Last updated on June 6th, 2022 at 12:09 pm
The baby product industry is worth billions across the world, and it is expected to continue to grow, even in Europe and the UK. Parents are eager to get the latest and greatest for their newborns, and baby showers are more popular than ever.
There will always be new gadgets and products on the market designed for babies and new parents to make life easier. If an expectant mother wants something like that, she will undoubtedly put it on a registry. Chances are, she’s already made a checklist for everything she needs as well as how to babyproof the house.
Sometimes, though, people get so caught up in the ‘latest and greatest’ baby gadgets that they forget about the basics. Some of the most inexpensive and simple baby shower gifts are also the most practical, and the ones that will end up getting the most use.
So, if you want to avoid the latest ‘trends’ when purchasing a baby shower gift, consider items that have stood the test of time for a reason.

1. Diapers
It shouldn’t be surprising to see diapers on this list. They are something every parent needs, and most are surprised at how quickly they go through them! You can either purchase a few boxes of diapers, get creative with a “diaper cake”, or do something really special and sign the new parents up for a diaper subscription service. You can be sure that a gift like this will get used over and over again.
2. Bibs
Babies are messy, and whether a new mother needs something to wipe the milk off of their chin when they’re feeding, or they’re ready to start solid foods, bibs are a lifesaver. Some children will use bibs even as toddlers, especially if they’re eating messy foods like spaghetti. So, not only are they useful, but parents will be able to use them for more than just a few months.
3. Baby Bath Tub
Baby bath tubs have come a long way, and they are often a “must-have” on any new parent’s registry. Gone are the days of having to bathe babies in the sink. Baby baths are designed to allow a newborn to safely lay down without the risk of falling out or slipping down. Some bath tubs even come with a temperature gague, so new parents can make sure that the water isn’t too hot before they place their baby comfortably inside.
4. Swaddle Blankets
Swaddle blankets can be a lifesaver for parents of a newborn when nighttime rolls around. Babies like to be swaddled snugly, because it reminds them of being inside of their mother’s womb. Having a regular blanket in a crib isn’t recommended at a young age, so swaddlers are a great way to “wrap” them tightly and keep them feeling safe and secure. By purchasing a few swaddles, new parents can change them out each night to help their baby sleep better.
You don’t have to fall for the latest and greatest when it comes to bringing a quality gift to a baby shower. Instead, consider things that will always be practical and will always be needed.
5. Baby tableware
If you want to make a parent’s life easy, you should consider baby tableware as a gift for a baby shower party. Every parent is well familiar with all the mess when feeding the baby. Luckily there are many products, specially designed for kids who like to throw away things, such as bowls with a suction feature, or plates that are not going to break after being thrown. A kid’s bamboo dinner set is also a good example for those who want to add some cuteness to all of this.
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