Yellow fields of family fun

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:21 am

Yellow fields of rapeseed always take over the internet come late spring time. I love the beautiful yellow backdrop it provides for family fun even if it makes my new found hay fever go crazy. Yellow is my favorite color of all so it’s no wonder I love the rapeseed’s beauty so much. 

Lately, I have been trying to put my work down, cell phone away and do more random family adventures. The kind you jump in the car and have no idea where you are going and what you will be doing. Last week, while Daddy was at a golf tournament we decided to pick up Granny and take her on one of our random adventures. The kids love not knowing what we are doing and asking the million questions of where are we going. Granny thought I was a little crazy when I said we were going to drive to the “yellow fields” and play. But I knew that my kids would love running up and down the tractor tracks in the rapeseed.  She soon realized just how much fun it can be running in the yellow fields with the kids. We played hide and seek because the rapeseed was so tall it was over the kids’ head. Tall rapeseed doesn’t always make for great photos as it’s over their head but we captures a few here to share with you. I would love to someday have someone take a great family photo of us with rapeseed behind as I think it’s just stunning in photography. A sea of yellow what’s not to love? Oh yes, and those beautiful kiddie faces! 

Yellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photography

I think I love going here with my kids so much now (since we found it, we have gone a lot) because it reminds me of my own childhood and running through the farm fields with my cousins. While it wasn’t rapeseed, it was Christmas trees and the wheat field we still had a blast exploring outdoors when I was a kid. There is something so amazing about the free feeling a field gives kids. The world to them looks so much bigger and I can imagine running through rapeseed as a kid must seem like everything is jumbo size, like a forest to us adults. The surprised faces when we first found our first yellow field was amazing. I love now driving down the road and the kids shouting, “look another yellow field Mommy, let’s go play”. We made a whole afternoon of walking through a little town that was just gorgeous and down some lovely country lanes exploring together with Granny. Granny is from Ireland and loves the great outdoors as much as the kids so she loves coming on our outdoor random adventures. Yellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photographyYellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photography

B and MM were so cute together too. B held her hand running through the field and when a bee came near him and scared him, she quickly ran up and hugged him. They are so loving to each other with real affection lately. Kissing and hugging before bed and when they wake up in the morning. B always asked her, “did you sleep good MM?” at breakfast It really melts your heart. They may argue or fight over toys but most of the time they are concerned and making sure the other is right by their side. Even last night, Daddy told B off and MM jumped in and pointed at Daddy and said, “No Daddy” and ran off to her brother who was sulking on the slide. We shouldn’t have laughed but it was hilarious. Yellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photographyYellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photography

The kids were really excited that there were flowers that were taller than them. It almost made me nervous as they were running every which way away from me and hiding. But you couldn’t have missed their giggles and laughter through the rapeseed. It was a beautiful sound, I also think to record but too busy loving it to do so. It’s great to just let them loose and see what happens. They were really excited Granny was there with us too.Yellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photographyYellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photography

In true MM fashion, when the camera comes out so does her tongue, cheeky monkey. B isn’t bothered by the camera anymore he just keeps doing whatever his mind is focused on and he was loving the yellow blooms. If he could pick every flower he comes to he would. As we walked back to the car, up the country lane he must have collected five different bundles of flowers for us to take home. We put them in a vase on the counter and no matter how sick they made me with hay fever I couldn’t throw them away.Yellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photographyYellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photographyYellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photographyYellow fields of family fun Rapeseed field photography

I love random family adventures and when we can make them with extended family too. I am always trying to think of new things to do with the kids and new places to visit. We went on a caterpillar hunt the other day and then a train hunt. It’s like a game for us what are we looking for this week? It’s these little ordinary moments that are so fun and make the very best memories.  





130 thoughts on “Yellow fields of family fun”

  1. LOVE these pictures and you are so right that the yellow makes a wonderful backdrop! I am tots doing this with the kids this week (weather permitting) I think they will absolutely love it.

    I really feel some days I need to step away from social media / the phone and just forget it and make the most of these moments. Lovely post Jenny x

    • Thank you Mary, I know what you mean I have step away days too. Its always great to refresh and come back fully charged with adventures to share. Took this week off and it has felt a little strange, yup so you guessed it I am here replying to comments to at least keep caught up. lol

  2. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! I keep meaning to stop by one of the yellow fields but either the weather is awful or my son is asleep in the car! xx

    • Thank you. It was a lovely time spent together with mother in law with us and the kids running free through the fields. They all loved it as much as I did capturing it.

  3. Fantastic photos, Jenny. There are so many of those lovely yellow fields around North Wales and Chester, at the moment. They’re a joy to drive past. I haven’t taken the boys but maybe I should. I think they’d be astounded to see them close up.

    • Yes you should they would love it. The kids were literally mesmerized by the whole thing. Such a beautiful place to go play! I always thought they weren’t really around us and now I see them everywhere since we have been. lol

  4. What absolutely stunning yellow photos Jenny, my favourite is the close up on of Buba. They look like they are having so much fun in the fields. We haven’t made our annual trip to the rape seed yet but we will no doubt- we wouldn’t be very good bloggers if we didn’t haha! I love Missy Moo’s coat. x

    • I think it’s definitely a blogger ride of passage for sure. I wish I hadn’t gone so late in the year as it was way over there heads so hard to capture them up close looking near the camera or looking anywhere but the back of their heads. lol But Thank you so much we had a lovely day and so random too. I love those kind of days.

    • OH yes me too. My hayfever was going crazy for days afterwards and it was harsh on my throat but SOOO worth it. lol We really had a great afternoon.

    • Oh yes Becky it took three days to recover from my hayfever freak out afterwards. Silly me. I have never had hayfever before definitely not one for rapeseeds but they were too pretty not to run with the kids in. Thanks.

  5. Love the backdrop of yellow for these fabulous photos of B and MM. I have no idea how you held it together with the hayfever though x

  6. All of these pictures are just fantastic – your kids are adorable! Unfortunately I am massively allergic to rapeseed so there’ll be no playing in the yellow fields for Toby – unless he just goes with his dad!

    • Thank you so much. Oh yes I found out the hard way the rapeseed don’t like me very much either. Eyes were streaming for days afterwards. lol Worth all the fun and field play and especially those memories we made.

    • Thank you so much. I am in love with her pigtails a little too much haha I don’t ever want to not have them in at the moment. She looks so much more grown up. Yes it’s one of my favorites them hugging. They really are great friends as well as normal tantruming toddlers.

  7. Stunning photos, rapeseed fields are just amazing aren’t they, love the pics of the kids too. I’m sharing P’s shots of fields near us on the blog today, I love this time of year. Thanks for linking up x

  8. Beautiful Yellow Fields. I too have hayfever so I won’t be standing in many of these fields. At least I can see them as we travel to Yorkshire to visit my Grandparents next week and on the net….. of course! I totally agree… it’s great to put the phone/computer down and get out and about. I do as much as I can with my health which limits me……but we do have a lot of fun when we are out.

    Angela x

    Angela recently posted “My weekly Parenting Quote #2”

  9. Such beautiful photos Jenny and I love that you kids chased and giggled their way through them. Also really sweet that granny is up for you random adventures too! That photo of all three of you is gorgeous but how do you hold them both!! You are tiny, I struggle to do that with my twins 🙂

    • Hahah you made me laugh. I don’t know EVERYONE says that to me or asked me how I hold them. I am always carrying them both. Guess good kettlebell workouts do me good for upper arm strength. lol Thank you darling we really had a great time and the kids were so adventurous and curious too.

  10. Gorgeous bright yellow colours!! Really lights up the kid’s faces! Going to have to seek out some rapeseed fields I think! Xx #ShareWithMe

  11. Wonderful photos and I have to say that I love hearing about the relationship your children have. It is so lovely and reminds me a little of my boys when they were younger. My youngest used to run up and hug his brother when he was coming out of school assembly, he was so relieved to see him.

    • Oh my goodness that is so cute of your boys and I really hope that’s how it is for MM when B starts come September. I love it when they are close. My two remind me everyday of me and my brother that’s closest in age to me.

  12. what lush photos Jenny, so nice reading about your out and about adventures. You’ve reminded me about the bluebell woods which are stunning this time of year. #sharewithme

    • Oh yes that’s too funny I have been looking for bluebell woods lately for our next adventure, think I found one too. So beautiful. Thank you so much.

    • I can relate hunny this is my first year of hayfever and it’s been horrible and I was absolutely dying afterwards. Not fun when you want to explore the great outdoors at all. I know. Bless you. Thanks we still made the most of it stream eyes and all. lol

    • It does but so worth it I promise you. Easier if you take piriton before and eye drops and a little vaseline in your nose so it can’t go in it. Helps explore the great outdoors. I am a pro already and only first year of hayfever ever. lol It’s that bad.

    • Oh I love growing up in the woods and on the farm, same as me. It really is freedom on a different level to city kids. lol Thank you hunny.

  13. Your random outdoor adventures sound like so much fun and brought back memories of my own childhood growing up opposite a farm and running through corn fields. Rapeseed fields are so pretty and your pictures are lovely, particularly the one of your two cuddling – just adorable 🙂

    • Thank you Louise. They love giving hugs and kisses to each other. It’s so funny. Sometime one wants it more than the other but they are very loving I am so grateful for that.

  14. Oh I saw some of these from the motorway the other day. This amazing blaze of colour just caught my eye and I realised it was rapeseed. I’ve never explored through a field of rapeseed, what a fun idea. The photos alone are so gorgeous, definitely ones to frame. Thanks for hosting Jenny. xx

    • Thank you hunny. I was actually thinking of framing some for my living as the yellow would be great in that room. lol Love styling and matching photos with the decor of a room.

    • Exactly. I can always have fun without money with the kids. That’s what the little moments are all about and make the best memories. Thank you.

  15. I love how the yellow stands out so brightly on photographs. There is nothing better than random trips out with the children. I love going to the park

  16. Childhood is so awesome, and I love that we get to relive it through our kids. There is no better feeling in the world.

    JB and I go on adventures in the forest every day with our two dogs, and we love every minute!
    Thanks for hosting #sharewithme

    • My hayfever stopped me from smelling anything hahaha but rapeseed is not easy to get off your clothes. Learned the hard way not to wear nice things. It was so fun though. Thank you.

  17. Such beautiful pictures! I especially love the one where B and MM are hugging, so so cute. I hope my kids will grow to have such a lovely relationship. Love the yellow rapeseed fields, too, they remind me of my childhood, too! Must go and explore and find some somewhere near us! x

  18. These photos are beautiful Jenny. I was driving along on Monday and saw a rapeseed field and wanted to jump straight out of the car to photograph the children. I had my big camera with me, but my hubby gave me that knowing look haha, we were already on our way for a late lunch… he wasn’t happy at my thought process as he was hungry. This weekend though I am taking the children xxx gorgeous photos

  19. These photos are just lovely! You’re absolutely right: those meadows of rapeseeds are stunning! You are so lucky that you have some nearby. My daughter would love to run around in that same spot as you children do. It’s just so magnificent. Little adventures are fun, even more so when they’re unplanned and spontaneous. It’s lovely that you are able to do this with your children and family. Thanks for sharing this week, Jenny. Lovely to have you host us on #sharewithme!

    • Thank you Maria. I tried to find them last year and never saw any and for some reason after finding these and going a few times we see them everywhere. One of those things if you aren’t looking you don’t notice. But we loved it.

  20. Lovely pictures and all the yellow brings on thoughts of Summer! I love days out like this, and there are not enough of them! Just being with the little ones, and let phones, emails, dishes aside! xx

    • Most definitely leave the dishes and the electronics inside. We love to get outside and explore on our random family adventures. That’s what makes it so interesting too because we never know where we will go. lol

  21. I love these photos, your littles look so happy. Elsa would absolutely love playing in a field of flowers- she loves nature! My hayfever JUST reared it’s head for the first time this year today and I have not missed it! So far it’s not too bad so hopefully it won’t be a bad year for it. It’s so irritating, especially if it affects your eyes. Hope yours isn’t too bad for you. Have a lovely week xxx

    • First year I have ever suffered and boy am I suffering it’s awful. My eyes are constantly streaming and my head is full. Awful. Hope it’s a one off and I never deal with it again. lol But the rapeseed were worth streaming eyes for a few days. So much fun.

  22. What a fabulous set of photos, I adore the yellow fields too, will have to take my kids running in them too. I’ve been absent from SWM for a couple of weeks, just been so busy with family stuff. But it’s lovely to be back. Thanks as ever for hosting and good luck with the awards, you definitely deserve a place in the Final! xx

    • You are WAY too good to me Jess thank you sweetheart. I hope the very same for all the bloggers out there. It’s ok for being absent SWM will always be here for you when you have the time babes. Thanks for linking up and look forward to reading your post.

  23. As you say Jenny, what a stunning backdrop! I adore these bright yellow fields, they seem to be everywhere at the moment! That one of you too hugging is just gorgeous. x x

    • Most definitely agree there Brandyn because life is so hectic and busy sometimes and I think going out and doing random fun things that don’t cost a penny are the very best memories. I hope my kids remember their childhood and us just jumping in the car and going on an adventure.

  24. The photos are so clear and the smiles on their faces are priceless. It’s great that Granny gets to join in too (even if she was trying to avoid the camera!). Good old honest freebie fun. Glad you had a good day.

  25. Such beautiful photos and you can tell the kids were having so much fun! I’ve never just had a random adventure like that, I definitely need to be a bit more spontaneous like you! #sharewithme

  26. The Mother says – We have loads of Yellow fields near us too (they give me hayfever too!) and they are the perfect place for running around and just forgetting everything. They’re also a firm favourite with Ash too!! Lovely photos, especially the first one 🙂 #sharewithme

    • Oh I bet Ash is in heaven in a yellow field for fun. They do cause some mighty hayfever problems too though. Worth it for their beauty. Lol

  27. Oh wow you are just like me – we love going on random adventures and not knowing where we are going. It’s always so much fun! And it’s the simple things that kids love, like running around in a yellow field! Where is this yellow field by the way? The photos looks brilliant 🙂 #sharewithme
    Sabrina xx

    • The unknown is the very best part of an adventure. Kids love the simple life indeed and are so much more relaxed when it’s like that. We have hundreds of the yellow fields all around us near Manchester and Preston and towards Chester. Thank you.

  28. I also absolutely love random adventures, they always seem so much more fun! Fantastic photos – you’ve inspired me to go and find some yellow fields of our own.

  29. Such lovely pictures Jenny – the rapeseed really does make a lovely background. I hadn’t really seen anyone do this before but I was well aware of the lavender season last year and maybe I’ll make the effor to visit the lavender fields near my sister’s this year – all that running around looks like fun! 🙂 #sharewithme

    • Thank you ever so much Sam, we really had a great time. Loved running with them like I was a little kid too. We would love to do the lavender fields too. So beautiful.

  30. Great pics, Jenny! I think we would all benefit from taking more random family adventures – often it’s the days like this that end up being the most memorable.

  31. Sounds and looks like you had fun – great photos! There’s nothing better than a random adventurer – I used to love getting in the car as a kid and not knowing where I was going. Just stopping whenever we saw something cool. I plan to do the same with Baby L 🙂

  32. Love random adventures but with a 7 year old who, for some reason, has to know exactly where she is going or has panics, that can be a bit hard to do bit I really enjoy them! #sharewithme


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