Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:35 am
I may not like the colder weather but with it comes the holidays ahead. There is nothing I love more than holidays. They fill me with so much happiness and high spirits. I love decorating the house for each one that comes: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
It’s been a crazy week and half solo parenting for this week. Mr P is on a golf trip to America. We can’t wait for him to return on Sunday and be together again. Back to our family adventures at the park and after school swimming, I can’t wait. It’s a funny thing parenting on your own. I big huge credit to those parents that do it day in and day out. Normally, it runs smoothly. However, this week, it’s gone completely wrong. From MM’s very first public meltdown slash tantrum of the century at the school gates, to us all waking up with coughs and snotty noses.
The up side of things going not so smoothly is that it makes me slow down a bit not by choice and be lazy. I have been sooo lazy this week. I normally am at the gym at least four times a week and I have only been twice and left early on one day. During the week, I normally work out business plans, catch up with emails and stay on task. I bring much have thrown all that out the window and have been binge watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix. Don’t judge until you have seen the first whole season, it’s addictive.
I am officially saying it Pretty Is – is pretty boring. I am struggling through the very last few pages but I hate not finishing a book. Then it’s on to my series of Me before You and After You. I have heard a few recommendations that these will keep me turning the page. I hope so. I have a few friends that have a few books for me to borrow that they have read and I am looking for a book that has me staying up late at night.
I have been catching up on my blog reading from a big break this summer. I think everyone seems to take a step back from reading blogs during the warmer months. I love how passionate Morgana, our lovely host is about feminism and writing How to Deal with mean Girls. We all need to help, support, guide, encourage each other. What’s the point of hurting each other. We can have different views and be ok with each other. We are adults, let’s act like it.
This week also marked my 3rd blog birthday. In some ways, it feels like I have been blogging forever and other ways it feels like I still don’t know a thing and I am just starting out. It’s been an amazing journey so far and I hope it long continues. In the short three years I have been blogging this space has grown and changes so much already. I can’t wait to see where the years ahead take me and this space. To celebrate, I am hosting a large Baby Bundle Giveaway for one lucky reader. I would love for you to enter below.
I am completely obsessed with Vampire Diaries. I am on season four and there has been so many twists and turns I am trying to keep up. It’s face pace which I love. I love the actors and actresses in it. I think that’s what makes the show so good. I am waiting for Mr P’s return we are in the middle of season one of Game of Thrones. We just had so many friends recommending it.
MM is showcasing what she has been wearing this week. I have been sharing my daily outfits on ig stories but didn’t have a good photo to share here. I love this Let’s Play sweater from M&S for MM. I wish it went to bigger sizes but it stops at size 6 years old. She wore it with a jean skirt and yellow tights the other day and I loved it.
I am back in the kitchen and it’s been so fun since I got back from America. I made this delicious Soup this week, I promise recipe will be up soon. I am working up a batch of soups, stews, and casseroles for you all to stock us up for winter and the coming holidays ahead.
I am loving instagram even with it’s changes it’s still my very favorite social media platform. It’s a little bit of every social media. You can search on it like Pinterest for cute kids clothes and unique shops. You can share on ig stories like mini youtube vlogs. You can share photos and blurbs about your day like facebook and twitter. It’s what I wake up with and go to sleep with. I started a lovely little community called #lifecloseup and it’s quickly become a place that cheers me up with so many new snappers joining in and the gorgeous zoomed in captures everyone is sharing. Here is this week’s favorite feature’s on Life Close Up.
Linking up with Coffee Work Sleep Repeat for #littleloves
Hello fellow Vampire Diaries obsessive! 😉 Our weeks sound very similar to be honest. My husband might not be in America but it sure feels like it, I think we’ve spent a total of one hour together this week, he’s been so busy with work. So yep, my evenings have been spent in bed bingeing Vamp Diaries!
Thanks so much for the mention, I think my post has resonated with lots of people this week.
Looking forward to seeing you next week xx
Oh it is addictive to watch isn’t it? Worried it’s getting a little out there though at the end of season five but we shall see what seasons six brings us. It’s hard when partners are busy with work and in life we seem to pass each other by even when we both are home trying to keep up with it all. I know that feeling too it’s just as hard babes. It was great to get a half hour catch up today we need a big one soon.
Only 3 years Jenny? Wow! It feels as though you’re a true blogging veteran. I must say, it’s so weird starting out with a new blog. I had forgotten what a hard slog it is to find readers lol! I’ve not watched ANY Vampire Diaries, Im clearly missing out 🙁 Well done for admitting that a book is boring and for not giving up! I’m told that you’re next two on the list are fab. Have you see the films? x
I should say it’s amazing to watch but it’s five seasons in and more to come and it’s taking over my life so far. hahaha I do love it though. I think it’s pushing too far for two more seasons but we shall see. I did finish the first book and watched the movie which was perfect matched to it so I love that. My mother in law borrowed second book so I just finished Katie’s book Hurrah for Gin. It was brilliant.
I can’t believe how grown up MM looks now, I still think of her as a baby and she isn’t anymore. Love her jumper!
Happy Blog Birthday! xx
Thanks lovely , I know I want the jumper in my size too. I was hoping they went higher sizes in little girls but it stops at 6 years old. Don’t think I can squeeze that one on. hahaha She really is getting so grown up. Three and a half now I can’t believe it how time flies by. Your little baby is growing up fast too though.
I might have to start watching VD again. I watched it a few years ago, but never finished it! That soup looks delicious. Solo parenting is tough – my husband works for the emergency services so I’m on my own a lot. I often find myself buying treats, to get me through! Enjoy your weekend xx
Nothing wrong with treating yourself when needed darling it keeps us all going. A happy parent is a happy child I say! Bless you. Yes, you should check it out again I didn’t think I would like it either.
i loved vamp diaries too! glad its coming to an end now though, think it went past its expiration date imo.
Oh I am still only on season 5 but at the end and feeling that way and also I want to get back to work, house chores and life. It’s taken over hahahaha I am so sad. The part about all the travellers though I think they took it too far.
Happy blog birthday, I didn’t realise. That soup just makes me want to dip crusty bread into it! MM looks so scrummy #LittleLoves x
Thanks KA I know I was gutted as I thought I had crusty bread at home when I made it to go in the shot! ooops Food styling error. But it was delicious tasting without it.
I’m a huge Vampire Diaries fan too! It’s addictive viewing; especially the delicious Damon. 🙂
I struggled with Pretty Is too and didn’t even finish the sample I downloaded to my Kindle.
I hope you’ve had a great week.
It just needed to have a big twist or something huge at the end or something to keep you wanting to find out what happened but it was boring. I haven’t admitted that about a book in a very long time. LOL Sometimes it just needs to be said. Although many might say that about my own book so each to their own.