My first time at BritMums Live 2014

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:59 am

BritMums Live 2014 is over! It came just as fast as it went. My bag is unpack and my goody-bag has been stripped of it’s goodies. It is impossible to list all that I have learned and all the amazing people I have met. I only wish I had had more time with each and everyone of you and for those I didn’t get a chance to meet, I hope I do next year.


I am so blessed to have found out that one of my real life friends is a blogger as well and to now get the chance to attend blogging events together. Morgana from Butwhymummywhy, has been a friend for a few years and it was only recently that we found out that we both blogged. It has brought us even closer as friends and I am so grateful to have a mentor like her to help me along the way. She is an amazing person, mother and wife and BritMums weekend just brought us even closer.  I really can’t thank her enough for everything. Love you girl!


I had met Katie from Mummy Daddy and me before at BlogOn in Manchester, but she was working the event and it wasn’t until this weekend did I get the chance to really know her. It was the first time I had met Lucy from Dear Beautiful who is so sweet and lovely from the moment I said hello. I really got a chance to get to know both Katie and Lucy and the four of us hanging out as a ‘double team’ was amazing. These three women are so inspiring, so caring, and I am honored to call them real life friends now too! You know when you just click with some people and the bond is instant? That’s how I felt with the four of us together so many common denominators between us all.

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Of course, I got to meet so many other amazing women/bloggers at BritMums Live. It was really exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. Alice from More Than Toast is a sweetheart and I had met her at BlogOn as well so it was nice to see a friendly familiar face among all the unknown too. It is always great to get to know more about you Alice, you are so special.

My lovely, lovely group of Share With Me girls and the #littleloves gang. I was so excited to meet you all in person. Emma from Life at the Little Wood, Sian from Potty Mouthed Mummy, Katrina from Cool Bananas and Morgana from Butwhymummywhy. You all are just as I imagined you would be, so welcoming and easy to get along with. I love when the blogger is exactly how they appear on their blog. I wish I had had more time to get to know each one of you! Next time!!!!

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I met Vicki from Honest Mum. I was very excited to meet her in person. I have been reading her blogs (she also has Mummys Got Style) since I started and love joining in her #TastyTuesdays linky. She has lived an adventurous life and even though she is Greek, her family and her remind me so much of my American family.

I also met Michelle for Bod for Tea. Michelle is such a sweetheart. I love her blog and it’s new look too. If you haven’t seen it pop over. She is lovely and even though I don’t get a chance to always comment on her blog I love reading it. I will do better Michelle! lol I promise.

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It’s always great to finally meet bloggers that I have followed from the very beginning, feels like you know them inside and out but have never met. The amazing Suzanne from 3 Children & It, and lovely Bex from The Mummy Adventure  are two bloggers I follow religiously. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they share their stories so beautiful of their lives and family adventures together.

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Here is a big group of us trying to get to know each other as much as possible in between speakers. I wish I had more time with more of my Share With Me linky regulars. I love you all so much for all the blog support! Kiran from Mummy Says, Elfa from Californian Mum in London, Katie from Hurrah For Gin,  Steph from Sisterhood and All That, Suzanne from 3 children & It, and Em from  Brummy Mummy of 2. We really had some good laughs together this weekend. Thank you!

Lauren from Real Housewife of Suffolk and Hayley from Shutterflies we so much fun. They made me laugh so much and we so lovely to meet. I love their blogs and their kiddies are so adorable. They were a fun duo over the weekend. Big hug to you girls.


The weather was amazing the whole weekend which made the beautiful garden area at BritMums Live come alive. The “double team” came out to catch some rays and fresh air here. Once again getting to know each other more and having a great time together. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to go to BritMums Live and not only learn but make long lasting friendship. IMG_9067

As I said above, the garden outside BritMums Live was beautiful. The wellie hanging baskets were amazing!!! What a creative idea! The flowers were stunning. It was a great area to mingle and enjoy the great outdoors.

To all those that I met but didn’t get a photo of, it was AMAZING to meet you and I hope next time I get a chance to spend more time with each one of you (and a photo to share). To all those that I didn’t get to meet, or may have walked by without knowing, I am so sorry, I really am not ignorant, it was all very overwhelming and I hope to meet you at the next blogging event. FoodphotographyCollageMy absolute favorite session was the Food Photography. I am obsessed with styling photos especially with my recipes. I didn’t have long as I wish I had to play around with all the food and props. Above are some I quickly came up with as we had to work in teams and let others play too. lol  I could have spent all day getting my creative juices flowing. If only I had as many props as they had there, I would be in food photography heaven, maybe one day. What do you think of some of the images above? Suggestions and advice are welcome! Below is my favorite setup that I did. I was impressed with how fast I came up with the idea as I looked over the prop table and the food table together. Hopefully I will keep improving.


Lucy from Capture by Lucy was another absolutely amazing session, I really enjoyed. I have had the pleasure of attending three of her sessions in the last three months, each one is more inspiring, packed full of more secrets and knowledge from her. She is truly amazing and so lovely to get to know over the last few months in person. (I am so proud of her for her award she definitely deserved it). She has helped me so much in my journey of photography and styling photos. I am in awe of all that she does.

All the sessions were great, and a few that were on at the same time I wish I could have attended both. I have a long ‘to do’ list now and have learned so much too. The speakers were amazing and so brave to get up in front of so many people and share their knowledge and experiences. Thank you!

ourroomOur hotel was awesome. Morgana did a great job picking it and it wasn’t too far from the venue. The style was right up my street and I only wish I had had the time to go around and take proper photos of everything.

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The best part of being away for two straight days, is the homecoming I received. I didn’t get home until 12:30 am so my kiddies were fast asleep. I couldn’t wait to wake them up and give them each a cuddle. It was the longest I have been away from them and although it was good for all of us, I missed them so very much. I can’t describe how amazing it felt to see their smiles and faces light up that morning and I call myself a writer.

See you all next year!

Thank you BritMums!  It was beyond a great weekend!

37 thoughts on “My first time at BritMums Live 2014”

    • Yes definitely next year girl and we will have to catch up more and hang out. I am sorry I didn’t get to speak to you more. You are just as lovely as I always imagined from your blog. Big hugs.

  1. Wow, you guys all look lovely! It must have been such an amazing experience to get to meet all the bloggers you follow 🙂 #whatsthestory.

    • Thanks Jocelyn, I really did. Learning so much and met amazing bloggers. Only wish I had more time to meet more and spend more time with each.

    • Oh thank you so very much. You both are as well! It was so lovely to meet both of you and get to know more about the bloggers behind the blog. Hope to see you again at the next blogging event. I could do with lessons from you too Kirsty on the photography and photographing kids. I am horrible at it. You are amazing at it. LESSONS NEEDED! hahahaha

  2. Lovely photos. I never seem to get any photos with people I meet.

    Didn’t really get to say hi, but I was surprised at how many people I did manage to catch up with. Definitely can’t wait until next year’s event.

    • Oh Emma I am so sorry we didn’t get to catch up and meet officially. I found it really hard to spend good time and get to know people and keep meeting others all around me. So many faces to recognize. lol I am awful at it. Next time shout at me to say hello. lol 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it.

    • Yes so amazing to meet you at BritMums this weekend. Really enjoyed it and you are just as sweet as you seem on your blog. Had a great weekend and I hope you did too!

  3. Sounds like u had an amazing time caught up with old friends and made new friends too. Your photos are amazing BTW I would have to say I like the cheese and grapes on the heart shaped board that’s really fab thanks for sharing your weekend experience.

    • Thank you so much for your lovely comments. It was a great time. I am tired but still wrapping my head around all that I have learned and who I all met.

  4. Sounds like you had an absolutely amazing time Jenny! The food photography sessions sounded super cool, I need to start taking better photos 😉 #whatsthestory

    • It was awesome. I wanted to play all day in there with all the food and all the props. This was just a few minutes of play. Imagine what I could have done with more. hahahaha I love it.

  5. Was so good to see you again. I think Saturday just went by in one big super fast blur for me. I wish I’d stayed that night now but will have to prepare a bit better next time!

    • It was amazing to see you again hunny. I felt the same. The whole weekend went by in a huge blur. Need two days of sessions and learning and about three days of socializing and meeting with people getting to know them all better. lol Next year a week long BritMums Live. hahaha

    • It was amazing to meet you hunny. Wish I could have got the chance to spend more time together. you are so lovely and sweet. I did have a fab weekend and next time we must spend more time together. 🙂

    • Oh I was on a list that in itself feels amazing, thank you. I know Fiona I am so upset I didn’t get to catch up with you. There was SO much going on and I was very overwhelmed and nervous. Next time just grab me or shout at me. hahaha I struggle to recognize faces a lot. So always need that extra hello dummy wave! lol Next year for sure darling!

  6. It’s strange that we you know so much about a person but have never met in real life. It’s great to actually meet and make a connection. I hope to go to some blogging events next year #whatsthestory

    • Yes do they are so fantastic! I went to three this year and hope to attend more next year. It’s a great way to learn, get inspired and make good friends!

  7. In love with this post!!!! Thank you so much for the comments, you are the most supportive blogger and the community is lucky to have you! I so wished I was there on Saturday!!! I adore your food photos!!!! Roll on next year xxxx

    • Definitely roll on next year. Of course, we all support each other, got to pay it forward and all! lol Hope that’s supportive and not stalker! lol I know we missed you for sure. Glad you like my BritMums roundup!

  8. great to meet you in the Morrisons lounge & then again at Euston! I’m loving your food styling pics & look forward to seeing more of that.
    See you soon! 😉

    • Oh yes it was absolutely amazing to meet you Helen and double time is even better. Will be blog stalking now! Lol glad you like the photos. Did u see my flaky apple cinnamon squares. The food styling was my favorite on those posted yesterday. Wish we lived closer u could cook and I could photo hahahah

  9. What a round up Jenny – amazing! I was also so sad that I didn’t get to spend more time with lovely people like you and meet those that I missed. It was just too short! I also LOVED Lucy’s sessions – so beautiful! A fabulous weekend and I’m sad it’s over 🙁 Our little selfie made my post too x

  10. Great round-up Jenny, sounds like you had the best time! It was a really great couple of days. So glad we got to meet although relieved you didn’t get a photo going on the weird faces I’ve already pulled! Lovely post, thanks for sharing with #whatsthestory

  11. Jenny it was an absolute pleasure to spend the majority of the weekend with you, Morgana and Lucy. Both Lucy and I were saying that we felt like we both came away feeling like we had found two kindred spirits in you and Morgana. Definitely need to go on a foursome date soon! 😉 You are just so lovely and supportive of everyone, as this post shows. I am glad you had a great first Brit Mums experience. And I completely agree that the best thing of all for me was waking up on Sunday and getting the biggest cuddle off my girls- it’s reinforced to me just how incredibly lucky I am to be their Mummy. x

    • Yes definitely next year hun. Thank you so much. Its a new obsession but one I am very much loving. Food photography and styling photos are taking over my life in a good way. Yes profiteroles all the way with powdered sugar on top what’s not to love.


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