Halloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl Costumes

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:40 pm

Halloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl Costumes

This year’s Halloween was fantastic.

The kids are at the age now where they are really getting into the holiday and wanting to get more involved in the various things that lead up to trick or treating. They picked out their own costumes this time which I loved that they still picked something that matched. Last year, they were Mickey and Minnie Mouse, then Popeye and Olive and the year before that Pebbles and BamBam. They are more like me than they know always coordinating themselves as much as I coordinate them. While it wasn’t the typical witch, zombie or vampire outfit that so many have commented on, I was still pleased to see how cute they looked all dressed up. Back home, we wear any kind of costume for Halloween because we don’t do birthday party costumes like you do in the UK. But I think next year, we might try a scarier option as they will be older and more into it.

Either way, it didn’t put a damper on our celebrations. We were in Spain the day before Halloween so we went with friends to a huge Halloween party. They had everything you could think of, Mummy contest, Face painting, a dress up room full of other costumes accessories, a kid’s photo booth, real spooky animal show with tarantulas spiders, wolves, crows, and more. Dancing and treasure hunts and all sorts of rooms full of games and fun to join in. It really was the best Halloween kids party I have ever been to.

We landed home early Halloween morning to go trick or treating at home. I love our neighborhood during Halloween. There are so many streets to walk up and down and you get to see all the neighbors you know with their houses all decorated. We even met some new friends this year that are in MM’s preschool class that we didn’t know lived on the next street to us. We got lucky, it was such a warm evening for October so we didn’t have to worry about how many layers could we fit under their costumes. The kids weren’t scared as much about costumes as they were last year. Even a scary clown mask that made my skin crawl turned out to be MM’s favorite costume of the night. Who would have thought? She kept telling the guy that’s the best mask ever. Wish I felt the same girl, I really do.

Halloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesHalloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesHalloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesHalloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesEach Halloween, whatever the kids gather we normally come home and put most of it back in our own bowl to hand out without them knowing it. And the rest they do a “witch switch” and get to trade the treats in for a toy. They love this game and I love that they aren’t eating scary amounts of candy for the next week or so. Or it’s not there tempting me too when they are at school.

I feel like every year it gets more fun to celebrate Halloween with the kids. This year we decorated our entire playroom and dining room with ghosts, spider webs and caution tape so it really felt like Halloween all month long. We made Halloween Snowballs that the kids help bake too. I love to get the kids involved as much as possible with decorating the house and baking festive food for whatever holiday or season it is. Halloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesHalloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesHalloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesHalloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl CostumesWe had such a great time for Halloween weekend with our friends in Spain and their friends too. Then coming home for some good old fashion trick or treating. I hope every year can run smoothly as this year and be as fun with great weather, a lot of fun and laughter. Wonder what the kids will dress up as next year?  Halloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl Costumes

Did you have a nice Halloween this year? What do you do to celebrate? And last but not least, what’s your favorite Halloween costume adult or kids?

To discover more about Halloween costumes please visit Blossom Costumes.


5 thoughts on “Halloween 2016 Batman and Batgirl Costumes”

    • Oh thank you so much. I know not very scary for trick or treating in the UK but we loved them and they picked it out so we had such a great time with it this year.


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