UK was the chicken kiev in 1979.
11. Bird’s instant custard powder Bird’s Custard was created by Alfred Bird because his wife was allergic to eggs.
12. Tea was established in Britain back in the 1660s when Catherine of Braganza, the queen of Charles II popularised the drink amongst the British aristocracy.
To celebrate their surprising history Horlicks have created an animation looking back at the last 140 or so years of British love for a hot malty drink. You can watch it here or find it on the Horlicks Facebook page.
I have great news too, to celebrate this amazing hot malty drink I am here to host a celebration GIVEAWAY of Horlick goodies. WIN these Horlick products below and you can see what all the fuss is about. Enter below and good luck.
I’ve never tried Horlicks before
fantastic giveaway
Good luck Iain, it’s a delicious treat for sure.
Fab give away!
Thanks Leanne, good luck to win.
I would love to try it!
It’s yummy you wouldn’t be disappointed.
good luck all
Thanks for entering. Best of luck.
Fantastic giveaway, i would love to try Horlicks!
Good luck, it’s delicious.
Fab giveaway x
Thank you for entering and sharing your results. Best of luck.
Perfect for my recuperating daughter
Oh sorry to hear she is not well but good luck on the comp.
I love Horlicks
Best of luck to win.
Horlicks – still on the ‘to try’ list. I imagine something delicious though!
It’s a good giveaway for the upcoming winter months. A very comforting drink.
Who knew? My favourite fact was about the drunken colicky babies.
Great lists of facts Jenny – you learn something new every day! Horlicks is one of my favourite bedtime drinks 🙂
I didn’t know these facts! Very cool! #sharewithme
You learn something new everyday ! #sharewithme
As a big Marmite and Horlicks lover this was definitely the post for me to read today! Love all these fab facts Jenny, it’s fascinating to read the history behind some of our best loved foods and amazing how often they were used medicinally originally! #ShareWithMe
Interesting facts. I couldn’t imagine not keeping meat in the fridge and I’ve never tried marmite, but it other than as a food sounds quite odd! #sharewithme
Ooh Flour soup sounds BAD… 🙂 x
These facts are so interesting, I love reading things like this, it is amazing how quickly you forget evolution even in your lifetime x
It was great to learn them too as I am not British and to see the history of it all. lol Thanks Kara.
I love reading facts like that! I’m not sure about flour soup, it sounds revolting.. 🙂 #sharewithme
It really does sound awful doesn’t it? lol
Wow! Interesting facts. That flour soup was a bit much for my taste. I couldn’t imagine anyone being able to enjoy a bowl of that. To each its own, I guess. Thanks for sharing, Jenny. and for hosting us on #sharewithme this week!
I think it’s a bit much for anyones taste but history is history hahaha Thanks Maria.
ha, I had no idea marmite was that old – I used to work at Unilever who now do the marketing for marmite, I should have probably known more about the product haha #sharewithme
hahah That’s funny. I know I was excited to learn so much about British history on food. lol 😉
I had heard some of these before, but not all. Doesn’t flour soup sound lovely? #sharewithme
hahah It sounds absolutely awful but history is history right? hahaha
Ooo lovely giveaway – I’ve entered a few times 😉 Fingers crossed! I think grype water was still going until recently! Maybe it didn’t have as much alcohol in it though – I hope! Very informational post, I didn’t know most of these facts. #ShareWithMe x
Thanks Becky glad you enjoyed them. It’s always great to learn more about my children’s country. lol
Really interesting facts. That flour soup sounds all kinds of wrong! Yuck! Thanks for hosting #sharewithme
I think everyone thinks that about flour soup but its a fact hahahah Thanks hun.
Very interesting post! I am a big foodie and knew about some of these but others…like Flour Soup (ewwww!) – who knew! #sharewithme
I love this post as i love finding out facts..a proper geek at heart! I used gripe water with helped with her colic!! 🙂 xx
Flour soup!! Bleurgh!!!! Won’t be trying that any time soon! Love Horlicks though! x #ShareWithMe
I really enjoyed reading these facts, so interesting. It always amazes me that gripe water used to have alcohol in.
Thanks for hosting #Sharewithme
Becky xx
We love Horlicks in our house, comp entered thanks! #Sharewithme
Thanks for entering and stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.
Really interesting facts, and I do love Horlicks 🙂
Love Horlicks so thanks for a great prize
Thank you for stopping by and entering. Wish you luck. It’s a lovely malt drink for winter.
Some of these are interesting and I didnt know about almost any of them. Thank you for sharing
Me neither it was good to get to know a few food histories of the country I now live in. lol Good luck, glad to share.
That’s an interesting list 🙂
I’ve heard about gripe water originally containing alcohol. I also heard that when it was removed the medicine stopped working!
Having worked in food for 13+ years, I love the history of brands. The UK has such a mix and lots of history, just a shame so many of the companies are now globally owned.
Great facts to know. Thank you for hostessing the lovely #sharewithme.
There’s nothing like a hot, comforting drink while blogging away in the winter months… Seeing as I don’t drink, this is my ideal companion!
Oh yes so true. It’s comforting and keeps us blogging away.
Some interesting facts, and I used to love horlicks as a kid! And ovaltine too! Now I’m craving a hot malty drink haha! #sharewithme
Sorry to start a carving hahaha the cooler weather might be to blame too. It’s definitely comforting.
Really interesting post, didnt know half of the facts….not sure i would want to try ‘floor soup’!!
It was fun for me to learn as an expat for sure. Flour soup has to be a no go for me too. lol Good luck.
Great article
Good luck and thanks for stopping by Nat.
it’s funny how we grow accustomed to the things we grow up with, though thankfully some of these are no longer in fashion!
I am with you especially on the flour soup! lol Too funny. Love a good tradition on a brand.
oooooo I haven’t had Horlicks for years! #sharewithme
It’s delicious never too late to WIN and have it again. Especially for the upcoming cooler nights.
I love horlicks but not had it in ages!! I love these facts – I love all the old fashioned foods, especially custard! #sharewithme xx
This reminded me of this post I wrote
Interesting tips, I wouldn’t let my cupboard run out of either Marmite or Lyles Golden Syrup. Though I could live without the powdered custard…. Becky #sharewithme
This looks and sounds fantastic! I love Horlicks before bed!
Good luck then Angela, it’s definitely a comforting drink.
this looks fantastic x
Wow, these are so interesting. Never would have known.
It was fun learning them myself as an expat. Thanks.
What a wonderful giveaway, i have never heard of Horlicks, but would love to try it!
Good luck to give it a try then perfect for up coming winter.
fab prize xx
Fascinating read about food, love a bit of history so thanks for sharing 🙂
Really interesting facts! I haven’t heard of Horlicks before. I might give them a try,
🙂 xx Thanks for sharing and hosting #sharewithme
It’s a lovely malty drink for the evenings whlie watching tv. Thanks for joining in hun.
I can never decide if I prefer Horlicks or Ovaltine
Oh I haven’t tried Ovaltine before. Love a good malty drink. Good luck.
I love the mug designs – they’d go perfectly in my kitchen!
A great warming drink in the winter
I love Horlicks!
Good luck! Thanks for stopping by.
Great drink for the winter thank you for the great tips a few I didn’t think of xx
Always love to share some fun facts I enjoyed learning them. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.
Great drink for the winter thank you for the great facts a few I didn’t think of know xx
Good luck to win and glad you enjoyed some fun facts.
I love Horlicks – it makes for a great cheesecake recipe too!
I love horlicks its my bedtime drink with a tot of whiskey x
I love historic facts like this. we all hear about the big stuff but never the small things. Kirsten
I haven’t had Horlicks in a while, I love this retro mug set!
It’s so delicious. Best of luck.
Haven’t had Horlicks for ages
Best of luck to win and have it again. : )
As a hectic mummy of 3 kiddies this would be great to win. Call me old but I plan to relax on my birthday on the 9th with a horlicks, whilst curled up in my pjs – hopefully with all 3 kids asleep!!!
Sounds like a good idea to me. hahaha Heavenly in fact. Thanks for stopping by and best of luck.
Fab giveaway, thanks 🙂 I love Horlicks and often drink it before bed – and I would love to store it in that lovely tin! Will have to get one of those.
It’s a great malty drink for winter coming up isn’t it? Good luck. Thanks for stopping by.
Horlicks is one of my favourite drinks. Thanks for the giveaway x
It’s a good one for winter coming up and the cooler nights for sure.
I love Horlicks, makes me feel so cosy 🙂
Wow I have not had this for years!! Lovely winter warmer!
It’s a good one for the colder evenings and getting cozy in front of the fire isn’t it?
I have not had Horlicks for years. I will have to try it again especially now the Autumn is here.
Great prize x
Lovely giveaways
Thanks for the giveaway – I can remember having Horlicks tablets when I was young, haven’t tried it for years but I’m really craving some now!
Horlicks is so nice in winter 🙂
Never tried Horlicks and would really love to, especially with colder weather on our door steps
My favourite bedtime drink. Lovely tucked up in bed with my Kindle and my Horlicks.
We’re already big fans of Horlicks. Not so sure about the flour soup, though!
Absolutely love Horlicks, its my little bit of self indulgence 🙂 x
would love to try it