Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:26 am
B, you have become a proper little boy, no longer a toddler. Your voice is sounding older, you are growing taller day by day, and you are learning so much so quickly in school now. Somehow I glance over at you and think how has it been four and half years? Where has all that time gone when it only feels like yesterday I was bringing you home from the hospital and trying to figure out how to be your mother. We have so much fun chatting about what you like to do and playing in the park. We have been a great team together. I hope that’s all the case as I know it’s harder and harder as you get older to bond with your mother as much as your father being a boy. I hope you always know you can run to me and count on me to be there even when you are all grown up and have a family of your own. You already seem to have an old soul and like to talk about bigger things in the world. You love traveling just like me and I love that. I want to show you as much of the world as I possibly can and I hope you continue that journey too. We have been going on a lot of bike rides and swinging on the swings at the park something you used to absolutely hate as a baby and toddler. It just shows how much you have really grown up and changed lately. I have missed you so much at school but know how good it is for both of us and it just makes our school gate reunions so much more special.
MM, my little daredevil princess. I love how much of a mix you are between being girlie and being a tomboy. You love your dresses and dollies but you want to run through the leaves and the mud just as much as your brother. You love playing with his monster trucks and cars and attempting to climb trees and everything else in sight. You have no fear. We recently started you in gymnastics and you are absolutely loving it. I wasn’t sure if you would be happier in ballet or gymnastic until I saw you swinging from the poles solo that are higher than I am tall with a squeal of laughter. I knew I made the right choice. You are growing as fast as your brother in height and your hair is coming in full curls now. You have changed a lot since your brother started school and you no longer have someone to tell you what to do, when to do it, and how. It’s time for you to make your own decisions and your true self come out which it really has. It’s been a pleasure watching. I love how adventurous you are and how much you love to be outside. I can tell on a rainy day why you get a little grumpy and don’t like to be trapped inside all day. We are having so much fun one on one and spending this special time together before you will soon join your brother at school. I am trying to make sure we do as much fun adventurous things together as I can between the school drop offs and school pick ups. I had that special time with your brother before you were born and now I want to have that special time with you too.
Ah that’s lovely. It’s amazing how children grow and change so quickly and turn into their own persons.
They really do change so fast and it’s so fun to watch them become who they want to be individually.
Aww Jenny you have such beautiful little ones. They really are growing up so quickly aren’t they. I think the same about Lil G at the minute. I just want time to stand still. #livingarrows x
Thanks KA you are always too sweet with your compliments. They really are getting so big and looking more grown up than ever. I can’t believe it. I wish it would all slow down a bit.
Lovely letters Jenny. B does look so grown up lately. Ava also goes to gymnastics and loves it, she sounds a lot like MM, girly but still into boy things-which I love!xx
I love that they can be both girly and tomboy at the same time and enjoy all things boy and girl. B is way too grown up for my liking. lol I need to figure out how to freeze time.
Beautifully written letters! Lovely photos too…. time flies so quick that we don’t even notice how our kids have grown in the last few months. Ruby loves playing cars and trains too rather than her dollies, think that’s what having a big brother can do. #sharewithme
Thank you Cheryl. I love writing these letters for them in the future to look back on. I had numerous big brothers and it really does get us to love those cars and trains so much more than if we had sisters. Funny isn’t it?
Ahhhh how lovely amazing to marvel at how they grow up – I feel like this every day (even amidst the tantrums!) and not sure if I’ll ever stop marvelling….#sharewithme x
I think we all love to marvel and what a great way to explain it too. It really is those moments we take in and don’t want to forget that are so precious and they grow up way too fast before our very eyes don’t they?
They are so gorgeous and these photos are just lovely. Only this morning Little G asked if we could go and play in the leaves- I must try and get going before they turn slushy! #sharewithme xx
Thank you so much Katy, I love capturing them in a moment. We love the leaves and having a leaf throwing challenging is just the best.
Sounds like they are both doing fab! I love how she can keep up with her her older brother regardless of the fact she is younger and smaller. Sounds like MM is learning so fast too! #sharewithme
She really does and I swear she thinks she is the same age as him all the time. He is constantly helping her out so that she can do things like he does and it’s so sweet to watch. Wish she would stay little longer for me though.
What stunning photos in the leaves! Gorgeous x #sharewithme
Thank you. We love a good leaf game in the park.
Ah they are getting bigger every time I see them! It’s great how close your kiddies are & also how they enjoy their own things. My daughter loves to be outside as well, this time of year is hard when they can’t be outside everyday! Thanks so much for hosting #sharewithme x
They really are growing up WAY TOO fast for my liking too. I don’t think I notice it until I start editing their photos and look closely at the little changes every single day. It amazes me.
These are, as always, beautiful words for your children, Jenny. It’s so bittersweet watching our children grow, isn’t it? We’re both proud of their progress and long for those little years when we were all they needed and ever wanted. Thank you for sharing this with us and for hosting us this week. Hope you have a fantastic rest of the day!
It really is a great experience watching them grow and getting to be apart of it all with them. I love capturing them in their elements and documenting what we are up to here for them to read when they are older too. Hope you have a great weekend ahead.
Reading this makes me wonder what my little girl will be like when she’s that age, the things she’ll have done and her little personality. Although i’m enjoying her being my baby right now, I can’t wait to watch her grow up. Thanks for sharing!
It is a pull on the wanting her to grow up so you can see with curiosity and then wanting to freeze time as they are only young so long and grow up way too quickly too. I feel the same about mine.
What a lovely post. It’s so nice to write this kind of thing occasionally as sometimes the day-to-day can make us forget how wonderful our children are. This is great, I’m sure your children will continue to grow into lovely people. 🙂
I love capturing the ordinary moments as much as the big milestones for that reason for sure. Thanks Morgan.
I’m actually writing a similar post at the moment. this is beautiful. will be lovely for your kids to read it when they’re older xx
It will and it’s lovely to document little things that you may forget as you get older too. They can look back on these in years to come.
I love this feature, your letters are always so beautiful and will be great for the kids to look back on in later years 🙂 It’s amazing how fast they change and grow! Thanks for hosting #sharewithme
I started these letters specifically because of that they just grow up way too fast!!! I wish I could freeze time.
Your kiddies are just so adorable. Love these posts!
Thank you so much that’s lovely of you to say. Glad you like my little notes to my kiddos I hope they do too when they are older.
I love these letters you write and wish I had done this for mine when they were little too. It is do touching to read your love filled sentences. I too love 1-1 time with my little man. It is special time spent making happy memories. Your photos are really beautiful too.
Thanks Catie, it’s lovely to have them together and one on one is even more special than. I love writing these letters each week and capturing our ordinary moments together.
Jenny, these photos are stunning. Such lovely words and straight from the heart. I hope your guys get to read this one day x #sharewithme
Oh yes I plan on putting them all in a book for each of them one day for a keepsake. I love capturing them each week in their element so recall later for myself as well.
Awww, lovely letters! They grow up so fast, don’t they?! Your photos are stunning, I love the one with your daughter holding leaves. So Autumnal. 🙂 xx
Thanks Sarah we love a good leaf throwing challenge at the park. She is leaf mad at the moment.
Such beautiful letters. Great way to keep memories for them in years you come. #sharewithme xx
I love writing these letters as a way to speak to them and share what I was feeling, thinking and experiencing at that time and at a time they may not remember themselves.
These letters are so beautiful – I can just imagine how special they’ll be to read when they’re grown up x #sharewithme
I am planning on putting them all in a book for them both one day.
I always love your letters to your babies, they are so sweet! It’s amazing how quickly they grow and change and this is a wonderful way to document that!
Thank you so much. I can’t wait to one day have them all in a book for them to read back when they are older.
Such a lovely post, your kids are so photogenic and know exactly how to pose for a photo! #sharewithme
I wish I thought that sometimes I think they never sit still long enough to take a photo that’s not blurry! lol They are just silly I think so I try to catch them in that element and be silly with them while I take them.
What a lovely post. It will be such a nice memory for you to look back on and something for your little ones to treasure as they get older! What a wonderful idea. #sharewithme
Thank you lovely. I can’t wait to put them all in collection for them one day.
It’s wonderful to read how well (and quickly) your kids are developing. Their preferences and behaviour changing so quickly…
It’s interesting that it’s good for MM’s development that her brother is now at school. As you say, she now can decide by herself what to do and when.
Oh yes they really do change so much on us so quickly. I really wish I could freeze it sometimes.
Such lovely letters, that will be so nice to look back on. They’re both so cute too. #sharewithme
Thank you so much. They really have grown up alot lately and I am starting to see that in photos now.
Very touching letters. If only I felt brave enough to write anything so heartfelt! Thanks for hosting #sharewithme
Oh you should it’s nice to have it for them when they get older to look back on.
I found this post so moving! I’m reading this with my 17 day old baby next to me (want to make sure she is sleeping soundly before I go to sleep) and I am amazed already by how much she is changing before my very eyes. I keep thinking about things like when her hair will be long enough to put up and what things will interest and delight her in the future. Your post has been so lovely to read – thank you.
Ahhh bless you thank you ever so much and I am glad you enjoyed it. First and foremost huge Congratulations on your new baby too. Those early days do go fast and they change every second at that age. Soak it all up and document it as much as possible even if it’s just for you to look back on.
These are beautiful letters. Its lovely to think that when your kids are older they will be able to look at these and see how they have grown in your eyes over the years. #Sharewithme
Thank you Tracey that was the reason I started them for sure and I am glad I have done them each week for almost two years and I can’t wait to put them all together in a book some day for each of them.
Aw such a lovely letter to the children. It is love to see them develop and be their own person X #ShareWithMe
It really is nice that she is standing on her own feet now and being so independent and becoming her own little darling you are so right it’s lovely to watch them develop. Thank you.
Beautiful post! Your children are so blessed to have such a loving Mom and you are also blessed to have such beautiful, healthy, vibrant children.
Oh thank you Erin, I couldn’t agree more. I am so grateful to have them in my life each and every day. Even when they are throwing tantrums I remind myself they are little miracles.
This is so sweet, I love writing letters! You’re children are beautiful and inspiring to here about how they have grown! : )
Thank you Meagan, they are funny at the moment thinking they are comedians 24/7 I clearly must not have a sense of humor as they are silly little monkeys. lol
what lovely letters – they seem to be growing up so much now!
They really are growing up a lot lately in their photos I am even seeing it too. 🙂 EEK wish it would slow down.
It’s so lovely that you will have all these letters to your kids to look back on when they’re older – it’s so easy to forget so much when they are growing and changing so quickly!
Thank you Sarah. Each year I put them in a book for them for the future to refer back to. It will be great to read them back when I am older too. Relive parenting! lol