My travel bucket list

Last updated on May 22nd, 2024 at 08:30 pm

As an expat family, we travel a lot and mostly it’s to see family and friends. With both of us having most of our family abroad we don’t venture out on holiday unless it’s to see them or friends we have made a long the way. The world is so full of so many amazing places to visit it’s hard to pick just a few but here is my bucket list of the places I want to visit in the near future for our family holidays.

1. Greece

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

I have never been to Greece and the pure white buildings look so stunning, off setting that gorgeous blue water. I have plans to do a Greek island cruise with my momma for our next mother / daughter trip but I would love to take my family here for one of our family vacations. I have seen so many beautiful hotels in Greece and so many great places to visit there.

I would definitely do a package holiday to Greece as it makes it easier for families traveling with children and includes everything for you so you don’t have to worry. It’s definitely number one on my bucket list for our next big family vacation.

Regent offer one of the most incredible cruises around the Greek Islands, and it doesn’t have to be too expensive with Regent Seven Seas Grandeur deals at SixStarCruises.

2. Amalfi Coast

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

This place holds dear to my heart as I researched it and wanted to get married here so badly. If my entire family didn’t have to fly across the world to it rather than just from the UK, I would have got married here along it’s beautiful coastlines. I still want to make the family trip there someday and maybe a fun celebration for our anniversary of what could have been our wedding destination.

3. Maldives

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

Coming from America, we usually honeymoon in places closer like Fiji and Bora Bora and if I had known more about the Maldives I would have choose there. We flew all the way back from Bora Bora which was almost completely around the world after our honeymoon that turned out to be one storm fest after another. I wish we had set our eyes on the Maldives, which was closer to home and probably a better chance of great weather. We definitely are in need of a second honeymoon to make up for the first.

4. Abu dhabi

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

What’s not to love with the mouth dropping architecture in Abu dhabi. It leaves me truly breathless. The buildings, monuments and places to visit are outstanding. It’s definitely one for shopping too so it had to make my travel bucket list.

5. Portugal

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

I have heard so many great things about Portugal and it’s family friendly vacation hotspots. I would love to take the kids and just play out on the beach with not a care in the world. It’s not far from me so it’s one the kids at their age could handle the flight.

6. Thailand

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

Thailand is such a stunning country. There are so many great beaches, hidden gems and gorgeous waterfalls to seek out. I can just imagine my family rowing along the moss covered rocks to find our special oasis. There is nothing more beautiful than nature here I have been told and I long to see it with my own eyes and share it with my family.

7. Australia

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

Who doesn’t want to say they have been to Australia? Not you, well my family is originally from there on my father’s side so I would love to go back to my roots and explore. I love researching my family history and where we come from. It would be great to see the places they lived along with so many great tourist attractions too.

8. Switzerland

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

As you can see from my bucket list, I am a huge fan of the beach but that doesn’t mean I don’t love a good snowy mountain or two. I have always been a snowboarder but I would love to learn how to ski one day and why not with the kids in Switzerland? Sounds good to me.

9. Marrakech

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

I have longed to go to Morocco. Marrakech is always flashing it’s top hotels on the tv and internet making me drool. There is nothing I love more than a gorgeous hotel laid out with pools and amenities galore. The ones where the hotel is the holiday as much as the destination.

10. Lapland

My traveling bucket list best places to visit around the world

You are thinking Lapland, of course she wants to go see Father Christmas… nope, up until I moved the the UK, I said Santa and he lived in the north pole; not some place called Lapland. But Lapland on top of beautiful skiing is famous for it’s light shows. I would love to go and see the green ambers dancing across the sky.

Of course, there are truly a million beautiful places around the world waiting to be discovered, traveled and explored. I could pour over the internet everyday planning various types of holidays and where I want to take the kids. I am so grateful and love being able to share the world and it’s amazing glories with my children.

What’s on your travel bucket list? Where would you go on your next big family holiday?

Would love to hear from you, leave your comments below.

Greece Photo Credit /  Amalfi Photo Credit /  Maldives Photo Credit /  Abu dhabi Photo Credit /  Thailand Photo Credit /  Australia Photo Credit /  Switzerland Photo Credit /  Marrakech Photo Credit 

*collaboration post

9 thoughts on “My travel bucket list”

  1. It’s funny how where you originally come from influences your travel bucket list! My list has large chunks of Canada and the USA but not so much of Europe, mostly because I’ve already explored quite a bit of it. I do want to go and see the northern lights one though!!

  2. Great list Jenny! The Maldives and Thailand have always been on mine before having kids. Maybe when they’ve both left home I can go ha! x

    • Yes I think that’s how a lot of us go on our bucket list. Put them on before kids everything else get saved for when they leave home. Lol thank Hun.

  3. I can spend hours looking at travel inspiration and so many of your bucket list are on my list too probably Australia tops it though

  4. I’m definitely with you on three destinations , though two are because I have friends who moved to them and I have not seen them for a VERY long time . ( Australia and Greece. ) . I would love Lapland too (including Santa) or indeed anywhere I could see the Northern Lights. I would add Costa Rica and Belize . The former has an eco tourism policy at national level that has protected its beauty in a way that other local states have failed to . I love the mix of flaura and fauna that can be seen there . Actually think its at the top of my list .


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