Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 03:10 pm
Happy Friday? It is Friday right? I don’t even know what day we are on anymore. Not because I don’t work and have to run a tight, organized schedule but because I have literally lost my brain. I don’t know what’s happened but for the past two weeks, I am mixing everything up including days. I seem to be missing appointments like crazy, or remembering something too late or last minute. I feel like I am constantly running in a million circles to fit everything in each day. Anyone else ever feel like this?
I wish I could blame it on Christmas preparations. We are saying the C word now right? Well, would you believe I have already sorted almost all of Christmas already and here I am still frazzled and busy. My work load has been something out of a crazy person’s movie so I need to find a better balance and stop saying, yes! Not that I am complaining I love my job and work flooding in but it’s been slightly overwhelming with a baby on the hip to entertain and feed too. Would you also believe me if I told you I actually had this week booked off. I had this big plan as my dizzy spells have come back that I would take this whole week off and just play with baby boy. Monday I had a few emails that ended up finding me sat at my computer Monday night when the kids went to bed for a few hours. Tuesday was supposed to fix a few things which ended up taking far longer than planned like always. By Wednesday, I had another client asking for me to do some bits here and there and it was just pointless by then. I mind as well finish the work week as normal and try again next week. Perhaps a week off was a bit much maybe I should have targeted for just a few days off first. I don’t think I could actually last a whole week without my dear old blog or social media, sounds sad but it’s such a big part of me now. I haven’t taken more than two days in five years off so it’s definitely due whether it will ever come about, the verdict is still out.
I fully had plans to start reading Girl Boss. The book everyone raves about and you see on pretty shelves and instagram flatlays (including mine). I opened it the other night and somewhere between the first two words I fell asleep. Not because it didn’t have a good punch line but reading at night after long days and busy days I am just so exhausted I haven’t been able to keep up with my book challenge of a book a week. I did so good until September and the last three months haven’t been able to do it. Anyone read it though, is it a good one? What are your thoughts? Let’s talk books! Comment below.
This is where I introduce you to Arbonne. Have you heard of it? I met with the lovely Kim Mellor who is the Vice President in Liverpool for Arbonne. She is amazing and so lovely (do check out her inspiring instagram here). I can’t wait to share with you how I get on with the 30 day detox cleanse. It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change and I am in need of one badly. After having my third baby and turning 35 years old soon (boxing day) I really need to take better care of myself. I need to learn how to eat right and most importantly feed my kids right from the start. I have been known for drinking coffee far too much, never drinking water, and over indulging in bad foods. While I feed my kids homemade amazing dishes packed full of veggies, I can’t say I always eat the best after they have gone to bed. Those pesky cravings at night get me every time. I am going to be sharing my entire journey on my IGTV and IG stories using the Arbonne products and guidance from Kim Mellor along the way. I hope you will cheer me on. I am hoping by the end of it I will like water, or at least drink more of it, quit coffee (I know did I just say that out loud) and feel better for some needed life changes. Stay tuned!
We finished all the seasons of Designated Survivor on Netflix. We had started Ozark and noticed there was another season to watch. While we are waiting for shows like the Crown and Game of Thrones to come back on we will still to a few we have already started and just hadn’t followed through like House of Cards too. What are you watching? Anything on Netflix or Amazon Prime you can recommend us? Let’s talk shows?
We aren’t loyal to Strictly Coming Dancing or Xfactor etc but do catch a few episodes here and there when my mother in law stays with us. She loves them. I do have to say SCD outfits are so amazing. I wish I could move like they do in heels!
If you are looking for something to watch here is my latest vlog …. A baby boy 6 month update!
We had a girlie day in Spain with my friend and her middle daughter who is only six months younger than my daughter. We went to the most beautiful little village and cafe. The girls had cupcakes and orange juice while we sipped our lattes. It was so lovely. Randomly baby threw up on my outfit and I had to change right before we left and ended up matching little MM perfectly. I love when that happens. I struggle to get us to coordinate as a family at the best of times so when it happens without trying it’s a bonus. She kept calling herself mini me. It was so cute. I know it won’t last forever wanting to match the family or mommy so I will soak it up while I can.
I love this kimono that I got in the sale last summer. I have hardly ever worn kimonos in the past but lately they are like my go to cover. They are brilliant for breastfeeding on holiday and I daresay I need a few more for Mexico this Christmas. They are perfect when the weather isn’t exactly hot, hot and so comfortable. I can take them off if I get too warm and always an extra cover to throw over the stroller to shade baby from the sun too (of course with a vent side I know the dangerous of covering a stroller completely). That’s a versatile garment and a must-have.
We made final touches on the baby nursery and our master bedroom. The house is finally coming together after seven years of doing room by room. I always felt like each room had something missing and lately I feel the opposite. Sometimes it’s just one or tow things that don’t fit or are missing to create that final feeling. Not that I am ever done with decorating and redecorating my house as it evolves with my family. Is anyone ever done decorating?
Along with putting efforts into finished off each room in the house, I have been clearing out, getting rid of, and organizing all my cupboards and closets. Sometimes a bit of deep cleaning and clear out is needed. I also do a big clear out before Christmas. This year, I extended it to my kitchen. Doing food styling makes the kitchen accumulate a lot of unmatched, random dinnerware and cookware. I must have four or five sets of dinnerware that all are unmatched or don’t coordinate or are not a full set. Instead of putting them in the kitchen with our dishes we use every day I have made a food styling cabinet for the random stuff. I still use this stuff all the time but it’s nice to have my kitchen all matching and organized when I open a cabinet and things not falling out all over the place. I get a sense of calm when the house is clean, organized and everything has it’s place. Call me OCD I know but I love it. It’s about making an effort.
Do you know the difference between a cortado and a flat white? Coffee seems to be becoming quite an art to order these days. I recently been trying to cut back on the coffee I consume. Having gone decaf five years ago, I haven’t missed the headaches or the need for an afternoon pick me up from the caffeine. So why do I drink it? I love the taste. But I have been drinking too much of it so I have been trying the cortados and flat whites, the smaller coffee versions of lattes. Cortado is more espresso with textured milk than the flat white. Both give me the same great taste just not over indulging. Have you tried either?
I love trying new things and new ways to drink it. I have gone to soy milk about three years not knowing the health risks behind having too much soy behind my diet. Recently, switched to almond milk. While anything in abundance is not good for you, I am loving an almond latte these days as a treat. My biggest challenge is for the next 30 days I can’t have any coffee! I haven’t gone more than one day without it for my adult life so it’s going to be tough. So this was the last Cortado for awhile for me. Wish me luck! I will try to focus on the money I will save.
Have a fab week ahead!
30 days with no coffee! Oh my word I wouldn’t survive! I love a cortado, I guess it’s the whole having lived in Spain thing. And I miss drinking coffee from a glass too oddly enough. I love what you’ve done to your bedroom and the nursery, your house is like a show home. You seriously need to get into interior design – not that you need an extra job to worry about right now. Have a great week x
Interior designing would be my dream. But yes I do struggle with finding more time for another job. lol Thanks hunny. Five days without coffee it’s hell. Don’t do it hahah joking.
OMG I am not sure I could do 30 days without coffee, but I do drink fat to much of it. I love babies bedroom it is gorgeous and I love you kimono. Bless you, you work so hard Jenny you really do need to grab that couple of days it cant be easy having 3 kiddies, I remember how busy I was with 2! I need a massive wardrobe clear out it is so overdue I need a huge clear out and organise x
Oh thanks hunny I am five days without coffee already biting nails for sure. lol It’s not easy. I love a good clear out always makes me feel ready for Christmas too.
I love your bedroom, those bedside tables are lovely and the cute mirrors above them. No coffee for 30 days, good luck! I love a coffee everyday and this would be a struggle for me x
I am on day five of no coffee it’s getting harder… Need the luck thanks hun. So glad to finally have my bedroom finished.
Aww what a lovely round up. I am so happy to be talking about Christmas, I have all the festive feels over here. How is the detox going? They’re tough to do but so worth it. I changed my diet in April and I am so glad that I did. Definitely worth it. We are watching Start Up – great series. x