Last updated on September 8th, 2024 at 06:50 pm
It’s a huge day in the USA, it’s fourth of July. It’s a big day for us as it’s our very last fourth of July here in the states with family and friends. I say this because B will be in school come September and in the UK they go to school late into July therefore our 4th celebrations we will still be in the UK from here on out. I didn’t realize this until literally the morning of the 4th or I would have made sure we saw the fireworks in town and I would have planned our day out better then it made me stop and think sometimes days not planned are the best days, how right I was.
Before we landed in the USA, we were running pretty hard all over the place and feeling overwhelmed and in need of recharging our batteries. Life here is lived at such a slower pace and it’s been so good for all of us to not plan too much and just take each day as it comes. The 4th of July was one of those for us.
We started with a trip to the camp ground near us to meet up with my Aunt and her grandkids and my Uncle and his kids all about the same age as each other and a little older than B and MM. So we arrived at the lake to find a huge group of cousins waiting for us to come join them in jumping off the dock in the lake and have a water squirt gun fight. I didn’t get many photos because I was soaking up the bonding between my kids and their cousins going on. Their older cousins are so cute with them and take them under their wing. At one point, MM was jumping into my younger cousins arms off the dock and squealing with laughter. I secretly wish they could always be close to their cousins and grow up together like I did with mine. But it was a great way to start the day with family all around us.
We then high tailed it to the 4th of July parade. We live in a small community so it wasn’t very big but the kids loved it and couldn’t believe the amount of candy that was throw at them throughout the parade. B loved the fire trucks and MM loved the horses and it was a lovely celebration with my little family all together.
The fun didn’t stop there with a huge BBQ following the parade that the community puts together. My mother is the president of their little society here and she did a fantastic job putting on a great event and even taking charge of the burgers herself. She is such an amazing lady and I am so proud of her for all she does for the community here and the charity work she gets involved in. She is so inspiring and we were there to celebrate but also to support her as well.
With that we spent the evening chilling out in the front yard as the sun was going down and just have some good old family time chatting. These are the best moments I remember growing up and all being together. It’s not about the big events or planning a huge day out but who you are spending it with. Our last fourth of July was lovely together. The kids had a great time and I have never seen them go to sleep at bedtime so fast. You can see there faces on the car below after the parade they were already so tired from playing so hard and the heat. Bless them.
Of course, with the fourth of July comes the amazing food that is made. I didn’t have much time this year like I did last year with my Rice Krispy Stars so I whipped up this delicious Watermelon Cake that the kids devoured. It was one of those recipes that didn’t take long and was ate as fast as I made it. I call that a good one so I thought I would share it.

Watermelon Cake
- One large watermelon
- 2 cups vanilla frosting
- 5 strawberries
- Handful of mini marshmallows
- Handful of blueberries
Cut the ends off the watermelon to make the flat base and top
Slowly & carefully cut off the rind with a large knife making one big circle around the entire melon
Pat dry with a paper towel on top so frosting will stick
Coat the top with a thick layer of frosting
Add strawberries, marshmallows, and blueberries in a red, white and blue circle pattern on top
Recipe Notes
You can frost entire melon to look like a more traditional cake. However you will have to pat the entire watermelon down to get a dry surface for the frosting to stick. I wanted to keep it more healthy so I opted for just the top layer.

Making easy recipes is what I do. I am no chef, I don’t make things that are complex or take forever but easy, cheap, and fast to make for the entire family. I love taking something I think will sound good and turning it into something that the whole family end up enjoying too. I had a different idea of how this was going to turn out but in the end I preferred it this way. It’s semi-healthy we will say with most of it being juicy watermelon and the fresh berries that adorn the top. In the summer heat it’s the perfect quick fix if you have family or friends over or want a special treat.
The kids tucked into their slices faster than I could say, “who wants cake?” I love the watermelon here where I live it always is so juicy and sweet. When I think of the summer months growing up, I always have memories of eating watermelon. Last year, I made a delicious Balsamic Watermelon Salad that my family is still talking about this summer. I am sure I will be whipping them up a batch or two this summer too. Who doesn’t love watermelon on a hot summer’s day?
Do you have any Watermelon recipes that you and your family love? I would love to hear them leave me a comment below.
We ended our 4th of July with the kids in bed and sharing the last piece of this mouthwatering Watermelon cake. I am feeling so much more relaxed and at peace lately being home. Home really is the best medicine.
Happy 4th of July Everyone!
Linking up with #Recipeoftheweek & #TastyTuesdays
What a wonderful way to celebrate! It must feel so strange to know it’s your last American 4th July for a while but it sounds a pretty perfect way to finish and that watermelon cake looks amazing!
It turned out perfect with so much family visiting. We really made the most of it and I might not see another one state side for a few years but hey it was a good last one if that’s the case. Its all what you make it isn’t it?
that looks absolutely delicious!!
Thank you Jodie that’s lovely of you. It turned out so yummy.
How pretty are your cakes!? Hope you had s lovely time away. You looked gorgeous in your Zara dress. I would kill for your long legs! xx
Thank you Kerry that’s so sweet of you. We are having a blast playing with family and in the country. Thanks love my Zara grab. I usually don’t shop in there but was in love with it. Oh it just look like that because I have heels on I am only 5″1 so short. hahaha
Sounds like the perfect way to spend your last stateside 4th July. cannot wait to try the watermelon cake looks delicious x
It couldn’t have been better. I love time with my extended family. You must try the cake it was so easy and so delicious.
That watermelon cake sounds amazing! Looks like you had a brilliant 4th of July.
It really was and so simple to make and everyone loved it. We had a great fourth of July thank you so much.
That’s a lovely idea, I’ve never seen it done like that before – on top of the watermelon. My husband is American so we always celebrate 4th July. I hope you’re having a lovely time out there.. Great photos.
Oh yes I am always trying to get creative and do different things with my recipes. Glad you like it. Happy fourth to your hubby.
This sounds so refreshing – happy belated 4th of July!
Thank you Marta. It came out lovely.
What a clever idea! Hope you had a great celebration #recipeoftheweek
Oh wow! This looks so delicious! Can’t wait to try this one out.
It turned out so good. While I wish the frosting would have stuck to the sides too to make it a real cake it still turned out delicious. Thank you.
Aw it all looks so fabulous there and sunny, home really is the best medicine. I adore this watermelon cake, what an original idea. Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays
Thank you hunny, I had other thoughts at first but it kept failing and this was what I was left with. Turned out delicious. It’s been amazing weather here.
This looks gorgeous & perfect for summer. My hubby & kids would devour this in minutes #TastyTuesday
It really helps quench the thirst and sweet tooth on a hot summer’s day. Turned out delicious too as I had other plans for it that didn’t work out.
This is such a unique and fun cake!! It’s a great way to celebrate a wonderful day.
I’d really like to make this cake.
Oh do it’s so easy and so delicious. Everyone will love it. Let me know if you do, I would love to know if you like it or not. 🙂