Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:43 pm
Goodbye week. I don’t ever want to see you again. I can clearly state that this has been the toughest week parenting and life, I have ever had. I had a funny turn last Thursday where my head started pounding, my vision went blurry and it hasn’t returned a week later. I have had to do things I hate doing like ask for help for school runs, sports, doctors appointments as hubby was flat out at work and just couldn’t be in two places at once. I never realized how much I did until I had to ask friends, neighbors and school moms to do it for me. While the community around me has been absolutely amazing helping me and the kids out, I hated asking. Why though?
Why are we so scared to ask for help? Is it an ego thing? Is it a control thing? I miss doing things for my kids this week.
I have had every test and scan you can think of from my eyes to my heart and next my head on top of blood test with no results sadly. It’s a scary thing about to have a baby and don’t know if you can even safely walk up the stairs with the baby in your arms. My blood pressure has plummeted to low measures where I get dizzy, pass out, and it is making things like showering or sleeping difficult. It’s been going on here and there since August before I was pregnant. I swear if one more person says it’s just cause your pregnant you will be fine when baby is born I will pull out the hormonal card and go crazy on them. I have mentioned a lot about my vertigo here. I hope those that follow me aren’t completely sick of me talking about it but those that have experiences similar and have reached out personally to me THANK YOU. You all have helped me so much with tips, advice, and just support over the last 11 months I can’t begin to repay you.
The point I am blabbing is….. ALWAYS ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT.
Screw pride… let go of the control and think about what network you need in your time of need. I try not to ask too much of one person but to have a handful of people I can text, call at the drop of a hat if I need in various situations. It took me a few days to stop crying and just pick up the phone and sort out rides, dates, times and I felt so much better when I could concentrate on finding out answers to my health and rest because they were taken care of.
Despite a really tough week, I can still stop and say I am loving…. (might have taken me three days and about six attempts to write this post but here it is).

Since my vision has been in and out, reading has become somewhat a challenge to say the least. Not being able to do much of work, school runs, or even watching tv really it’s been left with the options of audiobooks, podcasts, and magazine skimming. Any recommendations I am all ears, no pun intended. So I have pretty much in between sleeping from the drowsy medicine they have given me, been peaking in and out of my new Blogosphere Magazine. I have found some new blogs to follow in the process.
I run giveaways every two weeks for all the categories on my blog: family, food, home, and baby/pregnancy. This week’s is super exciting it’s to WIN £100 VOUCHER for the new Sainsbury’s Home ranges. You can GET THE LOOK or be inspired from my playroom makeover here. But don’t forget to enter to win this prize it’s a golden ticket one for interior lovers. They have a variety of new ranges that will suit your new to revamp that room for summer.
Have you heard of the show Ozark on Netflix? What do you think of it. We have only watched two episode and wondering if it speeds up a bit. It’s starting to remind me of Breaking Bad but we needed something in between waiting for Jamestown next episode and Billions next season to be released next week.
Have you seen my latest vlog? Glad I had a stock pile of videos to edit for my Wednesday uploads for the next few weeks. Would love it if you could give it a thumbs up for me… it’s got no love. It was a snowy day and we were done being stuck indoors. Southport isn’t a place we have ventured very often so we made a whole family day of it. We now have a new favorite restaurant, Hickory’s Smokehouse in Southport. I am bias being American but it was more than just a restaurant you got to check it out.
Not the best photo but at the end of my pregnancy it’s pretty much leggings, a long tank top and a blazer or sweater to go on top. I have been looking over pinterest for some more stylish things to wear in the end of my pregnancy but they look great just not comfortable. I am all about the comfortable especially when I am stuck at home and can’t go anywhere it’s really a no brainer. I wore this Primark navy and white striped blazer with navy Next maternity tank top and black leggings for our family day out. Paired it with my layered Stella & Dot necklace to give it some sparkle.
Here I wore burgundy leggings with a white tank top and a silk pink blazer to my first ever 4D Scan which was just the most amazing experience ever seeing my baby boy’s face on the big screen. I wish I had done this with my firs two babies but always nice to have a very first with my third and last baby too.
I fully had a new recipe to share this week but my health took a turn it’s been pretty much just get by as best I can. We made the kid’s Easter bonnet hats and decorate Easter Eggs for the school competition. I have been getting the craft on with the kids with one eye closed and the other blurry. These two need their own PA for all the school activities expected on top of homework. £1 for this and £1 for that, and sports and lessons. EEEK I never realized how much I run around after them until I had to ask someone else to do it for me.
I have some fun posts coming up that includes are beautiful host Morgana, it’s always a pleasure getting together with her over the years I have known her outside of blogging first and then blogging together. I will be sharing more on that next week.
My love for instagram is back with vengeance. I say this because I always over think my feed. I love my photos I share for a while them I absolutely hate them for a period then I love them again. Since I haven’t been able to do much, go many places or read much it’s the place that has kept me company this week. It’s a lonely affair staring at the wall and doing nothing. While I sleep on and off and go in and out of instagram it’s been my rock during a tough time. It’s been the place where I am seeking inspiration, happy thoughts, mojo, and finding things to smile about. Here are some lovely feeds I have been loving this week on my #lifecloseup hashtag community. Won’t you come join me?
Oh it sounds like you have a tough week but yes your so right sometimes we have to swallow our pride and ask for help we are only human after all. I had a 4d scan with my daughter it’s amazing to see their little features isn’t it. I hope you start to feel better soon and you get to the bottom of why you’re feeling rubbish….but until then get lots of rest and continue to get the help you need xxx
Oh, I hope you feel a little better in the coming weeks, and once babe is born you’re able to take the time to get to the bottom of what’s wrong and see what can be done to help you. I love your pink silk- definitely looking the part for facing such a gorgeous baby- how exciting to get a 4D scan. I hope you get to relax a little over the weekend. x
What a terrible time you are having lovely. My mum suffers with vertigo and it’s not something to be talked about lightly. It has major affects on people and their lives. Well done for reaching out for help, this is something I’m rubbish at! I hope the next few weeks are a little easier for you, take care x
What a scary week! I hope you see an improvement soon. I know what you mean about not wanting to ask for help. I hate being seen as weak or incapable and I’m really shit at delegating when things get a bit much. Is it a girl thing? I’ve never know a guy to have that problem.
No I agree, definitely probably a girl thing. I am getting better because sometimes we just don’t have any choice. I am grateful I do have people to ask for help too.
Oh you poor thing Jenny! It sounds like you’ve had such an awful time lately. You still look gorgeous in all your ‘wore’ pics though. Love the pink top you wore to your scan, it’s beautiful on you. Hope your health starts to improve x
I hope you feel better soon and that you’ve been resting.
You look beautiful, pregnancy certainly suits you and I love that necklace xx
I hope you feel better soon and that you have been resting.
You look beautiful, pregnancy certainly suits you, and I love that necklace x
Thanks so much for the mention lovely. Missing you already! I’m so sorry you had such a rough time of it, I wish I was nearer and could help more practically. If there is ever anything you think I could help with then please do just shout! xx