Making better decisions

Last updated on November 17th, 2023 at 05:16 pm

healthier choicesI turned 30! The day went past with great celebrations with my friends and family. It was a calm and relaxing day and I wouldn’t have had it any other way but after it came and went I didn’t feel any different. Growing up I always thought there would be this whole new adult feeling that would wash over me when I turned thirty. It didn’t but boy did everything else change…

I no longer could eat what I wanted without becoming it. I no longer could skip exercise and stay fit. I noticed after two babies and turning thirty things were not as they once were and I didn’t like it. I refuse to sit and blame having two babies and turning thirty even though they are the contributing factors, there are so many more factors to include. I boiled it all down to my choices. 

I have now vowed to myself I will make better choices. My laziness in my diet has become ridiculous. I suffer from pure gluttony which isn’t pretty on a good day and is plain embarrassing on a bad one. It’s only me making better choices around bad days that keep me from being 400 pounds. But just because I am a small person doesn’t mean I am a healthy one. Things are starting to prove just how unhealthy I really am.

I need to make better food choices. I will be honest I feed my family vegetables twice a day, they get all their food groups, eat super healthy, and I am very strict on sugary things. My son has probably had “a” bite of chocolate three times in his three years of living. Missy Moo not even yet at 1 yr old. But why don’t I follow these same rules for myself. I will admit to feeding them steamed vegetables, roasted chicken and mash potatoes with fresh fruit for dessert while I sneakily eat pizza in the kitchen and ice cream when they go to bed. Turning 30 and my bad food choices has brought on something I never thought I would have to tackle, acne! Yup, I have pure acne all over my face at 30! I have never had but a zit at a time on this face of mine. It’s soul destroying to see all my holiday photos full of gross skin! It doesn’t make me feel pretty either having this horrible greasy skin. I need to cut out the junk not just for my skin but for my overall healthiness. You are what you eat, right?

I need to make better exercise choices. Or rather I just need to exercise. I can’t go my whole life not exercising as much as I would love to. It’s getting to the point things are going cottage cheesy and not as tight at it once was. The bingo wings are starting to appear and I do not want to be flapping them at my age all because I don’t want to get off the couch. It’s good for my organs to exercise and supposedly will make me not feel as frumpy. I know once I start working out I feel awesome it’s just these days after a long day of chasing two tots I don’t have the energy. There I go again make excuses, and all I need to do is make a better choice of getting up and just doing it and stop complaining about it. Even though it’s easier to just complain about it. lol 

I need to make better life choices. I get myself into predicaments and then wonder how did I get into such a stressful situation when I could have just steered clear of it and been better off. I used to be a HUGE people pleaser. When I moved abroad I tried my best to make new friends as much as I worked at keep all my friendship back home live and fresh. I have had many friends turn to drink! (and not just for that needed bad day kind of drink). The kind of drink they have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner no matter what day it is. I tried to stay their close friends, I tried to help them but by doing so I got so mixed up into their drama and stress it over took me. I became depressed about it. I have learned so much since having kids. This will sound harsh but having toxic people in my life isn’t worth the pain it causes me or my family. We only live once and while I cherish the many memories I had with those friends, I am on a happier path with my kids and husband and want to stay positive. It was a hard thing to stop being their friend but in the long wrong it was the best decision. And I honestly can say I feel like a ton of bricks have lifted off me. I feel more happy, more positive, and can focus more on my kids, husband and other family and friends that are positive and happy too. 

I need to make better self choices. I need to have more positive things to say about myself, believe in myself, and get rid of my own toxic thoughts. I have never been good at this. I always know I can do something I put my mind to but then I always second guess myself; is it good enough? 

I need to make better hygiene choices. I need to take care of my skin now. Please don’t all faint. I have never used cleansers, make removers before bed, lotions, or even spf on my face. I go to sleep NUMEROUS nights in a row with my makeup on. Yes, I know! It’s disgusting but true. I just wash it off before I apply a new makeup face! (although I am guilty of layering it on a rushed morning too). Shhh don’t judge. I have taken showers and skipped washing my horse’s mane, my body is clean and my hair can be thrown up. I say I am a mother this is ok but letting my appearance go, hmmm, isn’t good. At 30 I do need to start taking care of my skin, my appearance, my teeth, my everything! Any advice on good morning/night facial routine all ears! Comment below. 

I need to make better pressure choices. I put so much negative pressure that is unneeded on myself trying to strive to be this thing that doesn’t exist. I am far from perfect but aren’t we all? I don’t have to be a perfect wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, cooker, crafter, writer, baker, blogger, etc so why do I stay up all night trying to push myself further and further when I should be happy and grateful for what I already am. Learning to love me as I am, will be the hardest one of them all. 

Overall, I have a lot of things to make better choices about. So I daily remind myself when I am about to have gluttony, or put negative pressure on myself, or sit on that couch 14 days in a row, or try to force a friendship with someone that isn’t trying, or putting my self down, or go to sleep again with my makeup on, to “MAKE BETTER CHOICES JENNY!”

I can vow so far it really has helped me having this internal conversation with myself. Please don’t lock me up. lol  Talking to myself is an everyday occurrence.  I am 30 now and it’s time I make better choices all around!

Linking up to #PoCoLo 

31 thoughts on “Making better decisions”

  1. I’m 30 In 6 months, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot too. I think you have summed up my thinking exactly – at the minute I’m kind of coasting along, not thinking too much about how Emmy eating and exercise habits will affect me. There has to come a time when i change that – my sister gets married next August and I’m bridesmaid, and I turn 30 in April. So I want to make it my mission to have a better lifestyle over time – not just for a few months and then slip into bad habits again. It’s just getting started that is the hard bit!
    And well done on the way you feed your children – it’s not easy to resist the pressure to say no to bad food for kids sometimes, and I must admit that my kids are given sweet foods much more than I feel comfortable with by family members. You should be proud that you have managed to find a good balance for them. Xxx

    • Thank you so much for your amazing comment. You can do it. I think if we recognize a way of life that we want to live and not just do it for a few weeks it will be easier to stay that way in the long run. We will be happier and more positive too if we are healthy and satisfied with everything else in our lives. It’s taken me so long to figure it all out now I just have to apply it all and take my own ADVICE. hahahaha

  2. I am 36 coming 37 in October and I was sitting nodding and agreeing and shedding a tear reading your post. Thank you for putting pen to paper or finger to laptop but you spoke very true words. Words that were harsh yet honest and truely reached home with me. So I will raise a glass to making better choices every day, some days it will involve chocolate or a glass of vino but that is okay as long as I am the one in control. As for the beauty reg…oil of olay with spf in it moisturiser pretty good, clarins beauty flash balm is a must buy and a tinted moisturiser with spf. Hugs to you x

    • Thank you so much Nicola. I wasn’t sure how people would read it but glad you can relate and that I am not alone in it. Life is way too short not to just be happy and positive and try our best to stay healthy and enjoy it as long as we can! Thanks for the beauty tips too. I need them badly.

  3. I am with you on the healthy eating, I have cut out coke ALOT and now only have it as a treat rather than an entire can a day. Its made so much difference. Lots of fruit has made a big difference too. I need to get more active, I am so pants at it and my energy levels are really rubbish. I love all your goals for your 30s!

    • Thank you. I just am sick of crash dieting and feeling frumpy and not energetic. I need to make a new life change not just a diet. Then it’s just the norm after that. It’s just taking my own advice that will be the challenge. hahaha We can motivate each other. 😉

  4. This is a great post and I love your honesty! I can relate to a lot of this, I really need to start exercising and eating properly, I’m just so lazy when it comes to keeping fit but I know how important it is. By the way I think you look amazing from all the photos I’ve seen but I know it’s about how we feel ourselves. I also totally agree about cutting our toxic people, life is too short to put up with people who bring you down or make you feel like crap. And happy 30th too! I was 30 last month and so far it… Hasn’t felt any different either! x

    • Thank you so much Jess. So true. I think it’s easy to get out of a healthy routine because we are so busy with kids but I never want that to be my excuse. No I don’t think it ever feels different. I still feel 15 or maybe that’s just my height! LMAO. But my life has really changed since I cut the toxic people out of it.

  5. My dear sweet Jenny! Thanks for posting what is on all of our minds! I honestly don’t feel any different after turning 30…I came to terms with turning 30 when I was 9 lol! My mom was turning “30” and called her mom crying about being so old because she was having a terrible birthday and her mom said “Monica, you’re only 29”. I’ve always remembered that and 30 was no big deal lol. Beyond that, I totally get what you’re saying about making better choices for ourselves…I gained a lot of weight after the VA put me on a pain management medication with a side effect of extreme weight gain (unbeknownst to me)…I am ashamed to say that after being so fit in the Army I topped out at 227 pounds! Since changing medications, I have lost just over 40 pounds, but I still have a ways to go, and getting there is going to take some better choices on my part, including a lifestyle change of better food and exercise choices. I too am battling the acne monster and I have spent so much money starting skin care regiments that I don’t follow through with! I’m terrible lol! I will say that I hardly ever wear makeup…in fact, the last time I had any on was our high school reunion lol! Good luck on your better choices, because I know I need some luck for mine!!!

  6. It is all about making the right choices and sometimes writing it down helps. I am incredibly lazy with my diet and exercise, but for the past few weeks I have been making ‘better choices.’ With this, I feel better in myself and I have lost a few pounds – my clothes feel looser, and it has a knock-on effect with how my mood is and how much energy I have. I am glad that you are making plans, and I am sure that you can achieve whatever you want if you keep making those ‘good choices’ most of the time. Everyone likes a little day off make-up removal now and again! xxx

    • Thanks Kerrie. You couldn’t be more right. And on my path to be a calmer, happier, more relaxed person if I make all these better choices in each area I think I can be. It’s a vicarious circle when I get into a rut. Oh yes day off ok but I have taken 30 years off. About time I took care of my skin!!!!

  7. Love this refreshingly honest post and it can’t have been easy ot confess all! I think that everyone can benefit from making better decisions and I get up every morning promising that I’ll be good. At some point it all falls by the wayside for lots of different reasons and then I’m back where I started.
    Today is a good day.. I’ve picked berries with my daughter, taken a long walk & eaten nothing I shouldn’t have (so far)!
    Wishing you every success with all of your new decisions x

    • Thanks Izzie. So sweet of you on your comments. I am the same I wake up vowing to be good and usually am until about 2/3 pm and then somewhere I go wrong with various things but starting with baby steps.

  8. I was nodding all the way through this, although I was 40 on my last birthday, so I really need to take better care of myself 🙂 I think we’re probably all guilty of these things sometimes, but having the self awareness and strength to recognise them and to decide what we’re going to do about them, that’s the hard part! Great post Jenny xx

    • Thanks Sara that means a lot and glad I am not alone in all of it. I do hope I can get a better handle of things and be better at making choices for myself. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  9. Great post and I really hope it works out for you! To see you, you’re so pretty, I would never guess that you ate the wrong things or didn’t exercise!
    I’m 40 (nearly 41!) and run half marathons. Running is one of the most important things to do for me. I eat healthily because I’m a vegetarian, but also because IBS forced me into it – no food tastes as good as your stomach being free of pain. I also have acne, which is not connected to my diet, and I’ve had it since I was 12. I have just started a course of the strongest acne drugs there are – Roaccutane – because it’s not going to go away any other way.
    Good luck with making the right choices. I’m sure you’re halfway there already just by taking the decision.

  10. Reading this all written down has made me realise I really need to do the same. I’m 30 next year and like you I can’t eat and do what I want. It’s time to start taking a bit more responsibility and look after myself xx #mmwbh

  11. Good for you lovely, best of luck with your better choices! I’ve just written a self-help book about changing my life and speak a lot about making good decisions 🙂

  12. Happy belated birthday! Yes, life is all about choices, and I love your honesty about that. I get frustrated when people complain about things they would realise they actually have control over if only they thought about it differently. Sadly, weight management gets tougher as you get older…and you need to look after your skin, too. I’ve always been a Clinique fan – expensive but worth it because it lasts ages. I’ve got sensitive skin, and it always helps that. Hope that helps you! #sharewithme xxx

  13. Great post. If it helps, as a bloke, I’m feeling similar things, particularly the eating and exercising. I’m 30 next year, and having just had a kid, feel the need to get a bit more in shape. We try to eat healthily etc, but exercise has definitely slipped! Good luck with your routine! #sharewithme

  14. Turning a milestone birthday always makes you take stock of your life. I think the best thing you can do when making changes is aim for moderation and take it slow. I usually try and do too many new things at once. Happy birthday! 🙂

  15. Firstly, happy birthday for a couple of weeks back. I am nodding along to this so much. I keep calling it baby belly and blaming that. Truth is I do not exercise meaningfully or make time for my own healthy lifestyle. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  16. Well done for making some resolutions Jenny and happy (belated!) 30th. I got inspired to have a better skincare routine when I was about 25 and went along to a presentation by a new day spa that was opening. I had a couple of facials which is great because a beauty therapist can discuss your skin type and suggests solutions. I got really into regular exercise when I was about 30 too but then I didn’t have children! I have crashed and burned since having kids and it doesn’t even seem to matter any more but I know I should make more of an effort too for good health if nothing else. X

  17. Fantastic post Jenny and good for you! I am guilty for making many of the same choices as you and it is just so much easier to make excuses and allow the laziness to continue. I wish I had your determination to break the cycle I really do! Best of luck and happy happy birthday!! Xx #sharewithme

  18. A wonderfully honest post. I locked myself in my room for a week when I turned 30, convinced that it was the end for me, but in the long term nothing changed. Or rather I changed nothing. I am now at a similar point to you, trying to make better choices about my life, me health, my family. It’s just taken me until I’m 40 to get there! Good luck, I will follow your progress x

    • Thanks Louisa. I just hope I can stick to my goals and better each part. It’s not about me changing like you said I didn’t but there are many things I could change to make it better.

  19. Everything started going downhill for me at 28, so you’re 2 years ahead of me!

    My advice on skincare is keep it simple if you’ve never used anything. Maybe a Simple water based cleanser, eye make up remover, and then water/soap.

    My SIL has only ever used soap and water and has much better skin than lots of people I know including me, who’ve always used proper skinscare.

    I’m also in need of healthy eating – I bought a nutribullet to get in extra veg, but because I’m on warfarin I can’t have too much leafy green veg which is the really good stuff, and limits my choices. And exercise is severely lacking at the moment. I’m going to use my week off next week to get started on both.

    Good luck

    • Thanks Emma. You are so right about the soap. I have a ton of older family members that have amazing skin and have only ever used water and soap on their face. Not sure where to start but must get something going. It’s hard when life is busy on the exercise part but as long as we are all aware of it and try our best I think that’s what matters.


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