Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:39 pm
Happy Friday! As you read this, hopefully I am sat next to a pool in sunny Spain with a nice cocktail in hand. If the weather holds and the kids didn’t randomly catch a cold on the plane (like they always do). I love October half term in Spain the weather is still nice and it’s just what you need to soak that last bit of sunshine and store up before winter hits back in the UK. We always have so much fun with our friends we stay with and their three beautiful kiddos. The kids always get along so well which really helps make vacations way more fun and run smoother. The kids told me they are excited to not being wearing scarves and big winter coats. (I agree completely).
This past week has been a blur of errands and doctor’s appointments and even a hospital visit too. B cut the web between his ring finger and pinky quite badly and had to get stitches in it. So that has been fun keeping it clean, dry and safe from ripping back open. It’s hard to keep a child from opening his fingers when he is playing. Then of course, MM likes to follow her brother’s footsteps and leaned against the bathroom radiator and burned her bottom really, really bad. It’s still blistering, bless her. We ended the week before heading off to Spain by my double blocked tear duct. Not just in one eye because that would be getting off lightly but both my eyes. Wearing makeup and seeing clearly hasn’t been the easiest. Let’s hope for a calm and easy week in Spain with no accidents or no illnesses. I think we are all due! Don’t you?
I finally got around to ordering some more books from Amazon. I am obsessed with a good book in my hand I just can’t go for a Kindle yet. Since I have been deep in watching Game of Thrones and Vampire Diaries it seems I have gone a bit fancy with my reading. These two books were recommended by Jess over at Catch a Single Thought. She is the fastest and biggest book reader I know…her library is amazing and she is always recommending great reads.
Have you heard of 123 Friday? It’s an App! Who doesn’t love a new good app too? I know I do. This app has made life a lot easier as a blogger and as a huge photo taker. It’s a new storage app that stores all your photos, videos, and contacts with three easy steps. There is no hiding it in the sky where we can’t access it and never know what’s in it and what’s not been backed up. You can use it on your social media and you never have to have that horrible pop up that your “storage is full”. No one likes to see that but I know we all do quite frequently. There is also a bonus to using this app… come find out how you can earn money from 123Friday too.
It’s all about Game of Thrones for us…we are flying through it so you will be happy to hear me stop going on about it. It’s very addictive. I am always done with Vampire Diaries and boy did it take a weird turn but I am holding out until the end. I stay loyal like that. I used to love Grey’s Anatomy and towards the end when there were no more main characters left except Meredith I just didn’t love it anymore and yet I stuck with her until the bitter end. Literally!
This week, it’s gone really cold out. The bobble hats and scarves have all been pulled out, washed and ready to use. I am loving my bobble hat that my lovely friend Emma from Little Woods bought me for my birthday last year when we went to visit them. It went great this week with my matching colored skinny jeans and this tribal sequins sweater. I should have took a close up of the details sweater it’s lovely up close but hard to see here.
We finally revealed our Halloween Pumpkins for this year…it was a Gengar Pokemon and Paw Patrol Pumpkin party with these three pumpkins. I think they were the hardest ones I have ever done. Carving dog faces is not an easy task if you are not artistic in any way. Good thing I can follow dotted lines really good. I think my back and arms are still aching but the kids absolutely loved them when we finished! (I finished).
Another great roundup from my instagram community hashtag. Won’t you all come join these amazing feeds in sharing your life in zoom. They are so supportive and I love the engagement that happens over there. These instagrammers are some of my favorite snappers and week after week their photos are amazing. I wish I had a bigger grid to share more of them as I love all my #lifecloseup followers. Let’s get snapping!
What a lovely little catch up. I hope you have better luck in spain and enjoy the break xx
Yes, we did. It was relaxing and fun and the kids were so happy swimming and even a huge Halloween bash to send us back home. Just what we really needed.
Oh no, what a lot of things to happen in one week! I hope you’re all feeling better and had a lovely time in the Spain sunshine, it looks like you have been having fun over on your Instagram! I love a good reccomedation so keep a list from Little Loves posts, these look great. I can’t bring myself to use a kindle either, I love a book in my hands. My house is getting full though so I’m trying to use the library more. Hope you have a lovely week x
Popping over from #LittleLoves
Yes it certainly was a crazy, crazy week. Sometimes they are so packed I can’t wrap my head around them. I know I keep saying every time I read a #littleloves I need to write the books down that everyone recommends. I thought I would have read more on holiday but we kept it super busy as we were only there for four days.
Its turned so cold hasn’t it? Definitely bobble hat weather! You and Morgana got me hooked on Greys and yep, I am so with you on your feelings. I miss Derek, Izzy, George, Callie, Christina! I have stuck with it but its not the same! Love your pumpkins!
Hope your feeling better this week xxx
I’m not ready to swap books for a kindle either. Although I don’t read much at the moment. Love your pumpkins. I hope you enjoyed Spain.
Hope the kids are all better now. I remember reading this (lurking on my kindle rather than commenting) last week and thinking ouch! Loved all your Spain pics, makes me miss it when I see where we used to live. I’m sure your pumpkins get better every year! I’ve put those books on my list to read, they sound fab, quite Game of Thrones like, so I’ll no doubt love them. Have a lovely weekend x
Yes I think they will be haven’t sadly started them with being ill but nevertheless my goal is done by Christmas and that’s hard for me. lol Thanks for reading it again than my lovely can’t believe I forgot to link it up last week but worked out that I was too sick to write a new one this week. Silver lining and all. Happy Week ahead.
Oh bless you Jenny. Sounds as if you had a hell of a week before you went away. and coming home with bugs. Thank goodness you were all ok whilst on holiday, and got some much needed sun and rest. I love your bobble hat and it really suits you. I just don’t suit hats at all. Hope you manage to have an ok weekend, and fingers crossed for a sick free week for you x
Yes it really has been one of “those” weeks and unfortunately it fell on half term. I still don’t feel 100% but I have things to do and no one to do them. I guess we must be grateful it didn’t fall while we were away like it did two years ago. There is that for sure. I hate hats on me I think I look so weird in them to be honest.
I hope you had a lovely break and are feeling better, what cotton luck that you all become ill at the same time! We absolutely LOVE Game of Thrones, the most recent series was definitely better than the one before though. What a gorgeous roundup of photos too, I love joining in 🙂 xx
I hope you had a lovely break and are feeling better, what rotten luck that you all become ill at the same time! We absolutely LOVE Game of Thrones, the most recent series was definitely better than the one before though. What a gorgeous roundup of photos too, I love joining in 🙂 xx
We really did get the short straw this time sadly. What a waste of half term. Wish we just had stayed in school but it did make us stop and rest I suppose. Thanks lovely. We are currently watching season five but the start is slow its finally picking up again.
Oh my goodness you really have all been poorly, so glad to hear you are back on the mend, just a shame it’s back to routine. Thank you for including me in your round up honey X #littleloves
It’s not been a smooth ride this half term or lately for that matter but hoping that means we won’t have any hiccups come Christmas time. 🙂 Fingers crossed. A girl can hope can’t she?
Oh my days, you really haven’t had it easy have you?! I hope MM is better, B’s finger has healed and your eyes have sorted themselves out and you’ve been sunning yourself in Spain!! Your pumpkins are awesome – my eldest loves Pokemon too. Hope you had a lovely week away xx
Oh my word – sounds like you definitely deserve that holiday! Hope that by now, you are all having an amazing time. I love your pumpkins, you’re very good! #LittleLoves