Daddy is home

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:59 am

father and son


We were ever so excited yesterday that Daddy has returned from his golf trip to America. After being gone in America ourselves for two months and then Mr P’s depart it’s been a one off, funny summer of meeting and greeting between us all. But yesterday he returned and we are all together again for a long while. The kids were over the moon to see him and get back to our normal everyday lives of park hopping. There is nothing the kids love better than when we all walk to one of the local parks, all together. 

I was proud of Mr P, even with jetlag he did great to keep up with the kids, especially Missy Moo who has no fear of jumping head first off things. She definitely kept him awake! 

family at the park


It’s also so hard to not have us all together but being an expat, especially during the summer months, it isn’t always possible. But it always makes the homecoming that much bigger of a deal. I hate being without Mr P too. I know in time the kids will understand us going back and forth but at the moment it has really confused Buba especially. He keeps asking me, “where we staying tonight? Who are we going to see now? Is Daddy ever coming back? Are we going on another plane?” It continues with the questions. I continue to reassure him we are all together at home now…until next summer. lol I love my little family of four, I truly am blessed. 

What’s playing at the park if we didn’t do family selfies! Our new favorite way to get the four of us together. Missy Moo still hasn’t quite got the hang of where to look but it’s becoming one of Buba’s favorite things to do with Mommy’s phone. #familyselfie

I have always thought that video gives you a little more glimpse into the lives of families next to photos. And while I don’t have a clue what I am doing what it comes to videos I don’t want the kids to grow up and not having any memories recorded. So I am branching out and testing the video waters. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to speed it up so apologies for the slow boring return of Daddy and him teaching Buba how to cross the street and look both ways for cars! It would have been better if it wasn’t in real time! Bare with me on my video journey.



Linking up with  Ordinary Moments, Magic Moments, and What’s the Story!


28 thoughts on “Daddy is home”

    • Thanks so much hunny for popping by. So sorry you keep going to spam. thanks for letting me know. Yes it really gets confusing but I think he will soon get the hang of it just in time for MM to be confused. But it really is the best of both worlds so we are very grateful and lucky.

  1. Looks like such a great day. You all look so unbelievably happy to be together again (as you should!). I love the video as well, and such a fitting song to boast!

  2. It’s tough being apart for so long, my husband is currently away for ten days and even for that short a time it’s hard for the kids. It must be so wonderful to be back together again. Love the video 🙂 #MagicMoments

  3. Gorgeous family pics Jenny and it must be so lovely to have the whole family back together again. Your hubby looks so proud and happy to be back with his family- even through the jet lag! I love your video too, and I love this song a lot. I know how much you wanted to get into doing more videos and this is so lovely. I have a tip (I hope that doesn’t sound like I am being condescending giving you a tip it’s just one someone gave me when I first started doing them) and that’s to remember to turn your phone so it’s landscape rather than portrait- then the video fills the frame when you upload it! xx

    • Thank you so much Katie and I can’t thank you enough for the tip. I was trying to figure that out and it was frustrating me. I also couldn’t figure out how to speed it up so it wasn’t watching us walk so slowly hahahaa So much to still learn. I am miles behind everyone but I think video brings so much more to certain memories. Especially days out!

  4. So happy you all are back together again! I know what it’s like to be separated for both short and long periods, and either way they are still hard, especially for the kids! When my husband got out of the Army, my daughter barely even knew who he was because he spent the first year and change of her life in Germany while we remained stateside. Your video was wonderful, and a perfect song choice!

    • Thank you! It definitely is hard but it’s all apart of being an expat so I am getting used to it and so will the kids, eventually. I think it’s great they get to have both cultures and countries such a big part of their life and it only makes Mr P and I stronger and appreciate what we have!

    • Thank you so much. It is so great to be together again but worth it to spend the summer with my family and friends. The video is choppy I couldn’t figure out how to speed it up a bit and smooth it out. lol I will get there hopefully! Thanks sweets.

    • Thank you so much Deb you are so sweet! It’s great to all be back together but I am missing home so badly already! I can’t wait for next summer. If only I could have it both ways! lol


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