May Me & Mine Family Project

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:58 pm

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five

Our first photos of a family of five for our Me & Mine Family Project. I wasn’t sure how it was going to pan out taking a family photo two weeks after giving birth, getting everyone to coordinate, smile, together, and baby content too. (and for me not to look like a whale in the process too).

We have only been a family of five for a few weeks but it’s been so blissful and fulfilling. I have always wanted more children and never thought it would happen and I am so grateful for our newest family addition. I am in awe of baby boy each day. I had forgot how fast they change and grow every day at this stage. To say the kids are head over heels in love with him is an understatement. They are totally obsessed with him. I almost have to say just leave him alone for a minute, poor baby. They want to know when he will crawl, walk, talk and be able to play with them. I think they were slightly disappointed that he didn’t come out ready to be their buddy.

It’s been a weird month with the start being so hot and fully pregnant I was getting really uncomfortable. And then having a baby boy arrive two weeks early was a surprise and a gift. It helped me get some health test I needed earlier, get his USA passport sorted which we were cutting it close for our summer in America, and most importantly I was so desperate to hold him already. So at two weeks old we hit his due date and it’s a funny feeling hitting that date you have been counting down to for months and months. We celebrated it with these family snaps instead.

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five


Golfing in warm weather.

Taking time off for half term.

Having another beautiful baby boy.



My baby boy arriving early.

Snuggles with baby.

Watching my two older kids with their baby brother.



Having a brother now.

Helping Mommy get baby things he needs.

Having Daddy home for half term.



Having a baby sibling.

Having Daddy home for half term.

Being the only princess of the house.



Milk, milk, and more milk.

Sleep, sleep and more sleep.

His siblings spoiling him and cooing over him.

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five

May Me & Mine Family Project family of five

We couldn’t not do a funny face one. Having two children whose favorite game in the world is called “the silly game” where they dance, jump and throw their hands up in the air like crazy people and make silly faces in the process until they can’t laugh anymore. Between our silly face poses and family snaps from behind us looking away, I hope baby boy is up for the family photo challenge each month. I keep saying I will get creative, find awesome locations, and style them better and each month reality hits and by the time we are all together somewhere to take a photo it usually is a home snap but I love them. It’s where make most of our memories and I daresay with three children in tow now it will only get more chaotic to take our snaps but after doing this family project for five years I just can’t stop now. I love looking back at them and seeing how much our family has changed from then to now.

Our first Me & Mine Photo below…memories.


4 thoughts on “May Me & Mine Family Project”

  1. Aww what a lovely family photo and you look amazing after only giving birth two weeks ago!! I love the matching stripes.

    Kay xx

    • Oh thank you so much hunny you are far too kind. We finally coordinated. I try each month but it never happens so at least our first of five it did. lol Probably won’t for a few more years again.


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