Back in the UK, Grandma Baking, and Saying Goodbye to Summer

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 03:09 pm

We are back in the UK and summer is officially over. The weather has turned cold and we are pulling out the coats and hats already. We have had a lovely summer in America, a different one but a good one. It’s always good to be home with family. My dad’s funeral was beautiful and the family gathered together and celebrated his life just as he wanted us to. Friends visit throughout the summer too. The kids have enjoyed having their baby brother all day and bonding with him on the beach and in the pool. He is missing their constant entertainment this week with their return to school.

Speaking of returning to the UK and back to school, it’s been so nice to get back to a routine for us all. I found I was so tired come Friday night from all the early morning get ups. We have definitely been spoiled with a baby that sleeps with lie ins this summer. I am still in part lingo with my mom staying home so I can do the school runs. When she goes back home I will be dumped in the deep in to sort out a good morning routine for the five of us.


read reading

I am four books into The Mortal Instruments Shadowhunters book series by Cassandra Clare. I do think the title makes it sound boring but it’s anything but that. I have loved a bit of young adult fiction this summer. These have kept me turning the page and reading. I was doing a book a week until I went on holiday so next week when my mom goes back to America, I will be getting back to my reading list. Anyone read anything amazing over summer to recommend next? I love a good book series?

heard listening to

I got a surprising email last night congratulating me on making the finals for the BiBs2018 Blogging Awards for Best Family & Lifestyle blog. I think I may have read it two or three times in disbelief. My blog has been my baby for so long and it’s always nice to get recognition for all the hard work we put into it. I had been feeling funny about my blog and worried people were sick of reading. It’s your votes that got me there so if you heard the good news and have one second, I would be forever grateful for you to vote one last time by clicked Let’s Talk Mommy under my category here. It just needs your name and email nothing else. I promise! Thank you all for supporting me and voting for me and getting me this far! It’s really put a spring in my step.


I will say a huge THANK YOU one more time because I truly am grateful for everyone that stops by, reads, comments, likes, shares and chats back and forth with me online. You are all very special to me and I don’t know what I would do without this blog and what it brings to our family through work opportunities.

watched watch

We have started back on Designated Survivor on Netflix with hubby. He was so kind not to sneak them while I was in America as we like to watch series together. We finished Billions which we loved too. It seems most other shows we have seen or don’t fancy? What should we watch next?

Have you seen my latest vlogs? Unfortunately my wifi on the mountain in America wouldn’t let me upload and I was having trouble even getting clips to download on my laptop so I have a back log of videos to share with you over the next week or so.

On a cheating note, I watched baby boy smile, giggle, and coo the last week so much. He is growing up and changing so much and we hit FOUR MONTHS OLD this week too. How fast does time fly?

wore wear fashion

I cut my hair off and will have some new photos up soon when it finally stops being dark and rainy here. Typical to be gloomy when we arrive back in the UK. We left it was so hot. I have been wearing a lot of lounge wear. I am ten pounds over my old weight and one size bigger still so I can’t fit in my old wardrobe just yet and don’t want to buy any new clothes until I get there. I took off thirty pounds in the first eight weeks and kind of hit a standstill and haven’t moved since. I am still loving Sweaty Mama classes though so much. One of my favorite outfits was a matching set for me and MM that we wore for our family ME & MINE photos this month. It was a floral jumpsuit that looked like a dress but had shorts underneath.

made making

I made this delicious Chunky Peach Ice Cream. It was the highlight of summer treats. I like to create a new flavor for the family each summer so we can enjoy and cool off on those hot America summer days. This one though didn’t last the day with us all digging our spoons into it immediately. I was lucky to even get a few photos from it. Definitely one to recommend.

Chunky Peach Ice Cream recipe

and lastly to share

Grandma has been visiting from America having to fly back with me due to my dizziness. It’s been lovely having her here as she hasn’t been in three years since my Dad got sick. It’s felt like forever and we are making up for lost time this week and next. We have been going to lunch, days out, spa treatments, and the gym. I love having her as my gym buddy. I will be so sad to say goodbye to her when she leaves. But the kids are having a blast too with her here. She made Halloween cookies with them as she is the master baker in the family. This perked the kids up after their tiring first week back at school.


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8 thoughts on “Back in the UK, Grandma Baking, and Saying Goodbye to Summer”

  1. Ah its lovely to have you back in the UK and huge congratulations on your nomination it is so well deserved. I bet its amzing having you Mom here I love it when she bakes it always looks amazing. And yes summer has gone you can feel it in the air now, time to start getting excited for Winter x

    • I don’t know about excited for winter girl but I will take pretty Autumn first. lol 🙂 Yes always amazing to have my mom here with us. Wish she lived closer.

    • It was a great treat and change to have someone fly home with me for sure. An extension of our summer holidays too. I hope she can do it again next year. lol Thanks I need all the help and votes I can get it’s nerve racking so many amazing, inspiring bloggers up against too. Some even friends I hate going against friends.

  2. Ooh those cookies look delicious! Hope you’re enjoying your time with your mum, you certainly seem to be packing a lot in. Congrats on your nomination, well deserved x


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