Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:34 pm

There is a reason this one is dancing in her unicorn outfit, it’s her fifth birthday! Today, marks five years this little unicorn has been in our lives. It’s been the most amazing five years of getting to know her and watching her as she grows and changes too. She is full of love, kindness, funny jokes, silliness, fun, laughter and so much more. I am so proud to call her my daughter. Each day, she impresses me with something new she learned at school or comes out with the funny things to say. Our conversations are always entertaining.
We marked her special day today with birthday breakfast and presents. If you are looking for great gifts for 5 year olds, check out these board games. School did a great job of making her queen for the day and a badge, and then went out to dinner with family tonight too. Her first birthday party with school friends is on Saturday and to say she is excited is an understatement. It’s a big deal your first birthday party with friends.
She is our middle child and the only girl. It makes her that much more special. We get to go all girlie with pink, unicorns, glitter and accessories galore. I spent last night decorating the dining room with balloons, unicorn table covers, confetti, and banners. Then I wrapped her presents in more unicorn patterned paper. Can you see the theme here? She is all the sudden obsessed with unicorns. It’s quite sweet. My friend bought her this gorgeous outfit for her birthday present she just about ripped off her clothes right there to put it on. It made us all laugh.
I can’t believe it’s been five years. Where does the time go? I remember the day she came home from the hospital and met her brother. That only seems like yesterday and yet I was just doing that with her baby brother. She has been the best big sister any baby could ask for, like a second mom. She has those nurture instincts in her that are so genuine. I hope she is always this loving to her brothers but the older and younger one. She wears her heart on her sleeve though and isn’t afraid to show her emotions especially when it comes to sad parts in a Disney movie. She will cry at the drop of a hat. Not always a good thing when she is having a bad day and playing the diva too. But I have so much fun with her, from crafts to makeup to playing beauty salon. She loves role playing so much. I love just watching her be creative and her personality shining every time.
This year marked her starting school, losing her first tooth, mastering her bike without training wheels, moving up in gymnastics and swimming lessons and so much more. It’s been a big year for her. I can get over how much starting school really brings out their personalities and their identity. Overall, they really change a lot in that first year. She has gained confidence and knowledge of so many things. I always worried she wouldn’t like school but she took to it so smoothly. Being one of the youngest I wasn’t sure how she would cope with it. She continues to prove me wrong in a good way every time.

The best bit about her birthday is for a month or so she gets to say she is only a year under than her brother. They aren’t quite two years apart and she loves saying she is 5 and he is 6 now. She kept asking me will she catch up with her brother some day so I don’t think she gets the concept completely yet. But it’s funny every birthday we have the same conversation about how she is now closer to B’s age.
I love that she always lets her big brother help open gifts, read her the birthday cards, and play with her new toys. She is as much a girlie girl as she is a tomboy when she makes her birthday present wish list. There is always lots of glitter, crafts, dresses and unicorns on the list but cars, messy play, superheroes make the list too. There is always something that they both love to play together like Hungry Hippos or Connect Four. We like to get the kids a present they can share for each of their birthdays and it’s usually a family game so we can all join in the fun.
As much as she paraded around in her gorgeous unicorn dress and headband she soon had ketchup, ice cream and mud all over her come dinner time. She never fails to get whatever she is eating all over her. She is the messy kid I have ever met. She still spills her milk at the dinner table almost every night. “Don’t cry over spilled milk” is not at option for her. It’s bound to happen. We are so used to it we just roll our eyes now and tell her to clean it up. Mostly because she is clumsy and mostly because she gets that excited she talks with her hands. Ooops, wonder where she got that from? (not me surely, tee hee).

So to my little dancing, singing, silly girl, I love you so much. You have enriched our lives becoming apart of it and continue to fill our hearts with joy each and every day. We can’t wait to see the lady you grow up to be and what you will do with your life. Until then, we have a million more craft projects, days out, family holidays, and those amazing bedtime stories to read to you. I hope you had a wonderful special birthday. You are loved more than you will ever know and I hope you feel that each time we hug, kiss and snuggle you tight.
You used to call them cuggles both snuggles and cuddles together. These are the little things I want to remember.
I hope you have all enjoyed the five years I have spent documenting our family journey and this little lady here. I started my blog right after she was born at only four weeks old and it’s been such a pleasure sharing it all with you.
(See her fourth birthday here !)
Happy birthday Missy Moo. Hope she had a wonderful day, and that the party went well too. Time flies so quickly doesn’t it.