Lamps, Laziness, and Little Loves

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:37 am

We are enjoying half term to it’s fullest. I think this week has been a funny mixture of blurry busy and chilled out.  I like balance. We didn’t have anything preplanned but somehow our days kept filling up. But we have also stayed in bed, every morning, far too late which was blissful. I loved every minute of it and also thank the kids for joining me in my laziness. It’s great not to have the school run even if a few days MM still attended preschool, late. I am sort of sad thinking of the kids going back to school next week. I even got the chance to have some amazing one on one time with my eldest. You can tell he really gets a lot out of that extra special attention. 

Last week, I talked about photo walks. They are amazing. I only wish I had more days to do them and nicer weather to do them more often. I met up with #littleloves beautiful host and took in the city near us. Funny enough, I have taken the train from here to London a million times but never really took the time to appreciate the city. Morgana really showed me around and we even found an amazing little coffee place that I can’t wait to go back to called Ham & Jam. We had so much fun joking around with various places we could take photos and then sat down to warm up with a nice cuppa. I love that we live close enough to see each other often. If you haven’t seen her new hair it’s amazing. I wish I could have copper hair!


#littleloves titles

I have been cheating on my books this week having had the King’s Cage delivered which is the fourth book in the Red Queen books but I am back to finishing the Grisha Trilogy. I have about twenty pages until I am done. Then I am finally in the position to go book shopping. There is nothing I love more than pouring over books in the bookshop. I call it “me time”. I can’t wait. Any new book suggestions pour them in comments below. 


#littleloves titles

I have been adding NEW GIVEAWAYS each week and this week is a huge one worth £169.00! Have you ever heard of Electric Jukebox? No, neither have I until now. Electric Jukebox is the easy-to-use device that turns your TV into a jukebox – the ultimate music machine. With Electric Jukebox, you get an HDMI TV stick, and a ‘point and click’ controller with voice search. Just plug in, connect to wifi, and play. You can search for music from our 30 million track catalogue. There are no ads and listening is unlimited. It even has a parental lock. 

Electric Jukebox costs £169, which includes a 1 year annual music pass. After 1 year has passed, you can continue to listen to Electric Jukebox for free, with ads, or pay a further annual fee of £52 for an unlimited Premium music pass. This is less than half the price of Spotify of Apple music

I am giving you all the chance to WIN your very own Electric Jukebox!!! Enter below. 

Win an Electric Jukebox  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

#littleloves titles

We have been making the most of half term with a visit to Legoland. I haven’t taken my kids before so they were super excited. I love taking them for days out and seeing their face light up when we watched the 4D show was amazing. You can watch bits of it here with our Day in the Life during half term. 

#littleloves titles

I got to go on not only one photo walk with a lovely friend but two photo walks last week with two different lovely friends. I had so much fun both times snapping each other up and trying not to laugh too hard or feel awkward in front of the camera while people pass us. I don’t know about you but my husband hates taking photos. So it was nice to be able to get some outfit shots without the thumb over the half the photo or grumbling. hahaha I was strutting my pastel wardrobe last week and you can see more over on Laura Ashley blog today but I also was wearing all black too. It never happens I know, don’t gasp. I fell in love with this gorgeous black floral jacket in the sale. I also scored these black suede boots at primark at xmas and thought they would go great together. 

#littleloves titles

I am making over parts of my house this year. While we have done the big changes last year the little touches haven’t been made. Slowly over the last year, I have made endless pinterest boards for inspiration. The walls are in need of new frames and styles possibly some new paint too. I feel like the shelves need to be rearranged and a bit of a knickknack clear out. I have been in search for the perfect dressing table chair. I am thinking it should be small fabric armchair. I would love to find one with grey velvet fabric to go with the grey wallpaper in the spare room. 

When I find that perfect chair next on my list will be some nice new lamps for my spare room to complete the look. I haven’t decide whether I should go with a classic lamp style or modern style? Have you heard of LampCommerce? They have amazing modern designs that I have been getting inspired by like Fabbian, Tom Dixon to Flos lamps. I can’t decide if I should go oversize either. I like styles that are different. I think lamps are really making a statement this year in the home interior trends. Even last year, I saw more unique trends showing up in my interior magazines. I wish I was brave enough to go for the bold colors that went along with the bold new shapes and sizes. 

That’s what I love most about home interior designs. It’s constantly changing, evolving and wowing us with it’s new trends and styles. If I could afford it I think I would be one of those that redecorate every year. I am never drawn to just one home style for long. What is your favorite home style? 

#littleloves titles

Do you love instagram as much as I do? I hope so! If you do, come join me in sharing your #lifecloseup snapshots over on our hashtag community. It’s such a supportive group of instagrammers. I love seeing what everyone is snapping up and here is some of my favorite instagrammers tagging in this week! 

instagram lifecloseup hashtag community

Linking up to Coffee Work Sleep Repeat

97 thoughts on “Lamps, Laziness, and Little Loves”

    • Oh that sounds great. Thanks will add it to my list to read for sure. I love various genres too. I never read just one type of book. That keeps it interesting. Didn’t think I would like these books but I actually loved them.

  1. Book shopping is one of my favourite pastimes… I hope you find some new gems, once you’ve finished those you’re currently reading. It sounds like you had a lovely half term week – I hope that continues into the weekend!

    • I haven’t gone book shopping in forever. I think I need to make a day of it soon. It’s too easy someone to recommend one and me to amazon prime in the next day to my house. Call my lazy. Or lack of time. hahaha Thanks lovely hope you had a good weekend yourself.

    • I hadn’t taken MM yet because I didn’t think she was old enough for rides and the things there but she absolutely loved it. We will go again soon. The new features they are adding I can’t wait to see. Its done this March I think so we will have to go back soon.

  2. Lazy mornings are exactly what half term is for ! Photo walks sound really good, I have this lovely camera that I have no clue how to use so I might plan one to get some practice. That jacket looks lovely on you. #LittleLoves

    • Oh you should take one of Sarah’s classes from Keeping Up With The Jones Family she is amazing. She taught me manual mode on my camera and I am still working with her now to get better. Highly recommended. Thanks you are so right half term is for lazinesss. I didn’t feel guilty about it once. lol

  3. Loved your photo walks and that flowery jacket is gorgeous. Loving your yellow socks too, so bright and cosy! Can’t wait to see what you do with your house next, it always looks so lovely. Have a great weekend x

    • Thanks lovely so sweet of you. I wasn’t as comfortable in all black to be honest. I prefer this jacker with cream pants and white blouse which is what I wore yesterday. lol Can’t beat yellow anything in my life. We rearranged two rooms so no money spent but it looks so much better moving the furniture around. Drives my husband mad.

  4. Love the idea of a photo walk, too often we don’t get time to just stroll around and appreciate our surroundings. Love, love, love book shopping! Hope you find some real treats (I really must stop buying books!) Enjoy your week xx

    • We don’t and I haven’t done them before but just chatting with blogger friends in the area we really want to do it regularly. It’s great practice, experience and we get photos of ourselves too where otherwise we are just behind the lens all the time. Me too, I could spend hours in a library.

    • We got lucky I think with the weather and no illnesses for once. We are full of them this week back typical isn’t it? But I am so relieved that it didn’t dampen our time together last week. Thanks lovely.

    • All black isn’t my thing so I felt a little uncomfortable. It always looks boring to on me. hahaha But it’s fun to play around with photography and fashion shots. I am awkward but hopefully get better with practice. Thanks Donna you are too kind. Yes, we need to go a bit more now that MM doesn’t eat them. lol

  5. I wrote this week too about my love for instagram at the moment. It is definitely becoming my favourite social media channel. Ah I used to take my 2 to Legoland Discovery lots when they were younger. Loved our days out there, then a meal in the Trafford Centre. I feel the same as you with back to school this week #littleloves x

    • Oh me too. I am so obsessed I spend most of my time there. lol Facebook hates me and twitter is a hit or miss feel like I am talking to automatic tweeting too much these days. Where has everyone gone? Yes, agreed. Now that MM is old enough to run around and build things Legoland is amazing for us to go to.

  6. I too love book shopping, i have so many in my amazon reading list at the moment. There just isn’t enough hours in the day to get all the reading done that i would like. Electric Dukebox sounds great, will definitely enter the giveaway. I love your floral jacket and boots. Hope you had a great weekend.

    • I was so impressed with the Jukebox it’s like spotify but way cheaper too. Good luck. Thanks boots I have lived in. I don’t normally do all black. Not my thing. lol I could spend weeks pouring over books in a library or book shop. I know what you mean I would love more time to read.

    • Thanks I don’t feel as comfortable in all black if I am honest but I loved this jacket. This week though I paired it with cream jeans and a white blouse so much better. lol Wish it was nicer weather to do more of them more often.

  7. What a lovely balanced week. I’m so jealous of your lie ins and photo walks. I really need to find someone near me to do this with. It sounds like a lot of fun. Your outfit is absolutely gorgeous, I especially love the boots. One of my favourite things about Little Loves is discovering new books. I’ve just googled the Grisha Trilogy and its not on my must read list x

    • It was a great half term I have to say. It juts flowed there was no pressure to get out too early anywhere. We lounged, we cuddled and we did some fun things because we got lucky with the weather too. I wish every half term was like this one. We normally are all ill and the weather is horrible and that just ruins it all. Me too, I love little loves book recommendations. I literally end up writing a long list each week and trying to catch up on it all. I didn’t think it would be my kind of reading but loved the Grisha Trilogy the whole way through.

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful half term Jenny. I absolutely love your flower jacket! Its gorgeous! Also loving the mustard coloured socks! I need some mustard socks in my life! So pretty! Photo walks sound amazing! I went to take my big camera out the other day only for me to realise I didn’t charge it!! Have a wonderful week xx

    • I have a thing for anything yellow or mustard color. hahaha These are my welly socks crunched down like the good old days. lol Photo walk was brilliant I wish we had nicer weather to do it more often. Oh no on the no charging I have done that a few times it’s so frustrating.

  9. I love the black floral on you Jenny, your hair really stands out against it. You’re right Morgana’s hair looks lovely and I love the idea of a photo walk. Shame the little loves crew doesn’t live closer, wouldn’t that be fun. I hope your week back in the routine hasn’t been too painful x #littleloves

  10. Has to be Dance – to get me in the dancing mood! (I’ve put my pinterest name in wrong on the form – kayleighcinders it should read)

  11. You have such a lovely Blog . I am also Book reader can not sleep less have read a Good romance .We are enjoying half term to it’s fullest as well took my Kids to nice new play area called the Tigar eye they really loved it there was nice to meet other mums and have bit me time watching them have fun. thank You to have the chance to win would be lovely treat

    • Oh that sounds great place to let the kids play and meet other moms too. I love that win win. You are so sweet on your compliments. My blog is like my third baby. lol I love a good book before bed no matter how late it is.

  12. Love the idea of a photo walk, I’ll have to rustle up someone to come along on one with me! I could give you a HEAP of book recommendations. Have you read Six of Crows? It’s by the same author as the Grisha Trilogy but I thought it was SO much better. It’s a duology and I was actually devastated that there weren’t more books.

  13. We always have music on in our house and it ranges from nursery time singalong tunes to Guns n’ Roses 😉 …I love Queen & Abba but I’m partial to a bit of 90’s Indie Brit Pop too. x

  14. Tricky one! I used to be quite a rocker.. I still love rock, but I also love plenty of pop/indie type music as well, as well as some alternative dance. I really like a wide spectrum of music.

  15. I don’t actually have a favourite type, my taste in music is so varied. I listen to anything from 50’s music through to modern hits, bassline, dance, rock, metal, country, pop etc. Music takes me to my happy place.


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