Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:28 pm
B, you continue to get taller and taller each week. Your wisdom and curiosity both at their peaks with your daily questions. While these questions can sometimes play a toll on Mommy and Daddy, I know they are how you learn and that you are only observing the world around you. I love that everything is new and amazing to you. At this age, you seem to want to learn and know everything you possibly can, every second of every day. Its knowing this that makes me excited for school in September for you so your teacher may provide you with more than I can and satisfy that eagerness to learn. I thought the closer we got to school time I would be feeling uneasy about not having you at home but lately I have put my own emotions aside excited for all the things that school will bring you. I loved school all the way through high school and I hope you get that from me. It’s such a wonderful place and I hope you have the best experience ever, like I did at school. I hope we have prepared you for the upcoming adventure as much as possible.
MM, my littlest of all. I keep calling you my baby, wanting you to stay small. As I have friends around me having more babies and holding them in my arms, I really see how much you have grown up recently. More than I give you credit for and its only that I know you are my last baby and I want to make the most of it as long as I possibly can. Lately, I have been trying to let go on the baby era around the house and let you have more space, more freedom to be more independent than you already are. Your personality is strong and determined and I love that about you. You know what you want and you give a good fight if you don’t get it but that can be a good skill to have defending yourself and fighting for what you want when you are older. Your baby ways are definitely behind us. Weep! Your wanting Mommy for everything is fading but I know you love me as much as I love you. It won’t be long before you are right behind B in school. Your sentences are being strung together faster and faster everyday. Your voice is becoming more little girlish and no longer a coo of a baby. I sit down sometimes and watch you playing with the older kids and think you weren’t a baby very long where did the time go?
Linking up Shutterflies for #livingarrows and MummyDaddyMe for #OrdinaryMoments
lovely letters. They really do grow up to quickly! X
Oh I think so too. When my mother said wait till you have your own kids and life will get fast I had no idea how fast she meant. Haha thanks.
Aww Jenny, they grow too fast. Beautiful photos, I hope you have an amazing time in America – enjoy being with family and extra long holidays before B starts school xxx safe travels #ordinarymoments
Thanks Alexandra. Yes I can’t wait for the kids to be in the states get there little American accents back. lol and see family of course too.
Here again, I love Buba’s shorts #livingarrows
Thank you darling.
Buba is looking so tall, and I feel the same about Dylan, as much as I want time to slow down, I know he is going to thrive at school and he is so excited for it all. x
Oh yes I bet you will feel a lot less busy with one in school too. I don’t know how you do it darling. Super mommy.
They are both getting so big! There really isn’t much baby left in that little lady now. Beautiful photos x
I know I thought that in our France pictures. There is no baby left at all. Bless.
Aw, I really relate to that wish for keeping your kids small, it’s sort of bittersweet watching them grow up!
Oh yes it really is and a double standard as you want them to grow up and stay young at the same time.
These are lovely 🙂 It is scary how quickly they grow. My baby is 2 this year. 2!!!! how did that happen :S
Oh I know my baby is two next month too. And I just keep thinking where has my baby gone. Goes way too fast.
Gorgeous letters as always Jenny. I know what you are saying about MM, I realise recently just how much LL has grown- it makes me so sad! x