Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:18 pm
Buba, we have found out you can’t see very well, near or far. It saddens Mommy that you have gone this long and we didn’t know. What started out with a squint and a lazy eye turned into needed full time thick glasses so you could see. All those times we have yelled at you to get back from the tv or for stepping on your sister when you walked by her like you didn’t see her well you couldn’t and we are so sorry. We were worried how this might affect you now and in the future. After an hour of convincing you to put them on you instantly realized you could see and haven’t taken them off since. This new transition was great for us as we fully prepared ourselves that we might have to fight a bit with you to wear them. You have quickly fallen into a routine of setting them on your dresser when it’s bedtime and putting them on straight when you wake up in the morning. We are so proud of you. May this only help you in the future and not hinder you in anyway. I have already noticed how much more confident you are in public now that you can see. This makes mommy happy.
Missy Moo you have become my shy koala bear over night. When someone is talking to you, you now nuzzle under my chin and your thumb immediately goes in your mouth while you peak out over those long eyelashes at them. Your thumb was always something you did when you were tired but more frequently it is becoming a daily habit too. You have become rather dependent on mommy these days, I hope that you will settle in to nursery in a few months ok and that it will help you be more independent. Not that I don’t absolutely love your cuddles and love all the time. I do, and I soak it up every chance I get but I also know nursery will be good for you as it was for your brother. Along with your new shyness you also have little spouts of diva coming out when you don’t get your way. You wave your arms franticly in the air and growl at us if you see something you want. Your screeches are getting louder and more powerful. I fear disciplining you won’t be easy, especially as you laugh when I tell you “no, don’t touch.”
The pestering has only just begun but already driving mommy bonkers. Buba you just want to antagonize your sister to the breaking point these days. But in between your pushing and shoving, there is a sweet boy that still loves his sister very much. You lay in her lap and let her bash the bowl you like to wear on your head! The two of you think it was the funniest thing. You like to think your sister is the same size as you and play. I know half the time you aren’t trying to be mean to her but only want to wrestle her like you do daddy. One day she will be big enough but you find it hard at the moment to understand this. So I continue to play referee between you two. Missy Moo you want to follow your brother everywhere, and have him be at your beck and call but lately you get testy if he even touches you at all. I am not sure if you are doing it to see what mommy will do. Either way I think it’s funny how you want to be able to pull, push and follow your brother but do not prefer him to do it to you. You are a diva in the making, I can see it now.

Hi Jenny,
What a lovely post. I love the way you write about your children, with so much loving detail, it will be a wonderful thing for them to look back over in years to come.
I was at Blogtacular this weekend which was fabulous and someone mentioned your name as a definite one (ie.fab blogger) to watch 🙂 I thought that would make you smile
Lucy x
OMG!!! I can’t believe someone mentioned me you are so right that more than made me smile. That just made my WHOLE YEAR!!! It really did. I am shocked and so happy people like my blog. I was so nervous when I first started. Its been amazing. I have heard so much about blogtacular after the fact but hadn’t heard of it beforehand. Wish I would have been there!!! Boo 🙁 So many great bloggers to get to meet. I am excited for BritMums though! Thank you I am hoping to make a book of my living arrows at the end of the year for each of them to have when they grow up.
Awww…..don’t feel bad Jenny, it’s not your fault and us mummies can’t know everything. It sounds like he’s adjusting well to wearing glasses and i think he looks very dashing and intellectual in them 😉 Ah, we’ve hit the diva stage with Harry too, he goes from being the sweetest boy to a demanding, tantrum throwing diva in a split second! I’m hoping this stage will pass soon! xxx #livingarrows
My daughter got her glasses right before she was two, and I felt the same way! It was pretty hard for a while to keep up with the maintenance, she would wear them, but boy did they take a beating! Now at 7 she is more able to take care of them. Best of luck! You’ve got two very adorable little ones!
Thank you. Oh glad I am not alone in my feelings. Its always hard when you find out that your child is struggling with something. I just hope these help him a lot more. Yes they are already getting a beating.
At least you’ve noticed buba needs glasses now – sounds like it’ll make things much easier for him, and it’s brilliant that he’s taking it all in his stride.
Arthur’s going through another shy phase at the moment – it’s interesting how it goes in waves, and for him it always seems to match up with a leap in mental development. Have you looked at where missy moo is in the wonder weeks? I have no doubt she’ll be growing in confidence again soon!
Lovely post x
No I have never heard of the wonder weeks. I will be checking it out now though. Thanks hun. Ya seems to come with a growth spurt indeed. Yes it was good we found out but broke my heart that he has such bad vision at such a young age. He hasn’t had the easiest start to life with asthma and deadly allergies. Just one more thing for our bubble boy as we say. Love him tho.
The pushing is shoving is normal I think. I grew up with biy cousins and I have been shoved a lot. I think they want space. And when they are willing to share that space they are sweet.
I love the first photo. So keen on reading!
It was a new box set I bought him all the Dr Seuss books. He loves them. Very intrigued to read them all now with his glasses. lol yes I have seven siblings I know all about the pushing hahaha definitely a space thing yet these two push and then want each other so funny.
He looks so utterly cute in them and so glad that he loves wearing them and everything is looking better to him. He and Missy moo always look so lovely and close. He is obviously a very kind brother 🙂
Thank you…. he is kind for the most part until he gets cabin fever and hyper and then a little too excited to play with her. She gets fed up with his rough housing. lol I was really surprised how great he took it in his stride and made it apart of his routines already. Brave boy.
It’s great his confidence has grown Jenny, he really does suit his glasses 🙂 I remember when Scarlett got to the crawling stage and Isabelle found it frustrating at times everything she tried to do Scarlett would be there but they are now closer than ever xx
Ya that’s what’s happening. When the puzzles come out there is sure to be a battle now that Missy Moo can come right up and eat them and mess up his puzzles.He doesn’t understand it quite yet.
Oh the pestering! It’s love right?! I wish our boys would show more love than pestering! Ha! It’s so fun watching them love each other right?
Thanks Meg. Yes the pestering definitely comes from a love hate relationship I think. It’s amazing when they do show the love !!! For sure.
So pleased for you that the glasses have gone down well. Must make life so much easier for him, and a relief for you. And Missy Moo sounds like my Little Man. This cute, shy little cuddler, but then throws tantrums when he wants something! All good fun 😉
Glad I am not alone in the cuteness and tantrum throwing. hahahah Yes I am hoping it is easier for him now. He seems a lot more confident and brassy too now. hahaha
Gorgeous photos and words as always. Two very precious little personalities showing their colours now. My sister has terrible eyesight and had to wear glasses from a very young age having always been extremely clumsy. She’s certainly not let it hold her back and I believe that if one sense is limited, the others are heightened.
I have a mini diva too – who can’t even pick up her cup if she drops it on the floor. I’m sure it will end before I know it though and the sweeter side will win through! I hope!
Yes I can relate to the diva cup throwing and expecting me to retrieve act for sure. Glad it never held her back. He was super clumsy but glad we caught it as early as possible. Hoping he is less so now and more confident now that he can see.
These photos are so so gorgeous, almost brought a tear to my eye! Love them x
Jess that is the sweetest thing ever. thank you so much. That comment just made my whole day better. Thank you for making me smile!
What a beautifully written post, and the photos are gorgeous! Sibling love is very special, though it is not always very obvious!
So true, my brother and I are inseparable and close but we also like to bicker and annoy each other. It’s a love hate relationship. I am sure my two will turn out like that. hahaha
Aww he looks so cute in his glasses! Glasses are awesome, I’ve been wearing them since I was 4 or 5 to the point that I can’t remember life without them. He’s going to love the world now he can see it!
I was really surprised how easy is got used to them and we never had to fight with him to wear them. But I guess if you can’t see then you can you aren’t going to complain. I just hope in terms of sports he will be able to do whatever he wants. It seems a lot more common now too I think they are catching kids younger and younger all the time.
Gorgeous photos. Love how you write about your babes, right from your heart which can be seen so clearly. So pleased Buba has embraced his glasses, such a little dude and how Missy Moo is nestling in, precious cuddles. Wonderful to capture it all and for you to share it x
Thanks Nicola, I really love doing the living arrows project. It will be great to have for both of the kids to read back someday. Glad I don’t convey that I want to scream half the day hahahaha Terrible threes are coming our way and one to hit toddler tantrums right behind. lol
Beautiful post Jenny, your love for your children shines through. I’m glad that Buba is getting on with his glasses, love the photo of him reading, adorable.
Hahah He really surprised us with them. But I guess if you are practically blind and then can all the sudden see you aren’t going to fuss about it too much. lol Thanks Sara glad I convey that hahaha I love the living arrows project. I am going to make a photo album of it all at the end of the year for both of them to have.
Grace & Lucas say – We love these posts and love that they are part of the GL Gang xxx #whatsthestory
Hurray Glad Grace & Lucas love it. It’s fun to compare them each week throughout the months.
Oh dear! For the sake of your sanity I really hope nursery nips that clinginess in the bud! My kids never had nursery or anything like that and Rynne was super clingy…to the point where I was the only one that could hold her and I had to be holding her pretty much 24/7. It was like that for months and if I wasn’t holding her she was clinging to my legs screaming her little head off! It was awful and I was stressed to the max! Hopefully Missy Moo doesn’t take it to that extreme!
Sounds like Missy Moo, only me and me only to hold her. Hard to get things done. hahaha She usually can be found sitting at my feet if I put her down. lol
Hope he carries on well with his glasses as time goes on, I have one who never wore his, keep up the good work
Thanks Fiona, I hope so too. But I think when you can’t see as bad as Buba you have to have them or the world is one big blur.Whereas my hubby never wears his because his sight isn’t that bad. Naughty though haha
What a wonderful post Jenny. I always love the way you write about them as him, her and them. The him was heartbreaking but I’m sure now he has his glasses, it will make things easier for everyone. Gorgeous photos too, thank you so much for sharing #whatsthestory
Was hoping to get over to share with me but finishing commenting on #whatsthestory and new #alphabetphoto first 🙂
Don’t worry Charly I know you are very busy. Just to note I don’t expect you do comment on tons of post I only ever ask the linkers to comment on the host, (cheeky I know) and the one above them so no one is forgotten and if you have time for others some weeks that’s great if not that’s fine. I don’t want people to feel pressure about linking up because they have to comment alot. It’s a place to share and be comfortable no pressure. I still haven’t had time to pop over for the alphabetphoto linky. So sorry. Yes I hope buba is better now he has his glasses. It was tough for me more than him I think. Living Arrows is one of my favorite posts to write each week. Glad you like it.
Don’t beat yourself up about not realising. Just focus on that it has been picked up now. Sounds like he has adjusted to wearing them well. Lovely photos too.
Yes so true, I guess at 2 years old that is still catching it early. lo Just sad for him is all. A new adjustment. Thanks I love taking photos of them.
Oh, those are just the sweetest photos Jenny! I adore the one where you little lady is comforting your boy! SO SWEET!! x
Thank you. They are hilarious together. Somedays are trying with tantrums but most are amazing.