Make Bathtime an Adventure for your Little Monsters #ad

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:37 am

Make bathttime an adventure for your little monsters #adBathtime can be the most blissful part of your day as a parent. That time where you dim the lights lower, wind down from a busy day and watch your little one kicking those adorable toes in the bath before bed. However, sometimes bathtime can become a dreaded task on the routine schedule for parents. If your little ones haven’t been well, are in a grumpy mood or plain refuse to even get in the bath it can make bathtime drag on. When this happens it’s hard to stay calm and patience especially if it happens more often than not. Or worse you have two children that don’t want to get in the bath or stay in the bath. Bathtime for two gets a little more complex sometimes but it can still be a blissful part of your day as a parent, you just have to get creative and make it an adventurous part of their day.

I am testing out Johnson’s special edition Bubble Baby Bath and Wash with their cheeky bubble monsters to see if it helps aid my little monsters into the bath and keep them in the bath.  When you are bathing two little ones sometimes the other one can get bored and refuse to wait for said sibling while they get their hair washed or teeth brushed. I always try to keep bathtime as interesting as possible with the help of toys, games, songs, and even the kitchen tupperware. Yes, you read that right. I had hours of bathtime fun with my own mother’s kitchen tupperware in the bath growing up and my kids have already experienced the same. 


Our first challenge was to fill the bath up and watch the bubbles and monsters come alive! We had four cheeky bubble monster profile cards to follow along and make up stories for each one. The kids quickly picked their favorite characters while I got to give them a calm, relaxing bath while they stayed occupied. I think bathtime with your little ones should be a huge part of your memories as they don’t stay little forever. The kids were so pleased with their bubble monsters and the fact that the Johnson’s bubble bath was the strongest and longest lasting bubbles they have ever seen. We build a bubble tower and even had bubble hats on throughout our bathtime and they didn’t falter. I was just as impressed with how many bubbles were created and stayed with us until I pulled the plug out. That doesn’t normally happen, ever. 


The next challenge was to test just how nice the wash side of Johnson’s bubble bath and wash turned out. It has it’s famous NO MORE TEARS formula to prevent stinging eyes which is always a must with children and the good news is it cleanses their skin without drying it out. I normally don’t use bubble bath too often because I am nervous of drying the kids’ skin out but this is gentle enough for daily use. When I told the kids they literally could have a bubble bath every day they starting jumping up and down. Silly me, I should have waited to tell them until they got out of the bath because it made for a very wet floor celebration.

When you have kids of your own or if you already have kids of your own, don’t forget to try to make bathtime as easy on you as much as you try to make it easy on your little one/s. I know just as much as you that it is easy to get stressed out when the kids are screaming and not doing as they are asked. I say, distract, distract, distract. It’s the best parenting advice I was ever given. If you can distract them before that meltdown ever happens you are golden. Bathtime is no different. Whether it’s imaginary play with bubble monsters or tupperware from the kitchen, have something calm but fun to play in the bath with them. I also say consistency works wonders as most children thrive off routine and consistency. Then they know what to expect at bathtime (fun and relaxing) and that bedtime follows shortly after when they are calm and happy in their pjs!



What is your bath and bedtime routine at night with your little ones? Do you have certain games and toys you play with in the bath to keep your little ones entertained while you wash away the dirt from that day’s adventure? What do you think of the bubble monsters and who would be your child’s favorite character to go splashing around the bubble bath with?


“Sponsored by the JOHNSON’S® brand. I have received free product for this post however all opinions are my own”.(With the option to include the JOHNSON’s® Bubble Monsters website page:

3 thoughts on “Make Bathtime an Adventure for your Little Monsters #ad”

  1. I should try out this bubble bath, I think my little guy would love it. I only bathe him once or twice a week unless he’s really dirty – where we are it’s so cold and dry that frequent bathing makes his eczema flare up. But he LOVES the bath. We put him in while the water is filling up because he loves playing in the “waterfall”. He then spends a very long time playing peekaboo with himself and the shower curtain, which we have to let dangle in the bathwater or else he splashes water all over the bathroom. He has boats and squirties and a rubber ducky and a net with floating “bugs” to catch. They usually end up on the other side of the bathroom by the time he’s finished. Then he pees, and we’re done!

    When he was an infant, we had to have two bathtubs set up for bathtime. The first one was the one he pooped in, and the second one was the one we washed him in. Glad those days are over!

    • Oh yes do try it. My son has eczema too so I know what you mean about it flaring up if you have one every night. This didn’t bother my son’s eczema either so it’s fab. Love a good waterfall too.

  2. Do I gather correctly that you put some of this in the water to make bubbles to play with, and then some on a wet washcloth to wash them with?


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