Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:28 pm
To me, there is no greater reward then growing a baby inside you, giving birth and raising children. Whatever way you choose to raise them, and give birth to them; they are your babies to guide through life and love unconditionally how you see fit.
Life can get so busy when you have two toddlers in tow you forget to stop and take in life’s little details. As parents most of us do this automatically when they are first born, their tiny toes, and fingers, their first smiles (may it be gas or not) and so many other firsts. It’s rare by the time they get to the ages of toddlers and beyond that we notice their toes and fingers and other little details. When you finally do notice them, it fills your heart with so much pride, love and affection for them that you almost feel guilty you don’t stop more often to take in those little details. This stage goes just as fast as any other stage but somehow we don’t prioritise those little moments as much.
Being a mother of two toddlers is a tough job at times and an amazing one at other times. My two toddlers keep in on a good routine as much as I do them. We have been living a slower pace of life here in the states for the summer and it has me reflecting on so much of how we live our lives in the UK. Our summer is coming to an end and we are starting to get busy again everyday and getting back into our fast pace of life to return to the UK and it scares me how much of these little details I have been missing and how much I have enjoyed them here this summer with time to soak them into my memory forever. I am not ready to jump back into a rustle of blurred memories and miss how much they have grown before my eyes because they are at school and nursery or the smell of their tanned skin after a long day in the sun. It’s so hard to want to be in two places in the world at the same time.
So I tried to capture those life’s little details this summer in photos and in my memory. Whether it’s a smirk after a dive in the lake, a giggle after running through the sprinkler, their toes and fingers uniting together for fun and adventure, the way they depend on each other as playmates, friends and partners in crime and most of all watching them experience the same American summers I did as a child. I have tried to document them all for them as they may not remember everything at such a young age although that’s become our normal way of living and sharing our lives with family and friends across the world.
B and MM have changed so much since June when we arrived, in personality, height, relationships, milestones and new skills and hopefully they have soaked up enough sun until we return again next summer. We have only a few weeks left of our summer here before we go back to the UK where B starts school, MM starts two days of nursery and life will be busy, and calendars full of to dos. Until then I am trying to make the most of the last few weeks in between say goodbyes and working and enjoy the last bit of slow pace country life, what had become our ordinary moments of life this summer.
Linking up with MummyDaddyMe for #OrdinaryMoments & Shutterflies for #LivingArrows
I can see from the pictures how much they’ve grown up in the last few weeks, all that lovely sunshine has done good! And fingers crossed that the memories of a slower pace of life last when you are back home and into the bustle of September 🙂
I said that to my mother that we are giving them too much sun and water time they are over growing. lol hahaha Definitely does us all good. I hope you are right and I really am learning to take it a bit easier life is too short to run myself into the ground. lol
They are such gorgeous kiddies. It always seems like they have such a sweet relationship together.
Thank you Laura, they are truly the greatest friends. I feel lucky that they are not fighting twenty-four hours a day, yet and they rely on each other for friendship and fun so very much. I hope it’s always that way.
Lovely post Jenny, Really beautiful words. it’s so easy to let these moments go past us as we lead our busy lives, but oh so important to just stoP, take in the moment and take a mental photograph. I found myself doing this last week when we were at the beach… Charlie was running and splashing with the biggest grin on his face – without a care in the world. I stopped, let out a bit sigh and just took it all in.
It sometimes can take you by surprise how busy we get in life and forget to stop often. I find when we finally do it’s am overwhelming feeling of joy and love that pours of you. I love those moments.
Jenny I loved reading this and looking at the most gorgeous photos you have taken! What a beautiful and emotional post. I agree that sometimes its all so nuts we miss the little beauts of life!
I cannot believe how fast your vacay has gone, you’ve done so many wonderful things, enjoy the last few weeks before the madness ascends x
Oh hunny, thank you so much for reading and your lovely comment. I appreciate it so very much. Yes we are trying to make the most of it more than we already are to see as much family again as possible before we return to the UK. It’s been an truly amazing summer to remember. I couldn’t have asked for more. Glad you liked the photos too. It’s emotional being torn between two worlds and two homes but grateful to have two places to even call home. It really has gone fast here in the USA.
Oh how sweet is this. Your photo’s are lovely. They look so happy 🙂 Enjoy all the little moments, they go so fast. Lovely post. Jess xx
I really think it’s hard to always be aware of the little details in life but when you do it can overwhelm you with joy and love in away you never thought possible. Thank you Jess, for your lovely words.
I think this might be my favourite post of yours ever Jenny, truly. I think it’s beautifully written and it made me feel a little emotional. I can imagine just how hard it is to want to be in two places at once. I am sure you are making the most of this beautiful Summer of memories you are having. x
Oh Katie that means the world to me, it really does. It’s been an emotional, truly amazing summer here. I feel so torn between two worlds and two lives that we lead. I am grateful and blessed we get them both I really am. It’s been such an eye opener on so many levels too. Thank you.
You don’t often have B&W photos, usually they’re so full of colour but I love the emphasis these photos have given to this post. Those little things are what I love to store, capture and save forever too. I hope the last few weeks of your summer last forever x
No I really don’t use them but I do love b&w and sometimes a timeless photo helps an emotional feeling and post. I am glad you like them Donna thank you. I really the last few weeks don’t go too fast either.
How lovely to be able to spend your summer there and slow things down a little – life can often feel like a treadmill can’t it xx #OrdinaryMoments
Oh yes I couldn’t be away all year long I would go crazy. I need my family time, mommy time and sunshine too! lol I love the slow pace life here. It’s hard to not slow down which is just what I needed. Definitely feel like a treadmill sometimes.
Love your top picture this week Jenny. The black and white works really well with the strong patterns on the kids clothes and I love images that are a little less “obvious” than the rest. 🙂
Thanks Clare that means so much to me, I am trying to take better photos for my blog these days but sometimes failing miserably. I do love this photo in color too but black and white made it go with the emotions of the post too. I think.
SO true how fast life rushes by. Love the black and white. Just their feet and legs in that first shot, look so much older than they are.
It really does rush by us doesn’t it? Thank you so much. Sometimes I find black and white photos help with emotional feelings in a post. They do look older because they have such long legs. hahaha
I had a couple of tears in my eyes when reading this, it is such a beautiful post, and I love that you chose black and white images to accompany it, I always think it adds emotion to a post. Wishing you many more chilled out days in the U,S. before the hustle and bustle of everyday life catches up with you x #OrdinaryMoments
Oh thank you Sherry, I agree black and white are always good to help with emotions. It’s been such a great experience here with my family and a lovely summer.
They look so grown up in these photos! All that American sunshine must be doing them good xx
They look like they’ve grown up so much, and what beautiful pictures Jenny. I have this feeling in my tummy everyday, wanting to capture and preserve it all plus being in that moment with them too. I feel like life can get so busy with having three littles under 4.5yrs but I wouldn’t have it any other way but I just hope we can remember all these little things too in years to come and remain having a close connection. Lovely post xxx
Thank you so much Natalie, they really have changed and grown up (two whole sizes) since we left the UK. We only have two weeks left and it will be weird to be back home but good. Life really does get so busy got to keep perspective sometimes right? lol Slow pace of life is the best in summer too so we are grateful for it.
It’s so good to focus on the details! And I’m loving your daughters cute pants/leggins – seriously cute I bet they were bought stateside, right?! #LivingArrows