DIY problems, New Plants and awesome quotes #littleloves

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:53 pm

Taking a few notes out of my “You Are So Awesome” book that a lovely friend of mine got me when I was really down last year about my Dad’s cancer. Sometimes when I am feeling low I just pick it up and read a few quotes, and lines to boost me back to myself again. It’s a nice little pick me up that sits on the shelf when I need it. It’s been another crazy week. 

Our stairs are finished and well, we hit some DIY problems. Basically the whole way up was beautiful real wood that we stained but when we got to the corner it wasn’t nice pine wood used it was some kind of recycled board so we couldn’t stain it. We tried painting it a similar brown/beige to match the rest of the stained stairs and well, it’s not right. Nothing I do in my house ever goes smoothly I should have known this. Alternatively, I am contemplating painting the tops grey now because I feel it’s just too much stained wood with the two tone railings and hardwood floors of our hallway and three random brown stair tops. I want to get it right as we will need to match it perfectly when it comes time to do the loft later this year and have another set of stairs going up above it. It’s hard getting it right the first time. I am a visual person and until I see it done, I can’t say if I will love it or not. Might be a huge reason my house is forever changing decor and style. There is so much I want to do to the rest of the house and it’s little things like this that I take on thinking it will be a small project and it always turns into a huge one. The playroom is almost finished just need to hang a few things on the wall and style the shelves and I will have a room tour coming your way. 

I won’t go into the big rant I had on IG stories and facebook yesterday as it’s for another whole separate post but a lot having been asking about it. Short version someone made a comment in my pilates class against Americans and I stood up for myself. I normally just don’t say anything but hormones got the best of me. I felt so good that I finally stood up for myself and what I believe and it’s not right to not have cultural kindness wherever you go. This world is multicultural in every country now! So here is a simple tip, don’t bash anyone’s culture in public or at all, it’s rude, it’s unneeded and you might just be sat next to someone from there. It’s cultural kindness and there isn’t enough of it in the world. 

To cheer myself up, I bought some new “real” plants for the house. Not sure how long they will last but they are so green and beautiful at the moment. It really brightens the house up. I have lots of fake ones as I seem to kill every plant even the succulents but there is nothing better than a real one if you can help it. I have one on my desk and one in the kitchen and playroom now. Roll on spring where I will fill the house with fresh flowers too. It’s just around the corner right?


#littleloves titles

I have finished the Present over Perfect. It came just at the right time. While it does have a lot of religious references I would say it’s a great one to help you focus on what really matters in life even if you don’t believe in any religion. It’s more about trying to fill too many baskets and neglecting yourself and your life. I am the biggest sinner here when it comes to making sure the house is perfect, the dinner is perfect, my work is perfect, my outfits are perfect. These things really don’t matter in the bigger picture of life and being fully happy. And funny enough she is a writer/blogger, that started suffering from vertigo because she ran herself into the ground. Sounds way too familiar here. DING, DING, ME! 

Next up I am reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It was recommended on my amazon list and since my other books haven’t arrived yet I was in need of something to jump into. It feels like a playful one! 

#littleloves titles

I am back to listening to the radio more while I work. I find the house just is too quiet during the day. I know I should bask in it as it won’t be for long, come May. We have the JBL Link speakers with google assistance and it’s pretty much made me lazy. I can sit typing away, ask google what time it is? Turn on netflix at night for me? Find me a recipe? Ask it a question if hubby and I are debating something? It’s handy but is it making me completely lazy? My mother-in-law thinks it’s too much big brother as someone is always listening. But it also makes me listen to different music if my station isn’t streaming clearly and I have been opening my mind to other genre than just my normal country favorites. What do you listen to?

#littleloves titles

Have you watched my latest vlog? Uploading every Wednesday this year is going to be a big challenge for me so far I have made it one month. WHOOP. It won’t always be about pregnancy but would love you to click and watch. With the new youtube algorithms I have been told I don’t get enough watch time to monetize my channel yet. So need all the watch help I can get so I am not even offended if you mute me and play it. Yes, begging here. 

#littleloves titles

My favorite winter combination has been in full affect, pairing PINK & BURGUNDY together. I have worn this pale pink coat all year long and adding some lovely burgundy knits and burgundy boots and gloves with it. It’s a way to still utilize my pale pink wardrobe all year long. I have never really been drawn to burgundy but this year it seems to be the color I pick up the most. I bought two new knits just yesterday both burgundy! This sweater is great to hide the bump with side zippers. You can check out my pink and burgundy combos and shop this look here on My Winter Styles.   

#littleloves titles

I am still on the soup bandwagon. It’s been freezing outside for weeks now. Soup Toppings are just about the best thing to make soup interesting and keep the flavors changing throughout the winter so you never get tired of the same old soup. Would love you to check out what I have been topping this week? Bacon or feta anyone? Or just some creme fraiche?

tomato and basil soup #TheWayWeMakeIt Cully and Sully Soups recipes


#littleloves titles

I have the ULTIMATE MAMAS HAMPER perfect for a gift for someone you know expecting or if you are expecting or planning to ever have another baby? It’s worth Β£170 from Mama Mio Skincare and it’s my new favorite routine at night pampering myself and bump with these products. You can check out my full review of them here Mama Mio Pregnancy Skincare Kit and don’t forget to enter below. Someone always knows someone that’s having a baby… and this would be a gift to remember!!!

Mama Mio Skincare Mama Hamper Giveaway pregnancy lotion belly lotion pillow spray relaxing bath oil
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Linking up to Morgana at Coffee Work Sleep Repeat for #littleloves roundup!

14 thoughts on “DIY problems, New Plants and awesome quotes #littleloves”

    • It’s been so cold out too hasn’t it? Its one comfort food that’s for sure. Oh yes come join us share what you love each week so fun, been doing them for almost five years now. πŸ™‚ Thank you lovely.

  1. Love a good soup this time of year, I like crushing crackers over the top of mine, you are looking positively glowing right now πŸ™‚ Hope you get your home improvement dilemmas sorted! #LittleLoves

    • Oh I love a soup with a layer of saltines or italian salted crackers on top too. YUMMY. I think that’s what I will have for lunch. Positively glowing eeek not sure about that but thank you so much so kind of you. Only 16 weeks to go! Home improvement dilemmas are never over here but thank you. hahaha One can hope.

  2. I NEED to start making my own soup. It’s just perfect for the colder months. I loved The Night Circus – something quite beautiful about it. Love the picture of you at the bottom, very stylish. Hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend xx

  3. Sorry you had to overhear such nonsense Jenny, people can be cruel and unthinking sometimes. I think you dealt with it wonderfully. I love real plants but have a real knack at killing them, I can’t even keep cactus alive ! Love the burgundy knit, looks fab on you. Have a wonderful week. #littleloves

  4. Well done lovely for standing up. I have spent my whole life listening to comments and then making a stand, with an American Mom I have always found it insulting and very generalised.

    Loving the new green plant in respect of though.

    Burgandy is such an amazing colour on you, you look so incredibly good at the moment, I hate the term but positively glowing xx

  5. Ah Jenny that is awful no wonder you were so upset, that is so awful. All the Americans I know are blooming gorgeous. There is good and bad in everyone some people are so negative. I love love love the Night Circus it is one of my fave books of last year, happy reading x

  6. So pleased that you found Present Over Perfect helpful. I think I need to make some of the quotes from on it into wall art for my house as reminders! The Night Circus is one of my all time favourite books so I’ll be keen to know what you think of it.
    Hope you’re having a good week lovely, we must book in another work date soon xx

  7. Your soups always looks absolutely delicious Jenny! Great time of year for soups. I think it was me who recommended Present Over Perfect, it’s a book that totally shaped my year last year and I’ve recommended to so many people who are on the verge of burnout. I LOVE Shauna Niequist, have you checked out her podcast? I think sometimes when we are getting ill (I’m referencing your vertigo here) a lot, then it’s our body’s (and perhaps God’s?) way of showing us that something needs to change. I hope that this season passes for you really soon. xx

  8. Sorry that the stairs didn’t go to plan. I am not very good with that sort of stuff and tend to loose it. They would probably be grey by now. It sounds like a good plan. I am in the same position with youtube – so annoying when you pour your heart and soul into something. I had just applied to monetise it too. Hope you have had a lovely week #LittleLoves


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