A letter to HIM & HER in April

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:17 pm

A letter to him and her in AprilMy Dearest B,

Oh, my sweet boy, you lost your very first tooth. You continue to grow up at the speed of light. I don’t think I can keep up with my first born becoming such a big kid on me. You were my first baby bump, my first birth, my first everything. My parenting journey began with you. Everything experience was a first along the way. I watch you become more independent among your school friends. Doing bigger kid things with big kids and no longer needing your Mommy right by your side. It doesn’t stop me wanting to scoop you up and cradle you like I used too. You continue to make me proud of you though. I love nothing more than to shout it from the rooftops how great school has been for you. I love that you love it as much as I did as a kid. Homework after school is quickly becoming my “amazed” time with you where you show me everything you learned in school, everything you love about school than wow me with your amazing memory of it all.  It’s been such a great pleasure having a school boy in the house. You have changed so much in the last eight months or so in school. I think as parents your Dad and I have changed with you. You now call us Mom & Dad and get your sassy, kid attitude going with the head bobbing and the “what?” tone in your voice. I get little glimpse of what you may be like as a teenager. Oh, the fun won’t stop watching you grow up. 

Love, Mommy xo

A letter to HIM & HER in April

My Dearest MM,

You somehow are catching up with your brother. It seems you pass things faster, and earlier with a brother to follow around and copy. He has taught you so much without even knowing it. You now are fully potty training night and day. It’s a little sad to see you be such a big girl. Where has my last baby gone? You like to dress yourself in the mornings and pick out your clothes yourself. Your independence is amazing. You have always been so easy but lately we see a little tantrum here or there that you just have to win. You don’t give up easily either. Otherwise, you are the quiet shy one in the family. It’s definitely a different parenting needed when dealing with your shyness when I am so the opposite. Sometimes I forget to honor that you are not as confident in that way as your brother. It’s all apart of parenting learning how to parent different for each child’s needs. I am soaking up our time together as much as possible and soon you will be a school kid along the side of your brother. How did it go so fast? I never realized life could happen so fast but I am enjoying every moment of it while it happens with you baby girl.

Love, Mommy xo

Read letters to HIM & HER in January and February and March here.

28 thoughts on “A letter to HIM & HER in April”

    • Thanks lovely that’s so kind of you to say. I know I was told because he got his teeth early he will lose them all early. Feels way to early. How many times can I say too early. lol

    • I truly think so and they learn so much from their siblings just by watching, doing, and being around them 24/7 it’s lovely to watch.

    • Ahh I know what you mean. I look at pregnancy blogs and baby blogs and wish I had been blogging when I was pregnant with both of mine to document and capture it all. I am hoping to put these into a book someday for them both.

  1. Always such lovely sentiments to your children, Jenny. Thanks for always sharing these with us. It was lovely of you to host us on #sharewithme for another round. I’m sad that May will be your last in hosting, but excited to see who will take the reins next. Thank you for all your hard work, Jenny!

    • Ahhh thanks hunny, I think you are the only one that caught on to that. Yes after almost three years of it May will be my last month hosting it. Time to move on and let some else take over.

  2. This is so sweet! Are you keeping these letters scrap booked somewhere that you can show them all in when they get older? Imagine the treasure they’ll become once they become parents 🙂

  3. What a lovely read! Both your kids are so adorable… I’ve noticed that with my little girl as well, she has grown so fast trying to catch up with big brother, lol. Love the cutie photo of them! #sharewithme

    • Oh thanks lovely. It’s amazing to see the difference in the second one learning from the first. I can’t imagine if there was a third in there too how fast it would all go.

  4. Lovely letters, made me feel quite emotional! I love how different your children are, so like my own in that they are such different personalities and yet so alike in looks! Time really does go so fast, I swear it speeds up the older you get! #sharewithme

    • It definitely speeds up each year. I can’t believe it. Yes mine two look so so alike and yet their personalities could be more different. Funny how that works out.

  5. So sweet and such beautiful photos!! They grow up ridiculously fast don’t they?! Mia turned 3 last weekend and it seems no time since I was rocking her to sleep at a few weeks old! 🙂


    • Oh sad faces on them growing up so fast. MM turns three next month and I am no way prepared to say that out loud. How can that be? Wasn’t I just rocking her and feeding her.

    • Thanks Elle I hope they think so too when they get older and I give them all bound in a book to them both. It’s lovely just to document for myself and read back to how I felt at each stage.

  6. It’s so sweet that you are keeping this little diary for your kids. It will be wonderful for them to read when they are older. Perhaps when it’s time for them to have their own kids 🙂

    • I agree. Don’t think they would really care when they are teenagers or young adults but maybe once they have kids of their own to read it back would be nice. I have them all collected since I started blogging which is great.

  7. It’s amazing how different children are. Like chalk and cheese!

    Thank you for hosting #sharewithme over the last few years. Good luck with the next adventure

  8. Lovely! First tooth lost – what a milestone! My little one seems to do everything faster with a big sister to copy too! #sharewithme


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