Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 08:52 am
Buba, you are now starting to miss home. Even though you are swimming in the sun on a daily basis, playing with so many other kids, and experiencing grand adventures here in the states you have also started to be homesick. You ask when we are leaving and returning to “your” house. You remind me it’s time to get back on the plane and go see Daddy. And little dude it’s not long now, we leave Wednesday for Seattle for another week then we are UK bound. You get excited every time I tell you about the plane ride home. I only pray you are as good going home as coming. I am excited to take you to Seattle because Mommy has so many friends there with same age boys as you to play with. You probably don’t remember last summer there but this summer you are sure to forget about going home at least for a little while. You have come alive this summer, grow up so much since we have arrived and I couldn’t be more proud of what a great big brother you have been lately to your sister. You are her forever best friends.
Missy Moo, you are growing up WAY too fast. Your hair makes you look older and as always you are looking more and more like your brother every day. You have grown sassy with your brother and I can foresee you will be the boss of you two. You have him running and fetching your toys, or your milk you dropped, or pretty much anything you want him to get for you he does. Bless him. You are one smart lady already. You have mastered walking. You stood up a few days ago and that was it, no more crawling. I am sad but at the same time relieved you won’t be wearing anymore holes in your tights from crawling. You love the sand, the water, and everything about being at the beach. I can’t wait to show off your new swimming skills in swimming lessons when we return before we left you didn’t really do much but now you can swim underwater, willingly put your own face under, love splashing and kicking about. You have even got the hang of doggy paddling which surprised me as your brother still can’t do it. I love your independence these days. You explore around the house and don’t need so much attention anymore. I am sad to see you grow up so fast but honored at the same time.
Alright you two water babies, I hope you make the most of swimming and playing on the beach tomorrow as that’s our last day here at grandma and papa’s house. Mommy is sad but I think you two are ready to move on to the next adventure, then home. I have really enjoyed our two months here in the states and sharing all my own memories and favorite places with you both. You both have caught an American twang which has pleased me and made me happily cry. It’s such a great feeling seeing you both in my country, and bonding with our American family. It will be so hard to leave the sunshine and family behind but we will all be back next summer to do it all again. I can’t wait and I am sure neither can you both!
Such lovely pics, I adore the black and white. Though you must be sad to leave, it really has seemed so lovely and it’s been a pleasure to watch from this side 🙂
I am glad you have enjoyed it from that side, wasn’t sure if people would be sick of my photos and post of state side yet. We are off to Seattle on Wednesday for eight days then back to the UK. I love black and white. These are simple but some of my favorite. Thanks hunny.
I’m so glad they have enjoyed their time stateside so much! It’s such a wonderful feeling to have our kids love where we grew up and made so many memories! I totally get your woes over them growing up so much…they definitely do it too fast! Next week Bubby starts Kindergarten and for the life of me I can’t figure out where the time has gone or how he grew up so fast!!! It seems like only just yesterday he was toddling around and now he’s riding an 18 inch bicycle without training wheels and going off to school! And my baby girl isn’t a baby anymore…she’s this articulate 3 year old that blows my mind almost daily! She’s counting and learning her letters and tearing off on her bicycle with her big brother. It’s sad to see them grow up before our very eyes, but such a wondrous thing at the same time.
I know I can’t believe it. When my momma told me just wait until you are older and see how fast life goes I truly didn’t believe her. Man she is SO right. Can’t get over the rate at which these amazing critters grow. It’s a pleasure watching them though isn’t it? Makes me want another baby just so I can keep the baby years going. hahaha
LOVE LOVE LOVE these shots. You’re babies look so blissfully happy and full of joy, i’m so pleased to hear you’re having such a wonderful time making memories over there. xxx #livingarrows
Thank you Vikki. I love black and white photos. We really are and today is our last day with my parents but we are flying off to Seattle for eight days then back to the UK. It’s been an amazing summer for sure. Can’t wait until next year.
they look so cute inside the heart! 🙂
i think your baby girl is loving it! ♥♥♥
Thank you Teresa. Yes, she really is having the time of her life they both are!
I’ve loved seeing photos of your summer, looks like you have had the best time. I haven’t had change to check your blog much but have loved seeing what you’ve been up to on Instagram. MM has really grown up the last few weeks! x
Thanks hayley! That means ALOT! I love instagram. It’s been awesome sharing all our adventures on it as I haven’t been able to blog as much either but definitely will when I get home and catch up with everyone. I am so behind on blog reading. MM is changed so much I can’t believe it. Totally different baby going home with for sure!
Oh wow, your times almost over! Sounds like it’s been amazing. Love these gorgeous photos, looks like they have had a fun packed few months x
Shhh, don’t say it out loud. I am so sad! It has gone by too fast and on my last week I have no wifi or cell service. Absolutely stranded and can’t even share my last beautiful summer week here. Boo.