First day of school, Bizarre end to summer and back to work #littleloves

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:48 pm

Happy Friday! 

We are back in the UK and back to our favorite weekly roundup #LittleLoves with the lovely Morgana from Coffee, Work, Sleep, Repeat. We missed our weekly features sharing all the things that made us happy and smile each week but come summer time we know how to step back from our devices and make some grand adventures in America so we have plenty to share with you coming up. 

Thanks to all those that followed and watched our daily adventures on ig stories. We enjoyed sharing them each day over the summer to give you a glimpse of what summers are like where I grew up. Hot and beautiful, I know I don’t mean to rub it in. I am grateful for where I grew up and get to return to each summer with my kids in tow. I truly am! You don’t know how beautiful it is until you move away and can appreciate all that mother nature offers you there.

I hope everyone else had a great summer vacation too. Those that were in the UK, I hope you got to go somewhere warm and hide away from the rain for some adventures too. Or you braved it and did some great muddy puddle jumping with the kids despite it.


#littleloves titles

I absolutely love this book. It keeps you guessing what really happened at the impromptu neighorhood barbecue until the last minute.  I only have a few pages to go! If my vertigo hadn’t kept me from getting dizzy for the past three weeks I would have had it finished by now for sure. Any recommendations moving into Fall what books I could read next??? Maybe a book series, I am a big fan of those!!! Comment below or shout out over on twitter, facebook, or instagram to me (@letstalkmommy). PLEASE! I already made three book choice fails over the summer, eeek. 

#littleloves titles

I am sure most of you have heard or seen on my social media that our last week in America went rather rough. We found out my son has Eosinophilic Esophagitis, a condition that (the cause of the flare up is being tested as we speak) was unknown to us up until now. He is high risk of choking on even small cut up foods. Thank you all for your support and all your lovely message at this difficult time of worry for us as parents. But know my son is happy, he is at school with his friends and the school are helping with lunch. To him nothing has changed except annoying teachers and mothers watching him closely while he eats and three new medicines added to his daily routine. This kid is a cat with nine lives I swear it. He adapts and nothing is a bother to him even when he chokes and ends up in surgery to remove the food. I am proud, scared, anxious but happy he can overcome this and go on as if it didn’t happen. I am different but trying to take a page from his book. Any #EOE parents out there shout out would love to find out more about your experience with your child and EOE!

Secondly, have you heard that I have a new monthly LINKY…it’s for photos and/or short videos. There is a team of us trying to get more creative with our angles and lighting in photos and working on learning and practicing filming with a month in 60 seconds videos. We are all learning together so don’t think you need to know how to do it to join. At the moment it goes live first Monday of each month. It’s fun to share them on Instagram too! I still need to get better at editing and faster at putting them together but having fun looking back at them all. At the end of the year I am going to do a year in 12 minutes for a family keepsake. I look forward to the challenge. Come join us! It’s open first two weeks of the month so if you forget to join in first day you have plenty of time to join in with this month too. You don’t have to do videos and photos, pick one or the other. Any questions ask anyone of us on the team! Let’s share together! LINK UP HERE!

#littleloves titles

I did get the chance to do my monthly July #littleloves video. For those that didn’t get a chance to watch it, come to the outdoors and get a glimpse into what we loved in the mountains. I have so much to share with you all in the coming weeks and even a hometown tour and sneak peak at my parents house on the river. Stay tuned!

#littleloves titles

I have a few fashion posts coming up but I will let my beautiful littlest take the spot light this week. It’s her first day of school (full day) today. She looks far too grown up in her uniform. With my son, it was easy to just pick shorts or pants with his top everyday but boy do I get spoiled with choices for her. We had so much fun deciding what we would do with her hair, pinafore or skirt, tights or knee socks, and more. It’s like playing dress up. She loved every minute of her trial half days this week. We had no tears and it feels weird today having the entire day with both kids in school. Something I am sure I will get used to but nevertheless feels weird and emotional.

#littleloves titles

I know I have already boasted about my mother’s cake talents last year with her famous PAW Patrol two tier cake she made for the kid’s double birthday party but I think this year’s LEGO cake might have beat it.

Coming in second, I did make some delicious LEGO marshmallow pops that went down a treat! (excuse the pun). They were so easy to make and quick too. The kids loved helping with them. I say a great one for a rainy day baking project. What do you think? 

Lego themed birthday party for sixth birthday celebrations

#littleloves titles

We were back in the wheat fields this year with just Me & Mine for August would love you to pop over to see our annual snaps ignore the smokey black skies forest fires were bursting that week. Sadly Daddy is always back in the UK in August for us so it quite literally is me and mine.  

The kids had a blast on the sandy beaches, playing in the river, swimming in the pool or jumping on the trampoline that Grandma and Papa bought them for their birthday (lucky ducks I never got anything like that). We were grateful to be home to see my Dad who has beat cancer this year, HOOORAY! Being around my family, culture and home has been such a blessing and always makes me come back positive and recharged (even with our huge hiccups) and a lot less homesick. We look forward to next year already.

“Life is like a rollercoaster, it’s a scary ride and sometimes there are worse drops than we care to go down but at the end of the ride, we always want to do it again.”  This is my new motto… I totally made it up but I hope you get the positivity idea from it. hahaha 

Here’s a little love from my awesome community over on instagram called #LifeCloseUp They have been such a huge contribute to my instagram engagement and growth and I can’t thank each and everyone that joins in each week with their amazing zoomed in captures of life. Do pop over to see these amazing instagram feeds and join us here

follow instagram


16 thoughts on “First day of school, Bizarre end to summer and back to work #littleloves”

  1. Loving having you back in the Little Loves gang Jenny!
    MM looks so grown up in her uniform, where has that time gone?! It will feel weird not having any children at home at first but trust me you’ll soon get used to it! 😉 xxx

    • Ahh thanks hunny, I always truly miss it. And then I get so excited to read everyone else’s and catch up from summer break. Man I think I just bought six new books from the little loves this week. Some great recommendations. I just keep my amazon open while I read and add to my shopping cart. OOOps. shopping spree. It is really weird but hopefully that leaves me to do fashion fun coffee work days out with you more instead. lol

  2. I always love following your summer adventures Jenny, and I was sad to hear you had had a rough few weeks towards the end. It sounds like your son has been getting the help he needs and I hope your vertigo eases up. It can’t have been easy for you. Ah Missy Moo looks so cute in her school uniform and hope she is loving it. Take care xx

    • Oh thanks hunny you have always been such an awesome supporter of my blog and all I do. It means the world to me darling it really does. Your comments have been there from the very beginning when I started. MM looks way too old in her uniform blows me away.

    • Oh hooray for your little one loving school babes that’s awesome. Glad you liked my stories I really enjoyed sharing them this summer. We had so many adventures sometimes it’s hard to document and share them all on my blog but stories a fab to give sneak peaks My son is the cat with nine lives for sure.

  3. How cute does MM look in her uniform! Hope you a B are getting the help you need over here with the EOE and vertigo, you’ve both really gone through it back home this year. Can’t wait to see your home town tour. Your pics from the States always look beautiful – and I’m seriously nosey! Hope you all have a great week x

    • It’s very country so I think people will be shocked how small my town is and all that makes me laugh but I do love sharing my home with everyone each summer. It was a great five weeks of summer just the last two hurt us badly. Hope we both are fine soon too. And daddy gets back from his American trip now so I have extra hands. lol

  4. Ah you have had some tough times this summer, but your son is so brave, kids just get on with it don’t they? Jack was like this when he was diagnosed acting like we were all ott! Ah little miss looks so cute bless her I hope she had an amazing week at school exciting times x

    • The kids are both growing up way too fast. Especially MM has changed a lot this summer. We had an eventful both positive and negative this summer. But we walked away with amazing memories despite our troubles.

    • Me too! It was the best summer ever. We were just saying how many adventures we packed into it and yet it had to be tainted with hospital visits in the end. Boo we will just have to make up for it next year.

  5. Oh my, look at your gorgeous girl in her school uniform! So many little ones heading off to big school this week. She looks like she’s more than ready. I hope her first week went well. Wow Jenny, you had a very challenging last week in the US didn’t you? Really feel for you. What a tough journey you’ve been on. Sounds like your little man is taking it in his stride as usual, so hard for us mums not to freak out at everything isn’t it? Bless you. xx

  6. Thanks again for featuring my photo 🙂 I’m sorry to hear about your little one, it must be so worrying for you. The links sounds fab I will definitely try and join in. Eilidh x


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