Last updated on November 16th, 2023 at 05:27 pm
Life continues to be busy everyday,
With both of you growing each day,
The sun has came out to play,
So we went to the park today,
I wanted to just say,
Thank you for a great Mother’s Day!
My little tot, you are getting so big. You now want to act like a big kid. Climbing to the top, all by yourself, making mommy worry and hold her breathe. You may want independence but you still are a little scared, so Mommy is never far away, whatever may come your way.
My lil doll, you turned 9 months this week. I think you are now trying to speak. May Mommy be your first word, shhh I won’t tell Daddy, I promise. Your teeth are popping out everywhere and you use them on your teddy bear. I love that you love the swings, as your brother never did. Just a little push, makes you giggle, reminding Mommy what it’s like to be a kid.
I attempted to get you both to swing, Buba you never were so keen. Mommy thought watching your sister, you might like it now. Clearly, there is no doubt, you do not like the swings. Together you attempt to calm each other, but on this day, neither of you, shared the love for the same adventures. One wanted the swings and the other wanted the slide, making Mommy decide.
Aww..swings can be really scary. Nice photos and words =) Looks like you had a fun Mother Day! Weather is awesome too.
Thank you, yes we got so lucky to have such nice weather. It was an ordinary day for us but that’s what I wanted the most, just time with my kids. Hope you had a great weekend too!
Such beautiful smiles and lovely pictures x
Thank you so much. They are growing up way too fast.
They are so cute Jenny! I love your little guys hair, yay for curls! 🙂
Fiona @
Thank you. Sometimes it’s a bit out of control. Ok most of the time. Can you say, AFRO lol
Adorable photos, they are so cute 🙂 #livingarrows x
Thank you Michelle. They sure are growing up before my very eyes. I can’t believe it.
she’s really a doll!!! so adorable
Thank you so much Mirari. So sweet of you. They are both so much fun.
I love your living arrows photo’s each week, so adorable the pair of them! xxx
Adorable pictures, so sad that the fun didn’t last, not everyone likes to swings 🙂 #LivingArrows
Haha so true, I love the swings. It breaks my heart he doesn’t. I keep hoping but I don’t think it’s going to happen, ever. 😉
Gorgeous photos – All children love swings don’t they!? You have beautiful children! x
Thanks Donna so sweet of you to say. I thought so but my son has hated them from day one. Almost three years later still isn’t impressed. I loved the swings growing up and so does missy moo. Sad I won’t be getting any swinging videos or pictures of them together happily in the future. lol