Fitness & Nutrition

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:18 am

Fitness & Nutrition have always been my weakest points. I have never been in love with the gym and working out nor have I ever really watched what I ate regularly to be honest (beside those crash diets before holidays). So when I turned 30 and I realized I wasn’t taking very good care of myself I made a vow to make some changes in my life. I want to be here long into my children’s adult life, strong and able to play with my children’s children someday. At 31, I haven’t done a very good job at it the past year and if I am honest I probably have gone the complete other way and have been worse than I ever have been before.

There are no excuses to gaining excess weight for me or eating the tenth pizza and fries for that month. There are no excuses why I haven’t stepped foot in a gym in so many months I can’t count, it might be a year now. *oh the shame There are no excuses for be waiting to start this new healthier lifestyle I just plain and simple got lazy. Once you get lazy it’s hard to recover from that. It’s hard to find the motivation. The want and desire is there to do it I just haven’t picked myself up to start. I know once I start I will get into a routine and it will happen.

I was ever so excited that a friend gifting me her Phillips juicer and a few juicing books before she moved away. I thought this could be the kick start I need but I didn’t know much about juicing. As fate would have it not after two weeks of receiving my juicer I was invited to an event in Leeds that Currys was sponsoring “An Intro to Juicing” along side some Rocket Yoga. It was a perfect match for me.

So on Sunday I attended the event with open mind and a motivated ass! My lovely blogger friend Lisa from Hollybobbs and I carpooled together to find out what all this juicing was about. You probably would have seen the flow of Instagram photos I was spamming all day with beautiful colors of fruit and vegetables that I would eventually be consuming that day.

 Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing Event

I do love yoga because it always makes you feel refreshed and at ease afterwards and I have done my fair share of yoga classes too. It’s less strenuous on the body than running or hard core working out. My kind of workouts, to relax the body and mind.

We started the day off with a lovely lady named Amanda leading us into various poses and stretches. It was a great way to kick off a fitness and nutrition event for sure. Yes, that is my butt in the air which actually won Lisa a free juicer for her crude “Namaste” photo on her Instagram. Yes, that is also me doing downward dog in jeans and hair full of curls. It didn’t stop me from giving it my all. Ok, maybe just my ‘blogger’s all’ since the third picture I am ignoring the resting position and tweeting about the event. True bloggers style: multitasking. Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing Event

Photo credit of the second and third yoga photo from the lovely Colette at We’re Going On An Adventure. Who couldn’t stop laughing at me doing yoga in my jeans!  Thanks hun.

It was great to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones too. That’s another reason I love blogging events so much, the networking and making new friends is such a big part of it. It’s always great to meet like minded people and who understand what you are doing as blogging and why you are doing it. Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing Event

We got our energy up and calmness within now it was time to play around with some juicers. They had fruit and vegetables galore upon the tables for us to choose and pick from to taste. The juicers were so easy to just throw everything in and in seconds you had a lovely cup of healthiness. I was surprised that so many vegetables and fruits that I don’t like to eat actually tasted so delicious in a juice. It was great to watch what other combinations I could put together and use at home now with my own juicer.

Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing Event

Lunch time was delicious with this Chicken & Lemon Soup and bread. We sat chatting with other bloggers and admiring the amazing lighting the building had to offer. Whilst it’s uniqueness flooded twitter and Instagram from all us bloggers it was really yellow lighting for photos. Almost every blogging event I have ever been to has pour lighting which never helps the blogger to take great event photos or just challenges us to our highest. I would have loved to stay there and style all the vibrant colored fruits and vegetables and juicing that was going on with more natural light. But I still made the most of it and gave it my best shot at capturing what looked like a fitness and nutrition heaven.

I really enjoyed learning more about what different things do for the body, learning more about juicing it’s self and what combinations and new recipes I could try on back at home. Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing Event

The last station we went to was the “boosting your juicing” station. We were shown and told about numerous juicing enhancements and natural additives that we could put in our juices to take them to the next boosting level! The lovely lady answered so many of my questions about how much to put in of certain boosters and what to use together. It was really interesting.

Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing EventClassy juicing 101 right here. You can’t just drink your beetroot and spinach in a glass go with style and drink it from a flute. I may have volunteered to make a group of bloggers the most disgusting juice ever but they all took it in stride and I quite liked it. Ginger is always a winner to cover up other harsh flavors.

Fitness & Nutrition Currys Intro Juicing Event

I am hoping a little yoga and some insight into juicing and the benefits of leading a healthier life will kick start me to accomplish what I set out to do a year ago. No more saying I need to do this or I need to do that. It’s mission time and I need to quit being so lazy and prioritize my health into my daily routine.

Thank you Currys Pc World for hosting such a great inspiring event. Click the link to see more Detox in Leeds!

111 thoughts on “Fitness & Nutrition”

  1. I love my nutribullet so much. It’s not like I’m losing pounds each week but it makes me feel a lot healthier. I keep vowing to exercise but I just can’t find something that fits into my life and makes it easy to maintain. Love that you did yoga in your jeans!

    • Thanks I think a lot of people were amused. Hahaha I always give it a go tho. Me too. I keep saying I don’t have time to go to a gym so I invest in a new cross trainer for our house hoping when it arrives I can give it a good attempt to be fitter. lol

  2. Looks like a fab day but I don’t know how you did yoga in your jeans! hehe. I know what you mean about yellow light…it’s the worst for photos. Yours look pretty bright and colourful and are making me feel hungry for breakfast right now!! xx

  3. Sounds like a really great event! So useful to get all that information too, a sure way to inspire you with your juicing!!

    I have a juicer but prefer just to use a blender as I find it hard to clean out afterwards!!! X

    • Yes I actually have been feeling that way too. Juicing is great but messy and blending is easier. So I think I will be doing a bit of both juicing a large jug one week and having it last me and making smoothie in between.

  4. This looked like an awesome day. I was invited and couldn’t make it as we had a family event planned 🙁 I love juicing, it’s the one thing I have continued over the last year and I have seen a major improvement in myself. I love a juice in the morning and me and the hubby have a ginger and apple shot everyday. Once you start you won’t be able to stop 🙂

  5. Sounds like a great day, Jenny! I would love a day of yoga and finding out more about juicing. We are really into smoothies at home at the moment. I bought a Vitamix blender last month, and the children just want juice all the time. It’s great and it usually tastes yummy! I love yoga, too and I really miss it. I haven’t done it for about a year. I must get started again soon. Wouldn’t do it in my jeans, though!

    • Normally nor would i but they were stretchy jeans so I was ok. Like jeggings. It was great and I learned lots. I just need to kick start my working out. I love yoga and would love to find a class nearby soon.

  6. Looked like an amazing day, yoga is especially something I’ve really wanted to try for ages! & everything looks so good, love your photography.
    Kaye @

  7. I’ve met so many lovely people over the few years blogging and built some everlasting friendships. I totally agree these events are fabulous for networking. It’s great this one has a health and fitness twist too for the new year.

    I’ve linked up x

    • Thanks Emma. I know me too. Blogging has changed a lot for me. In a good positive way. I love events. Only wish I got invited to more. Hahaha it was good to learn more about fitness and nutrition.

    • I would say one thing the machines are a brat to clean everyday. So I have been making big containers of it and putting in the fridge to last me all week so I am just doing it once or twice. Which helps. If you make a routine of it it’s not so bad. The event was fab.

  8. Looks like a really fun day! I’ve been juicing lots more recently and am already starting to see the benefits from that and a little exercise 🙂

    • Thanks Louise. I think I entertained everyone when I did Rocket Yoga in my jeans. lol It was a great event and I learned lots. Can’t wait to get my yoga classes going again and continue juicing.

  9. I love yoga but haven’t done it in ages! Slap wrist. I had the same mindset as you in the new year – and I’ve been watching what I eat a lot now. The best purchase for me was a Phillips Juicer too! And I managed the 7 day detox from Jason Vale.. It was a hard, but now I just juice in the mornings and feel at least I am getting a good hit of nutrients and vitamins in the morning!

    • That’s the one I did but three day with Jason. Juicing is great but it’s high in sugar so I couldn’t do it all the time but a few times a week is great for me. Gives me all the nutrients I need and I just need to up the yoga and exercise game now. lol

  10. How absolutely fantastic, this is right up my street. I’m really into juicing so love this! I’m trying to fall in love with the gym too Jenny but it’s so hard lol! Fab post hun and thanks for hosting #sharewithme xx

  11. Over at TMK we love a bit of juicing! We have a diary of a juicer and some recipes too. I agree ginger masks a lot too! Chucking in an apple always makes it sweeter too!

    Now – have you ever tried Bikram Yoga – there’s a thing …!


    • Oh yes I used to do Bikram yoga twice a week. I am obsessed with it and prefer it over just yoga but there isn’t one close enough I can go to weekly! Sadly.

  12. Well done you. Our juicer is gathering dust in the back of the cupboard! It’s all I can do to not drink wine in the week for health reasons! Then on the weekend out comes my special grape juice, pre bottled and fermented! Yum

    • Oh get it back out. I found if I leave it on the counter (which even though is a pain to look at) it motivates me to have a few each week. I make big bottles up at a time so I am not always having to clean the machine too. Love your alternative drinks! lol

  13. Haha, I love that you did yoga in your jeans! I would love to do something like this; it looks like a great event. As you know I have been making lots of smoothies recently, and whilst I do love juicing I have smoothies so much more because they are so much easier. Lovely photos xx #sharewithme

    • Yes me too on the smoothie vs juicing but I like the flavors juicin offers too. I would like the taste of ginger lemon and spinach and kale I a smoothie as much as a juice then blend with ice. So much to clean up though afterwards you are right.

  14. Yoga in your jeans, I bet that wasn’t easy! I enjoy yoga too. I love Fruit smoothies in the summer months, I really should try in the winter too as I feel so much better when I drink them, not so bloated like I do eating carbs.

    • I know me too but winter is so hard to motivate to do anything especially drink cold juices and smoothies. Yup that’s me crazy girl doing yoga in jeans.

  15. Looks like you had lots of fun at the event. I love the idea of juicing but the washing up and keeping the machine clean bit does put me off! I so need to get my butt in gear fitness-wise this year. I was pregnant half of last year so used that as my excuse to do nothing but now Little Mister is seven months old and totally no longer a newborn I’m rapidly running out of reasons why I can’t at least start jogging again. I do also want to set a good example as I was unconfident at sports as a child and I don’t want them to be, especially my daughter. That said, my husband is massively into running so hopefully they’ll have his good sporting genes! #sharewithme.

    • My husband too. Hahaha I know mine is 18 months old and I definitely have no more excuses. Lol just getting motivating and finding a new routine is hard but once I jump in there I know I will do it. January is a hard month to be good after holidays.

  16. You can tell you’re a Yoga pro, doing the downward dog in your jeans like that! Sounds like a great event though, and juicing is very ‘now’ isn’t it – good luck with it! x

    • Yes it is the trend. I find it’s very sugary so I have been doing a few during the week but watching it doesn’t make me snack. lol I love yoga. Even hot yoga known as Bikram yoga is my favorite.

  17. I’ve always been curious with juicing and I’ve been meaning to try it. I’ve done my share of research and there’s a cleanse type and one that just replaces or boosts a meal for the day. I’m still not quite sure which one is right for me, but your experience is helping me make my decision. Thanks for sharing this 🙂

    • No problem. I go with things that will help me but I make sure it’s things I could keep up with. That’s why diets never work for me! I don’t stick with them but just a different way of thinking I can cope with I hope and a few changes to daily routine.

  18. Sounds like we (or at least I, now that you’re all motivated and stuff) are really good at making excuses! The most effective excuse for me is that I “just” had a baby so I’m taking some time off from exercise. When I can’t milk that excuse anymore (usually it loses validity about 18-24 months postpartum.) I just have another baby. Maybe that’s why I’ve got 5. 🙂

    • Oh sad we could have met!!! It was great. I went in not knowing what to expect. I loved the networking and social aspect of it too. Wish there were more great events up north.

  19. Sounds like a great time! I hope it gives you the motivation to get started on a healthy routine! I have been “about to start” getting healthy for 2 years now, I know first hand how hard it is to take that first step! Good luck!

    • Thank you I am going to need it for sure. Lol it was very inspiring though. My cross trainer arrives Friday. Hoping it staring at my face will help me too. Haha

  20. Sounds like a very fun day and I totally agree – always drink juice form a Champagne flute………….. #sharewithme

  21. Grace says – I love different juices. Mum and Dad are currently eating very healthy and they drink lots of juices too. These look very yummy. The yoga looked a bit of a giggle too xx #sharewithme

  22. Loving that you did yoga in your jeans too Jenny 🙂 This looks so inspirational. There always seem to be some great blogging events up in the north of England. I definitely need to get out of the winter laziness and back to a healthier lifestyle too. X #sharewithme

    • Oh I always think the opposite that all the event are always in London and I can’t go to half of them. Lol yes it’s got me motivated I just need to stick with it.

  23. I recently bought a soup maker and it has a juicing option. I never thought about using it as a juicer but I seen a post the other day and now this post and it has really made me think about using it as a juicer too. Especially for a quick breakfast on the go!
    Looks like a great event!

    • Thanks hun. It was great day out. I learned a lot too. Yes the machine are a pain to clean. I make a huge bottle of my fave flavors and then put it in a juice jug to last me all week. Next week make a different flavor. That way I can drink as juice as and when I want quickly or throw in the blender with ice and yogurt for a smoothie. Love it.

  24. Looks like a great day! I’ve been lazy too! Eating well in this weather is so hard and with the little one being a pain getting to sleep at night, my motivation has gone out the window! I keep thinking maybe I should try getting up earlier to workout but that would mean 5am!! I’m at a bit of a loss at the mo with it all!!! I do have a blender though so maybe I should start juicing!! #sharewithme

    • I thought the same but I don’t get much sleep as it is. I have always said weather and winter are the hardest to find motivation. I am like a bear I want to hibernate and eat to stock up for the season. Haha and boy do i stock up. Hoping this has kick started a new me.

  25. I think you just described my life too (without the juicing and yoga!). Pretty much every day I wake up and tell myself that today will be the start of the new, fit and heathy me but then there’s always some temptation that breaks me (no willpower).

    I hope your new, healthy lifestyle is going well (please tell me it is, I’m hoping your success will inspire me to get on with mine!!).

    Looks like you had a fabulous time. What a great event.

    • It was a fabulous event. I hope I can share a success story too. It’s hard to get motivated. I think though once I do get going I am usually good about it. It’s just getting in a rut that always is my downfall and no willpower here either. Will keep you updated.

  26. I’m on a healthy eating thing too, with the intention of losing weight though. Now I’m older, it’s so hard because it takes ages for the pounds to drop despite being really good. I do need to start doing proper exercise…but late night blogging and early morning wake ups from N don’t help. I love my nutribullet – my intention was to use it to get more veg in me, but I can’t have much leafy green thanks to medication which is annoying. I think the bright colours of fruit and veg are so obviously healthy it’s just mad that we struggle to eat enough.

    Hope your fitness and health quest goes well.

    • Thanks hunny. Me too. Late night blogging and just blogging in general make me fat hahaha I have never sat so much in my life. Lol then early wake ups with the tots I am with you on the time factor.

  27. This is what I need to do actually. Some discipline and something to do about fitness. This looks like a fun event =)

    • Me too it’s hard to push ourselves but I think if we are realistic and just make a few adjustments it’s not as hard to stick with it. Great event indeed!

    • I keep saying I will do this or that and then make lots of excuses. I am hoping I am finally over my laziness and to do something about my health and fitness. Good luck hun. Hoping we all can motivate each other.

    • I would never eat beetroot but in juicing it’s fantastic. You never taste it especially if there is ginger in it. Your recipe is a great one. Pop some beetroot in that bet you won’t notice and get the benefits from it.

  28. It looked like such a great event and reading about it has made me want to get a juicer! Not sure if use it tho and wouldn’t know where to start. I got into healthy eating and fitness last year, not hard core but more than I had even done. But since the cold weather came it’s hard to get the motivation to run and I just want today junk food! Bring on the spring and lighter nights. Love your post xx

    • Thank you it really was such a great event and social networking too. I loved getting to try more juicing out and bring home some new recipes. It’s so hard to get motivated in the colder months.

  29. Yoga is on my list of things to do this year. You are inspiring me to give juicing a chance. Beautiful photos. #sharewithme


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