Pregnancy: 29 Weeks Bump Watch

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 10:11 pm

pregnancy 29 weeks bump watch pregnancy diaries

This week has been busy. I am check things off my baby list, home list, work list and preparing for a slightly slower and calmer time when baby arrives. Hopefully. Don’t I always say this and it never happens. I am trying to go to bed a bit earlier to give myself a chance to rest more. My body is definitely going into preparation mode itself. The bump is really getting lower and I am waddling now. Always attractive have people point this out too.

Otherwise, all is well here. My dizziness and vertigo I am on new medicine not sure if it’s working but I am ignoring it when it flares up and just getting on with things. I feel less anxious when I get things done each day off my ‘to do list’ which never seems to be empty at the moment. Mother’s Day stuff, Easter stuff, the kid’s school activities and things they need each week with these two holidays back to back is never ending. Anyone else feel like their kid’s full time PA. I need a PA just to keep up with it all.

Baby brain is not helping me remember where I need to be at what time either. I think it’s the worse I have ever had it with my three pregnancies. I just keep forgetting what day, what sport, what bag, where and when and how. Things I used to be a genius at isn’t happening at all at the moment. I hope this returns although if I remember correctly it stays until about the baby’s 18th birthday right? hahahaha

Pregnancy: 29 Weeks Bump Watch



This week the number one question everyone is asking me: “Do you have everything ready?”

I love that I can now say, YES! I did a surge online shopping spree last week on Next, Amazon Prime and a few other baby essential sites and things are now arriving in truck loads. My hospital bag is packed. I know look at me, a week ago I had nothing ready. Thank goodness for the internet I didn’t have to leave my house for any of it. Nursery furniture needs to be built but we are having all the carpets cleaned this week beforehand.



My bump has doubled in size in a week. I have gained more weight this week than the whole of last month. My back is starting to feel the weight of the bump pulling on it. I have begun to not be able to get comfortable sitting or sleeping for very long. Everything is moving lower and earlier, wonder if this will be the sign he comes early like his sister or late and torturous like his brother. Only time will tell and with 10 and half weeks to go, it could be anything in between.


I am getting to the point I feel slightly sick if I eat too much. I am lacking the food space I used to have in there with baby taking it over. I can feel him kicking and rolling around when I am trying to have a big meal and just makes me dizzy. So not many cravings but a change in eating smaller and more often is helping me this week.



As I mentioned above, I smashed it all out in a week. I am very much like this, make a list and get it done and move onto the next list of things I need to do. We have a bit of house decorating going on and flat boxes everywhere so I daresay next week I will be building a lot of furniture and organizing things. It’s still a little early to wash it all as it will just get dusty but in the next few weeks baby clothes will hit my washer and dryer. I can’t believe I am starting all over again it’s so surreal, so exciting. The next few weeks are going to either drag on or fly by but either way we have a baby boy coming our way soon.

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